Newbie with a Rough Situation but a Hopeful Plan. Please Help!


Well-Known Member
Top it, LST it, whatever, just keep it short. Budget the height for when you go 12/12 vs the room you need in your set up.


Active Member
Ok so I'm working on building it. It's gonna be a very well built legit looking dresser.

Does it have a stronger smell when your drying and curing?

And I ordered from nirvana almost two weeks ago. Bout how long does shipping take for them? Should I be worried bout my seeds?


Well-Known Member
Ok so I'm working on building it. It's gonna be a very well built legit looking dresser.

Does it have a stronger smell when your drying and curing?

And I ordered from nirvana almost two weeks ago. Bout how long does shipping take for them? Should I be worried bout my seeds?



Active Member
Ok simple and quick answer. Nice.

What's the best way to dry and cure? I'm in an apartment so stealth is key. I'm thinking ill have a well ventilated box to hang them in. Store them in a closet and burn incense or something for the smell.


Well-Known Member
Ok simple and quick answer. Nice.

What's the best way to dry and cure? I'm in an apartment so stealth is key. I'm thinking ill have a well ventilated box to hang them in. Store them in a closet and burn incense or something for the smell.
If it is only a small amount, like an oz or two, get some ona, it will work for that


Well-Known Member
Ok so I'm working on building it. It's gonna be a very well built legit looking dresser.

Does it have a stronger smell when your drying and curing?

And I ordered from nirvana almost two weeks ago. Bout how long does shipping take for them? Should I be worried bout my seeds?
the stealth dresser is a classic, definitely good stealth
smell can be luck of the draw, for a small grow you should be good, but there the stinky strains
2 weeks for nirvana is nothing to worry about yet, give them another week or so, they'll probably show


Well-Known Member
I dry mine in the grow box itself. I just unplug the lights and hang on a string. Why not? I've already got ventilation. Not the most efficient if your trying to do perpetual grows or don't want to lose a week before the next seeds get started. The cure won't smell bad if you use Mason Jars.


Active Member
ah thanks. i looked up that ona stuff and it sounds great!

So what is the best soil mix for growing organic?

what should my shopping list include?
Best soil i can find
organic furtilizer. . .

whats the best combination and is there any brands that you guys would choose from all others?

i have no experience at this part. . .


Well-Known Member
i use MG Organic Garden soil, this isn't too popular here, though it can be made to work well
but organic growing is a good way to go, i found it much easier than the chemically pumped up soils, such as MG Potting soil


Active Member
Well should I use a soil mix or how does that all work?

I wanna keep it all organic and simple.

So do I make a mix of soil, perlite, vermiculite, and worm castings?

Or just soil with liquid organic fert?


Active Member
Well should I use a soil mix or how does that all work?

I wanna keep it all organic and simple.

So do I make a mix of soil, perlite, vermiculite, and worm castings?

Or just soil with liquid organic fert?
If you want to keep it organic and simple. Buy a pre-mixed organic soil of your choice from a hydro shop. I choose roots organics soil, and add a bit of fine perlite to it. 3 parts soil to 1 part perlite.

Most organic soils have ferts mixed in that will decompose over time, lasting you through veg possibly into flower, depending upon the soil. I have roots organics liquid organic fertilizer. Looks like a molasses sludge that smells like a farm full of bat shit.

On a side note. I am also growing in my apartment. I deal with the many challenges proposed like space, noise, odors, and pesky maintainance. I use my bedrooms closet with t8's, ventilation fan, and humidifier for vegetating. Then in the corner of my room I have a 4x4 x 7ft tall grow tent. Takes up a nice chunk of my undersized room, but I make sacrifices. Inside I have a 1000w HPS, cold air intake duct, an extremely powerful exhaust fan, 6 beautiful looking plants covered in nugs (and trichs of course), another oscillating fan to move air around inside, and a digital thermom/hygrometer. On the outside, the exhuast ends with a very large carbon filter. I can stick my face next to the filter, all I feel is warm air, absolutely not a scent of weed, until I open that tent.

