Newbie needs advice

Hmm... autos in peat pots. I think I'd cut the bottoms off those gently and ease them into some 3 or even better, 5 gallon fabric pots. Tap root is gonna bottom out in there within a week I'd suspect. I've heard and read that when the tap root encounters resistance, it can factor in to earlier flowering. Maybe it's bro science but prolonging the transition is desirable imho.
Guys... I think my seeds are dead... (I need crying laughing emoji for this one) It's been 5 days and nothing yet... In a rush of "hysteria" yesterday I started carefully digging in one pot and I could not even find the seeds...

I think I will plant the rest of the seeds but in a different medium. I will however wait a little bit to see if maybe something sprouts but somehow... Deep down in my heart... I feel I fucked them up... :(
i get a lot of females, why, because i read a book about growing cannabis and it stated to use 9" pots to germinate seeds into.
auto's do better in larger pots, so you don't disturb there growth rate
if you can't find them, they probably rotted, try useing less water in your soil
i get a lot of females, why, because i read a book about growing cannabis and it stated to use 9" pots to germinate seeds into.
auto's do better in larger pots, so you don't disturb there growth rate
if you can't find them, they probably rotted, try useing less water in your soil

Yeah, I think the issue is that the soil is too compact and wet... I mean... For some plants it was fine, but obviously not for weed seeds...

Oh well...
i fill the pots from the bag of potting compost, plant the seed about 1/4 " deep, turn the tap on, cup my hand, fill with a bit of water and dribble it down my fingers untill the soil's damp, then it go's into a warm place (airing cupboard) or it go's under a 70watt metal halide bulb in a box i made. then every two to three days i water them again, just repeat untill they pop. then i put them through the wet then dry period as they grow
what soil you useing?

I used a mix of flower potting soil, homemade compost and perlite. The water runs through the soil nicely but it is very moist. As I have said, I will wait a little bit to see if something happens but I have a bad feeling...
get a small bag of seed and potting compost for seeds, those other bits n bobs are great for growing, but not the best for germinating
where you from? usa

I am from Europe. :)

Yeah, I think it would have been better if I used a different medium to germinate but lesson learned.

BTW, I have just noticed that one seed came to the surface. I think it will sprout. :grin: Maybe others will follow too.
I am from Europe. :)

Yeah, I think it would have been better if I used a different medium to germinate but lesson learned.

BTW, I have just noticed that one seed came to the surface. I think it will sprout. :grin: Maybe others will follow too.
See if u can get jacks magic thats a not bad compost peat blend with some seaweed in it too or something similiar to it if you feel yours aint up to the job
@Jeffislovinlife Yeah, I bought those couple of days ago and will plant rest of the seeds there. :grin: I used those the first time I grew and should have used it now but I guess I like to complicate my life. :lol:
many of us have been there, as soon as you treat it like the weed it is, the better you will get on with it.
ive been hearing good things about germinating in coco, you could try some next run, it's cheap enough
congrats on your pip popping