New mandate for drunk driving detection in all vehicles

AI cars will become efficient killing machines. HAckers will be able to hi-jack the control systems remotely with no trace, and steer it into large crowds of protesters..
I'm good with it, will just build a go-kart for my mountain excursions. I think trucking and mass transit is where it should be rolled out first.
The trash collection and local delivery firms are also driving (!) the development of the tech. Imagine a local entrepreneur operating a small fleet of uncrewed taxis as Ubers. There go some big employers.
The ACLU wrote an article that said they have similar concerns to yours. They also said they are monitoring events as they develop. The system has yet to be developed. I support the ACLU and am glad they have alerted people to the risks they see in the bill. I have similar concerns.

I'm as skeptical as you. But there is nothing to point at and say what it is right now. All this measure does is justify funding research into regulations and hardware and software for such a system. We are three years away from even looking at what kinds of regulations will be in place, including what kinds of information will be collected, how it's stored, who can access it, etc. As we see in this thread, there are people who want this kind of system because too many still die from alcohol-disabled drivers. I'm not against research into how to protect people from drunk drivers, so, personally, I'm OK with this measure for now. You might feel otherwise,

This is all just research right now. It can save lives. OTOH, It can create yet more onerous bureaucracy. If so, nothing says we can's stop it later. I'm pretty sure the car companies don't like it. Their lobbyists will be out there spreading information too. But also dis-information written to trigger fear uncertainty and anger over something that doesn't even exist yet. Because, that's what lobbyists do.
no, i'm not in favor of protecting drunk drivers from anything, they need to be removed from the road, and if they had a fool proof, non invasive way of doing that, i wouldn't have a problem with it at all...they just need to develop the non invasive part of the project, a lot...
Yeah many more things to bump into on the street than in the air, all the more reason to use it in cars. AI is coming like it or not
i'm actually not against the concept...i don't trust the developers to tell the truth, and i don't trust their security to be hacker proof.
i play games. a lot of hoopla at the roll out of a new game, a lot of money from new players...and they're almost always buggy as shit, because the money men rush the developers to release the game so they can start making profits...same with a lot of new software, same with a lot of new products in all areas...
hackers try to get into stuff because it's there, and they almost always succeed, eventually.
some of them are benign, just doing shit to see if they can, some are benevolent, warning companies about potential problems, and some are malignant...exploiters and spoilers...can you see one of them killing thousands out of spite? i can...
so until i see some proof that shit is REALLY stable and REALLY secure, i'll keep my hands on the wheel
i'm actually not against the concept...i don't trust the developers to tell the truth, and i don't trust their security to be hacker proof.
i play games. a lot of hoopla at the roll out of a new game, a lot of money from new players...and they're almost always buggy as shit, because the money men rush the developers to release the game so they can start making profits...same with a lot of new software, same with a lot of new products in all areas...
hackers try to get into stuff because it's there, and they almost always succeed, eventually.
some of them are benign, just doing shit to see if they can, some are benevolent, warning companies about potential problems, and some are malignant...exploiters and spoilers...can you see one of them killing thousands out of spite? i can...
so until i see some proof that shit is REALLY stable and REALLY secure, i'll keep my hands on the wheel
Even with AI your still supposed to keep your hands on the wheel....they never said you could go to sleep.
Obama was a lawyer before he was a politician. Does that automatically discount everything he said, and make him an idiot too? Your arguments are self-defeating.
Obama is still a lawyer and i don't think he's against AI assisted cars.
Even with AI your still supposed to keep your hands on the wheel....they never said you could go to sleep.
When driving a car in general you're not supposed to be intoxicated, so I guess since people always do what they're supposed to, we're already good. Right?
The next time you fly, tell the pilot not to use autopilot because you feel safer without it, and see what they say.
Interestingly enough, that same law group who wrote that article about the dangers of AI cars, were also awarded Aviation Law Firm of The Year, so I guess they know the difference between air travel and highway travel.

Watching the kaiju of fallacious reasoning dine on another figurative downtown is lean Monday-morning fare.


But it is free, and almost worth the price.
