New Zealand to change gun laws

Will the US ever get serious about effective gun control?

  • Yes, the will of the majority of people demands it

    Votes: 8 25.8%
  • No, the NRA and the gun lobby will never allow it

    Votes: 23 74.2%

  • Total voters
i own three firearms, and have never shot anyone. they're fun to shoot, at targets...and i used to hunt, for food, not trophies, before my health deteriorated. i own a bow, and have never shot anyone with it...same deal^
i've practiced martial arts for 25 years, wado ryu and escrima, i can fight pretty effectively with a rope, a belt, a stick, a staff, or my hands and feet...
objects are inert...the intent of the user makes them harmless or harmful...
there are acceptable uses for firearms, and unacceptable uses...
there are some weapons that are acceptable, to me, anyway, and some that aren't....a pistol, shotgun, or rifle that hasn't been modified to kill people expressly...that has a moderate ammo capacity, and a reasonable rate of fire, are acceptable to me.
ammunition that hasn't been designed to penetrate police body armor is ok...ammunition designed to cause maximum damage isn' reason any private citizen needs any of that...targets don't wear armor, and doing maximum damage to the deer you're hunting is counter productive...
trust me, if you end up having to shoot an intruder in your home, 6 rounds of ball ammo delivered with a steady hand to the main body mass will put them do not need 34 rounds of silver tips interspersed with jacketed steel slugs....why not throw some WP rounds in there?.......and a small tactical nuke?
When I was around around 12 my buddy and I would walk the RR tracks hunting rabbits. On cold days they are tough to kick out and shoot on the grown up sides of the tracks. That day I took my recurve bow. I would use target arrows and catch them sitting and pin them to the ground with an arrow. Then go over and break their neck and put them in the back of my hunting jacket. That day a covey of quail flushed and my buddy had a .22 that day no shotgun. I flung an arrow into the covey. Got one. Pure luck. I see him now and again and he always brings it up. Now people pay to hunt for quail on farms that hatch them and release for the day. Too many ferrel cats city people toss out now for quail around to survive. Oh yeah. Another use for guns. Ferrel cats...
i own three firearms, and have never shot anyone. they're fun to shoot, at targets...and i used to hunt, for food, not trophies, before my health deteriorated. i own a bow, and have never shot anyone with it...same deal^
i've practiced martial arts for 25 years, wado ryu and escrima, i can fight pretty effectively with a rope, a belt, a stick, a staff, or my hands and feet...
objects are inert...the intent of the user makes them harmless or harmful...
there are acceptable uses for firearms, and unacceptable uses...
there are some weapons that are acceptable, to me, anyway, and some that aren't....a pistol, shotgun, or rifle that hasn't been modified to kill people expressly...that has a moderate ammo capacity, and a reasonable rate of fire, are acceptable to me.
ammunition that hasn't been designed to penetrate police body armor is ok...ammunition designed to cause maximum damage isn' reason any private citizen needs any of that...targets don't wear armor, and doing maximum damage to the deer you're hunting is counter productive...
trust me, if you end up having to shoot an intruder in your home, 6 rounds of ball ammo delivered with a steady hand to the main body mass will put them do not need 34 rounds of silver tips interspersed with jacketed steel slugs....why not throw some WP rounds in there?.......and a small tactical nuke?

Ok you have guns. And you claim they are perfectly fine on their own. I’ll not say that guns are evil. No guns are just objects. I agree. But they indicate a threat of violence. The problem is if you are entertained by violence, and if you are considering shooting practice a fun activity, you are, then how can you considered to be a truly peaceful person is what i’m asking.

Bow and arrow. Fine. If you can do it, go hunt with it. Just to eat. Much more honorable than taking a majestic lion down from the safety of suvs and other sidearms. Also, you don’t need to take 6 shots to kill someone. Flesh is a pathetic armor for your organs. 1 bullet to the chest. Thats it. But again, if a person is there to rob you or if you are worried about your life and possessions, that means there is a problem with the system.

Why don’t you feel safe in this capitalist paradise? Instead of arming ourselves why don’t we try to eradicate injustice in the world?

