New Zealand to change gun laws

Will the US ever get serious about effective gun control?

  • Yes, the will of the majority of people demands it

    Votes: 8 25.8%
  • No, the NRA and the gun lobby will never allow it

    Votes: 23 74.2%

  • Total voters
Since when did shovels start selling for $10k? Man, if you're saying shovels will sell on the black market for $10k ea, maybe they should be banned. I'll see the lot of you over on Digitup after prohibition! :eek:

you have an assault shovel? is it a full auto assault shovel? sawed off handle? high capacity magazine?
did you get the shovel silencer? or the bump handle?
hes just stating the historical fact that australia was founded as a colony for pedos, rapists, thieves, and otherwise scummy assholes.
Hey, I have family that was interned there, and they weren't rapist or pedo's, maybe thieves, I'll grant you that, but they only stole from the English, so all is good in God's eyes.
Projection sarcasm is the funniest to spot

I’m happy to see you find it funny. I find you funny too. Maybe we should be lovers.

Pffft who cares about you. You cannot debate shit. You just attack.

Anycase, my life is better than yours and i’m not like you, so no insults from me.
'Neurotic to the bone, no doubt about it."

'Sometimes I give myself the creeps. It all keeps adding up, I think I'm cracking up....'.

Oh everyone should know about your obscure references. Can’t you write something without these: ‘ ‘

Do you have a voice of your own.

By the way if you are quoting someone, thats the wrong one to use.
Yes I believe it's the people, a school was never shot up and the only gun violence was criminal vs criminal back when I was in school. We just did not have mass shootings like today.
if you look back, it was VERY rare for anything like this to happen before the 1980s...
in 1949 a vet killed 13 people while walking down the street in Camden NJ, the Texas tower shooting in 66, the Easter Sunday massacre in 75...then you hit the 80s and there are 22 major incidents between 82 and now...
is it a coincidence? or is that about the time society started turning to shit? the rise of the "anti hero" , the collapse of family values, the beginning of "antisocial media"...
Well, this a OP that is working well, if I must say so myself.
Good arguments made from every aspect.
But, it's time to harvest for me, so I'm outta here for now and this is the 1st lamb to the slaughter.(Super Silver Haze, shit pic, my phone sucks)


See, I actually do grow (not like most, me thinks)

See ya later amigos, and please remember, we're all here on this site because we are basically kindred spirits, ones that are not boxed in by societies declared norms, so please leave the fuck you's at the door.(Let the Republicans do that shit, we're better than that)

That would be nice. :)
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Well, this a OP that is working well, if I must say so myself.
Good arguments made from every aspect.
But, it's time to harvest for me, so I'm outta here for now and this is the 1st lamb to the slaughter.(Super Silver Haze, shit pic, my phone sucks)

View attachment 4303142

See, I actually do grow (not like most, me thinks)

See ya later amigos, and please remember, we're all here on this site because we are basically kindred spirits, ones that are not boxed in by societies declared norms, so please leave the fuck you's at the door.

That would be nice. :)

Wish you a bountiful harvest. Looks delicious.
That's why they created Police Forces to begin with.

Police forces were created to make sure freed blacks didn't have guns and expanded later on so blacks and hippies could be put in jail for smoking weed.

Now they exist to ensure revenue collection for the pensioners and parasites and to beat up kids at government indoctrination centers, cutely known as "schools".