Picture intensive update! Bear with me Promised info coming up.
I started freezing my organics, not to cut down on the smell but because they process into a slurry much easier when frozen. Once shredded into a slurry they defrost almost instantly.
Here's about 2 days organics from my house and the house across the street (my in laws)

It makes about a gallon of slurry

To a gallon of slurry I've added (only once every couple of weeks) 2 cups of shredded paper, 2 cups of perlite, a decent handful of coco coir, a teaspoon of greensand and a teaspoon of pyro clay. (pyro clay feeds the good fungi who break down the organics for the worms to eat. )

Once that's all mixed I add about 8 ounces of water (distilled usually)
It goes into a part of the bin where I've scraped back the existing castings, I bury the slurry with castings, cover with newspaper and slide back under the table out of the way. Tomorrow or the next day 99% of the slurry will be gone and turned into castings. The lighter coloured mess is slurry. The darker, the last batch of slurry turned into castings.
In this last image is shredded cauliflower that I put in almost a week ago. for some reason it's not breaking down and therefore they aren't eating it. If it hasn't started breaking down in a couple more days I'm going to dig it out and discard it.
Hope you like it. I"m still excited as hell about this whole process.