Guns will not solve anything. It may make you “feel” safer but it’ll also cause the people commiting the crimes to get armed. Because they’ll know there is a good possibilty of you owning guns. So threat of violence will produce violence in the end. So this perceived safety is actually what puts your true safety in jeopardy.
When I was around around 12 my buddy and I would walk the RR tracks hunting rabbits. On cold days they are tough to kick out and shoot on the grown up sides of the tracks. That day I took my recurve bow. I would use target arrows and catch them sitting and pin them to the ground with an arrow. Then go over and break their neck and put them in the back of my hunting jacket. That day a covey of quail flushed and my buddy had a .22 that day no shotgun. I flung an arrow into the covey. Got one. Pure luck. I see him now and again and he always brings it up. Now people pay to hunt for quail on farms that hatch them and release for the day. Too many ferrel cats city people toss out now for quail around to survive. Oh yeah. Another use for guns. Ferrel cats...
kids having fun with a 22 and a bow...not doing drive bys, not robbing anyone, not shooting kids in a school....and feeding their families while they're doing it....but no...cellphones games with exploding birds and pigs is so much better for them....
Ok you have guns. And you claim they are perfectly fine on their own. I’ll not say that guns are evil. No guns are just objects. I agree. But they indicate a threat of violence. The problem is if you are entertained by violence, and if you are considering shooting practice a fun activity, you are, then how can you considered to be a truly peaceful person is what i’m asking.

Bow and arrow. Fine. If you can do it, go hunt with it. Just to eat. Much more honorable than taking a majestic lion down from the safety of suvs and other sidearms. Also, you don’t need to take 6 shots to kill someone. Flesh is a pathetic armor for your organs. 1 bullet to the chest. Thats it. But again, if a person is there to rob you or if you are worried about your life and possessions, that means there is a problem with the system.

Why don’t you feel safe in this capitalist paradise? Instead of arming ourselves why don’t we try to eradicate injustice in the world?

Guns will not solve anything. It may make you “feel” safer but it’ll also cause the people commiting the crimes to get armed. Because they’ll know there is a good possibilty of you owning guns. So threat of violence will produce violence in the end. So this perceived safety is actually what puts your true safety in jeopardy.
i'm trying to walk down the middle of the road...there are people who can own and use guns responsibly...and there are criminal fucks who will use them to commit more crimes...the easiest way to make sure the criminal fucks don't have access to weapons, is to get rid of all of the weapons...except the criminal fucks, the very people we don't want to have weapons, are the least likely to voluntarily give up their weapons...the most likely to hide them, to hide reloading equipment, and sell the stuff to each other on the black it'll take years to get it all out of circulation.
meanwhile, the millions of responsible former gun owners are denied access to guns, while the criminals are still armed, for the most part. i can see people getting shot in robberies, home invasions, and knee jerk responses...which will cause a huge amount of unrest, and possibly cause the whole process to crash to the ground, as people seek guns, any way they can get them, to protect themselves from the still armed criminals....
none of this is don't wade into the middle of the biggest wallow on the pig farm without getting muddy.

Why don’t you feel safe in this capitalist paradise? because a lot of people would kill me if they could, because i come from this country, because i don't believe the same religious dogma they do, because i sometimes wipe my ass with my right hand instead of the left......
Instead of arming ourselves why don’t we try to eradicate injustice in the world? good idea, i'll just hang onto my guns till everyone else gets rid of theirs first....send me an agenda on that whole eradicating injustice thing, let me know what to bring for lunch

sorry, don't want to sound like i'm not taking you seriously, i am, and just don't have any answers for i told hydronozzle...this shit ain't easy, and glib answers don't mean shit
Thank you for asking a polite and reasonable question.

I am a peaceful person, I have a few guns. Being a peaceful person means you don't initiate OFFENSIVE FORCE, it doesn't mean you will not use DEFENSIVE force to repel offensive force. A person who won't use defensive or offensive force, is a pacifist.

Not all peaceful people have guns, gun ownership isn't the defining characteristic of whether a person is peaceful or not. Using offensive force is the defining characteristic if a person isn't peaceful .

If you are a peaceful person and another person comes to you and begins shooting at you, while you were minding your own business, which person broke the peace ? Would it matter if the person shooting at you was a cop?

Ok but again the guns and the threat of violence is what initiates the violence.

That guy who starts shooting at me, where did he get the gun?

