New mandate for drunk driving detection in all vehicles

got it Gavin Newsome is the cause of the US homeless problem..... :roll:
Nope, he's just a California guy. I thought you knew that. The point is his 10-year plan was hogwash and fell flat on it's face.

Now do the 49 other states.....
I don't live in the other states. I won't have their governors on my ballot. I'm also not familiar with any governor from another state who promised to fix homeless in 10-years, only to have a much worse problem at the end of the line. I'm happy to learn about other similar governors, if you'd care to share a link.
no, i'm not in favor of protecting drunk drivers from anything, they need to be removed from the road, and if they had a fool proof, non invasive way of doing that, i wouldn't have a problem with it at all...they just need to develop the non invasive part of the project, a lot...
10,000 a year die in drunk driving accidents. I don't know how many were the drunks but maybe less than half. That does not account for the number who were maimed. It's a horrendous and unnecessary toll on the order of gun violence. GOP prevented research by the CDC into gun violence and guess what? It's only gone up. Research is cheap by comparison. So let's see what the research turns up. We'll learn something and train the next generation of technical professionals in the process.

If you want fatal dui-accidents to be capital crime, I'm not going to say you are wrong. Have your revenge.
I don't live in the other states. I won't have their governors on my ballot. I'm also not familiar with any governor from another state who promised to fix homeless in 10-years, only to have a much worse problem at the end of the line. I'm happy to learn about other similar governors, if you'd care to share a link.
I don't believe Gavin has been Governor for 10 years.....
I imagine most of these guys arguing against this mandate do a little more drinking than I do. I quit 25 years ago.
A lot of people don't have the same trust in government others do. The war on drugs is a great example of a time when government and a majority of people decided to crack down on people who didn't have the same morality, skin color or religious belief. For no good reason, they ruined thousands of peoples lives over MJ.

Looking at what's going on in China, I too have reason to object to giving government access to what I consider my personal space. People who say "but it already is happening" as if this justifies even more intrusion miss the point. Just because we have allowed this to happen does not mean we should continue to allow it.
A lot of people don't have the same trust in government others do. The war on drugs is a great example of a time when government and a majority of people decided to crack down on people who didn't have the same morality, skin color or religious belief. For no good reason, they ruined thousands of peoples lives over MJ.

Looking at what's going on in China, I too have reason to object to giving government access to what I consider my personal space. People who say "but it already is happening" as if this justifies even more intrusion miss the point. Just because we have allowed this to happen does not mean we should continue to allow it.
The social media bigs run on a libertarian corporate culture. They make much of their money mining the data we give them for free, then running the data through massive computation systems and selling the take to marketers, political organizations etc.

Regulation has not caught up with this very corrosive practice.

I do my tiny bit by not using the usual social-media suspects, but I cannot do without Google. Their algorithm that sends me cherry-picked search results does give me a hecking concern. (It actively resists my searches into conspiracy news.) It’s hard not to drop into a rut of confirmation bias that way.
If you want fatal dui-accidents to be capital crime, I'm not going to say you are wrong. Have your revenge.
did i say that?...although it might be a fair sentence in some cases...but i'd rather go after the lawyers and judges who let serial drunk drivers off the hook. most drunks are just legal addicts, and need help, the people who keep enabling them need to stop that shit.
If your referring to me, I don’t ever drink and drive, and as I already said do not condone it in any way whatsoever. This thread was simply to point out how our government will take a valid issue like drinking and driving and use it for their own agenda. They pass a mandate under a spending and budget bill, but it passes and no one makes a fuss since drinking and driving is a serious problem. Next thing they aren’t testing the air but have a series of cameras in your personal car, that you HAD to pay for, and offloading everything you do to some server to be analyzed. Don’t get me wrong, I am not some conspiracy theorist, I just have an issue with them passing laws that affect my privacy under the guise of a spending bill.
I am more worried about the knucklehead in traffic behind me watching youtube videos, while he live tests his tesla's autopilot.
The gov would get tired of watching me drive pretty quick.
They already have AI watch how you drive, and know all your mannerisms. Every car after 1999 has a black box with GPS. Even if you have an older vehicle, chances are you have a smart phone in your pocket (cell phones are supposed to be at least a half inch away btw, says right in the warnings!), or in the car at least, and that works even better.

They know if you are driving to a certain place, you will likely be getting impaired (also your slurred speech and even your heart rate, step count, other biometric data is analyzed in real time from the backdoor software on virtually every device).

I know its crazy to think about, but yes, almost everything we do is logged. Every single person to some extent. Hard to believe the amount of resources and energy going into that kind of surveillance, but that's what is secretly happening.

There are super computers the size of football stadiums mapping out 99.9 percent of moving vehicles as we type. They know if you are driving around in circles, and see it on the 3 dimensional augmented reality maps, not some google looking map with lines and a dot, lol.