New mandate for drunk driving detection in all vehicles

The midst of the dig. Now the dig is done and all that traffic is downstream onto single lane roads
The other thing I remember was the winter that year. The bay froze almost to the point that you could walk in a straight line from the Kennedy library to the airport. We had an apartment near the library; killer views but oy! the rent.
Beijing bus drivers to have their 'emotions tracked' by government using AI bracelets
Bus drivers in Beijing will now have their emotions, blood pressure, exercise and sleep tracked by the government who say it will make buses safer - but some have called it invasive
Beijing bus drivers to have their 'emotions tracked' by government using AI bracelets
Bus drivers in Beijing will now have their emotions, blood pressure, exercise and sleep tracked by the government who say it will make buses safer - but some have called it invasive

That rivals anal swabbing bogus pcr testing for covid as the most ludicrous thing to come from China lately.

Fuck eggrolls, I'm done with them!!