Why is the police shooting at me? This is a concern that can only be answered by choosing competent people as civil servants and not letting stupid racist people to become police officers or brainwash these people with right wing racist ideologies.

Truly peaceful people should be pacifist in my opinion.
kids having fun with a 22 and a bow...not doing drive bys, not robbing anyone, not shooting kids in a school....and feeding their families while they're doing it....but no...cellphones games with exploding birds and pigs is so much better for them....
Kids having fun.? Lucky he didnt spin around and put that arrow into his buddies chest!!
i'm trying to walk down the middle of the road...there are people who can own and use guns responsibly...and there are criminal fucks who will use them to commit more crimes...the easiest way to make sure the criminal fucks don't have access to weapons, is to get rid of all of the weapons...except the criminal fucks, the very people we don't want to have weapons, are the least likely to voluntarily give up their weapons...the most likely to hide them, to hide reloading equipment, and sell the stuff to each other on the black it'll take years to get it all out of circulation.
meanwhile, the millions of responsible former gun owners are denied access to guns, while the criminals are still armed, for the most part. i can see people getting shot in robberies, home invasions, and knee jerk responses...which will cause a huge amount of unrest, and possibly cause the whole process to crash to the ground, as people seek guns, any way they can get them, to protect themselves from the still armed criminals....
none of this is don't wade into the middle of the biggest wallow on the pig farm without getting muddy.

Why don’t you feel safe in this capitalist paradise? because a lot of people would kill me if they could, because i come from this country, because i don't believe the same religious dogma they do, because i sometimes wipe my ass with my right hand instead of the left......
Instead of arming ourselves why don’t we try to eradicate injustice in the world? good idea, i'll just hang onto my guns till everyone else gets rid of theirs first....send me an agenda on that whole eradicating injustice thing, let me know what to bring for lunch

sorry, don't want to sound like i'm not taking you seriously, i am, and just don't have any answers for i told hydronozzle...this shit ain't easy, and glib answers don't mean shit

I don’t agree with your predictions. In an unarmed society i don’t see petty criminals going after acquiring weapons to rob houses. The ones who will acquire guns will be far bigger and terrible criminals which should be dealt by the police. When i say police, i don’t mean racist right wing assholes owned by the crime lords tho.

Yeah its an utopia to eradicate injustice and it’ll stay as an utopia until people starts working towards it. Capitalist system needs to go. Human labour will become obsolete in the next decades. What will happen then? When people literally can’t find any means of earning money to sustain themselves. What will happen to america with its anti-communist and anti-socialist right wing doctrines? And those doctrines are in place to protect the rich rather than citizens. Injustice and inequality will only deepen. Just elect good people so they can mend the gap between the poor and the rich.
Ok but again the guns and the threat of violence is what initiates the violence.

That guy who starts shooting at me, where did he get the gun?

Why is the police shooting at me? This is a concern that can only be answered by choosing competent people as civil servants and not letting stupid racist people to become police officers or brainwash these people with right wing racist ideologies.

Truly peaceful people should be pacifist in my opinion.
NO...PEOPLE initiate the violence..whether they have guns, knives, or sticks with nails in the end....the guy who chases you with a stick, where did he get the stick?, it's not the same as a gun, he has to actually catch you, but the fucker is still chasing you....

why is the police shooting at you? that's a question for a whole other thread......

how many truly peaceful people do you know? push a few of them, smack one or two in the face and see how many of them remain peaceful, and how many push you back, or knock you you'll be surprised.
has it ever occurred to you that there have been many truly peaceful soldiers? do you think every one of them is out there grinning while they're killing the enemy? do you think they all sleep well at night, at peace with what they did in war?
you're trying to attribute human nature to weapons...take away all the weapons and we'll still kill each other however we can, it'll just take longer to get the job done. we haven't taken that evolutionary step yet, the veneer of civilization is still very thin on most people, scratch it and you can see the animal underneath
I started buying them 25 years ago when they were still affordable
I shoot left handed, and the only 2 manufactures of left handed bolt action rifles are/were Remington and Sako, and I chose Sako (around 35 years ago).
Remington makes good guns, but a Sako .270 Winchester (fabulous bullet) rifle, is in a class by itself.
I can shoot the wings off butterfly's at 200, no problem :)
Same goes for straight people. Are you against gays??
i don't like people in general, because a depressing number of them are hateful, spiteful, mean spirited little pricks....and i'm pretty much the same person in the world as i am here...very little tact and very little patience for stupidity, or hateful, spiteful, mean spirited little pricks....
but my selection process doesn't include age, gender, or sexual preference....
Ok but again the guns and the threat of violence is what initiates the violence.

