how much would it heat up a room
there will be ~ 75% of produced heat power with led - and ~ 80% with hps
you can estimate 450w VS 800w to compare the heat production of a 600w led lamp vs a 1000w hps
heat management is a main issue for mostly all lamps, bulbs...
below you see 6 x 100w chip in parallel @ 30V * 330mA (10 W driver)
if you drive a chip at low current - light efficiency increase but they still produce more or less the same heat. A 100w chip which is rated @ 3000mA max. current can produce ~75w of heat and your heat management(heatsink + fans) is expensive and need additional energy (like the ac you wanted to buy) to stay below 100°C chip temp.
A 100w chip @ only ~ 50 mA is high efficient and with only 1,65w produce ~1,2w of heat power. Without any heatsink the chip reach only handwarm 40°C
Longlife of a cool diy build is a must - efficiency also... and there are millions of options in between.
I go as a diy led watercooler, because harvesting the still enormeous heat production of led light
in a heatexchanger can easily
triple the energy efficiency of your lamp build.
If heat in the grow room is a problem in summer you can --> take it out (and use it)
if cold " " " " " " " " winter you can bring the heat back in the night and heat your grow room.
a 8$ / m rectangular aluminium tube is the cheapest, best heatsink that i know.
to have a basic investment with your grow size i would go with:
- 100-120L electr.-boiler with integr. heatexchanger, brandnew can cost you 200,- US$ but you can use any "free" water tank and a serpentine pipe.
- aluminium tube ~ 30-50,- US$
- hose, pump + fittings ~30,- US$
- i.e. 3 x mean well elg240h-????mA ~130,- US$
and then have a long, interesting walk through the led chip gallery and spent hours and nights
to find the right led chip: mid power, high power, strips and plates, cheap and expensive, ....comparing
lm/w, cri, ppfd, par.......................

......................and the morning sun
...going cheap and less efficient can start with 63,- US$ for 9 chips as below.
or going more efficient - buying the best chips light efficiency and big quantities to run them at low current - can bring you close to the most efficient lamp build ever....(90% energy efficacy)
as you see in the pic - a cob led is nothing else than a "mini" chip board
and 10 cobs spreaded over the area of a bigger chip platine like quantum boards will have
~ the same effect - the heat get dissipated better over a bigger surface of chip platine
and the basic is Vf + If , how many in series and/or parallel in any nanometers or cri
for me the ability to watercool a led chip makes the difference vs hps or any other light
taking a hot shower + growing indoor your own vegetables can be a mighty tool against climate change - -------------------- if you power your light with renewables