Rob, sorry I have been out of pocket.
As far as organic soil/nutes ... Fox farm is the fav on this site (hydro shop/$). I'd say no nutes for the first month or until you go to flower with your setup. It's pretty well mixed and for a first grow, I would say just go with what's in the bag and keep it simple. Make sure you drill drainage holes in those buckets.
As far as your CFLs: 6500k for veg (18 hrs on 6 hrs off) and 2700k for flower (12 hours on/12 hours off) is the most accepted. You may want to throw a 3-1 mix in each way (1 2700k bulb for every 3 6500k bulbs during veg/opposite during flower) for added spectrum.
Unless you are going to raise and lower the shelf or the plants you need your lights mobile. CFLs probably won't melt anything, but it is best not to have them touching anything. They are fragile and break easily...full of mercury and other badness. For you, I suggest a cheap bathroom vanity (home depot $12) and to put y splitters in it unless you want to make your own fixture. Hang it with some light chain and s hooks. CFLs need to be 2-3 in off the top of the canopy due to their poor penetration. If you leave them far off the plants, you will have stretchy, thin, crappy and weak plants. You are going to want to keep your plants short, LST whatever...keeping the light close will help keep em short and bushy. Remember, they will will double to triple in height when you switch to 12/12. They take off! So budget height early on.
Watering: You should stick your finger 2 inches the dirt and water if its dry...avg is every 3 days. In the seedling stage, you may want to get a cheap sprayer and just mist the top of the soil every day to keep it moist (don't overdo it). Don't mist the leaves as it creates a magnifier and burns them. If you get a little on them it is ok, just don't mist the foiliage as a practice.