But none of this would be going down if it wasn't legal, I am a medical patient mind you. I have maintenance in and out of my apt for bullshit reasons about once a month. It's real annoying. So far I have had one yet to come into my bedroom. Most lease contracts have a very clear cut statement about absolutely no possession, use, sale/distribution, or manufacturing of any drugs within the complex. I'd check your lease and think twice before a furnace filter change ends up landing you in jail for a year.

From the bits and pieces I've read from this thread, I think your vastly underestimating the requirements taken to grow [good] weed. I think you may come up disappointed and short towards the end for the time, money and trouble.

Lastly, if this has to be super stealth, won't the fake dresser with an awkward humming/vibration sound coming from within it be a dead giveaway?


Well-Known Member
like dan says, sound/vibe can be tough nuts
it can be done, just that it does take a good deal of testing and tweaking
think dry run for a while, no plant, just the bare grow chamber
your soil mix idea isn't bad, depends on the base soil you use, much depends on what choices you have at the local stores


Active Member
yeah the way my apartment is set up gives me a few advantages

first off i live in the ghetto
neighbors are weird, quiet and just dont wanna be bothered
my hallway always smells like whatever the neighbors are cooking/ smoking so as long as i keep some sort of damper on the smell, im fine.

sound isnt a problem. my apartment is really really old and the ceilings, floor and walls are a foot and a half thick concrete beams.
because its really old, we use hot water in the baseboards as a heating system and there is no furnace. only a boiler room which is straight below me. also makes a shit ton of noise.

i dont think my two computer fans are going to be bothering anyone. especially because i have a 55 inch plasma screen with a sound system in the same room and its always on.

im not planning on growing bob marleys weed. i have friends that have taken clones from others and just tossed it in a random bucket and tthrown it in there kitchen window and get decent (i said decent, not God sent) smokable weed.

basically this is all im doing right here, although mines a bit bigger and my shelf is being built by a carpenter.


Active Member
yeah the way my apartment is set up gives me a few advantages

first off i live in the ghetto
neighbors are weird, quiet and just dont wanna be bothered
my hallway always smells like whatever the neighbors are cooking/ smoking so as long as i keep some sort of damper on the smell, im fine.

sound isnt a problem. my apartment is really really old and the ceilings, floor and walls are a foot and a half thick concrete beams.
because its really old, we use hot water in the baseboards as a heating system and there is no furnace. only a boiler room which is straight below me. also makes a shit ton of noise.

i dont think my two computer fans are going to be bothering anyone. especially because i have a 55 inch plasma screen with a sound system in the same room and its always on.

im not planning on growing bob marleys weed. i have friends that have taken clones from others and just tossed it in a random bucket and tthrown it in there kitchen window and get decent (i said decent, not God sent) smokable weed.

basically this is all im doing right here, although mines a bit bigger and my shelf is being built by a carpenter.
2 23w CFL's will be lucky to yeild you a half oz, let alone 43g.


Well-Known Member
6 26w's ought to provide some good results, as long as every thing else go well
i get about 1/3 gram/watt yield for 78w of cfl's, best result was 1/2g/watt


Active Member
yeah i was planning on doing eight but after i bought the bulbs i noticed that they wouldnt fit because they were too long. so i might opt for some mini ones in the blank spaces where they can fit.

recommend any mini bulbs to throw in there? maybe two of a different spectrum?


Well-Known Member
i have had very good luck vegging with 5500k cfl's, they amaze me with the vigor of foliage
many like 6400k for veg, other than that the 2700k a very good for flower
check out your temps first with the 6 26watts, you may find things become warm very quickly
heat = stretch, you may get better results with a bit less light and lower temps


Active Member

By rdkindle at 2011-01-14

By rdkindle at 2011-01-14

By rdkindle at 2011-01-14

By rdkindle at 2011-01-14

Here is the basic frame and then the shelf with the fans will go around it.

in the back will be a door with a lock and hidden hinges

the only thing sticking out from the side (but will be hidden by my couch) will be the carbon filter.