That guy who starts shooting at me, where did he get the gun?

Why is the police shooting at me? This is a concern that can only be answered by choosing competent people as civil servants and not letting stupid racist people to become police officers or brainwash these people with right wing racist ideologies.

Truly peaceful people should be pacifist in my opinion.

What initiates violence, "offensive force" is a person(s).

A gun is an inanimate object and gathers dust until a person uses it. A sword is an inanimate object. A lead filled dildo is an inanimate object (do they even have those? )

The guy who starts shooting at you could be a cop or a thug, but I repeat myself.
He's shooting at you, because he has made an inanimate object into a weapon of offensive force.

Putting competent people in an incompetent system to carry out contradictory things will not change the nature of what is really happening.

Truly peaceful people would not use guns to disarm peaceful people. A pacifist is a statistic waiting to be tallied.

I shoot left handed, and the only 2 manufactures of left handed bolt action rifles are/were Remington and Sako, and I chose Sako (around 35 years ago).
Remington makes good guns, but a Sako .270 Winchester (fabulous bullet) rifle, is in a class by itself.
I can shoot the wings off butterfly's at 200, no problem :)
i can't help it, every time i look at that avatar i just hear "FECK!...Where's the whiskey!?".....
i don't like people in general, because a depressing number of them are hateful, spiteful, mean spirited little pricks....and i'm pretty much the same person in the world as i am here...very little tact and very little patience for stupidity, or hateful, spiteful, mean spirited little pricks....
but my selection process doesn't include age, gender, or sexual preference....
Hmmm, I don't know why people would be like that to you!??
NO...PEOPLE initiate the violence..whether they have guns, knives, or sticks with nails in the end....the guy who chases you with a stick, where did he get the stick?, it's not the same as a gun, he has to actually catch you, but the fucker is still chasing you....

why is the police shooting at you? that's a question for a whole other thread......

how many truly peaceful people do you know? push a few of them, smack one or two in the face and see how many of them remain peaceful, and how many push you back, or knock you you'll be surprised.
has it ever occurred to you that there have been many truly peaceful soldiers? do you think every one of them is out there grinning while they're killing the enemy? do you think they all sleep well at night, at peace with what they did in war?
you're trying to attribute human nature to weapons...take away all the weapons and we'll still kill each other however we can, it'll just take longer to get the job done. we haven't taken that evolutionary step yet, the veneer of civilization is still very thin on most people, scratch it and you can see the animal underneath

No threat of of violence, starts the violence. If you have no reason to feel threatened you don’t need to initiate violence.

Personally, i believe killing another human is a choice so i don’t feel any compassion for soldiers. Who are professional murderers. Nothing more.

I have been tear gassed and severely beaten by the police. Several times. And i’m still a pacifist.

Human nature is a blanket excuse to cover how despicable we have become. Most of our acts don’t relate to nature in anyway. We actually spent centuries trying to distance ourselves from the animals. At the point we arrived, we are not superior in anyway and actually we have become the lowest form of existence besides our technological advancements. This is a reversible process in my opinion. We should lift the threat of violence and the need for violence and work towards a better world. Thats my view on the subject.
Hmmm, I don't know why people would be like that to you!??
they're like that whether they're aware i'm there or not...i've spent a long time watching other people, and as far as i can tell, about 50% of people aren't worth pissing on if they're on's just hard to tell which 50% until you get to know them.
No threat of of violence, starts the violence.
this makes no one killed each other before they had firearms? so the crusades were fought with nerf swords, and the 1.7 million that died in the first crusade laughed themselves to death? the cavemen who got beaten to death with antelope thigh bones, they actually died choking, and those other cavemen were trying to knock the piece of meat loose with the antelope bone?
people start violence, they've done it forever, and they'll do it for a good site longer before we grow out of it...and it makes no difference what we're holding in our hands when we do it...a fist, or a rock, or a spear, or a pitchfork, or a sword, or a gun...its the hand holding it, not what's in the hand....