New light or????

Which is why I said 2 feet away from being directly under the light in the scenario I gave the light would be delivered at roughly a 45 degree angle.
The light goes up, too. Even if you use a reflector, those photons bounce everywhere and you lose intensity. They don’t go straight down, 2 feet high or to the left. Either way, I dunno why you’re so obsessed with me, but it’s kinda creepy.
No shit retard, but there's literally no reason to talk about the light going up, wtf does that have to do with what I am talking about. We're only taking about light that is going to the plants.
You said it went straight down when it doesn’t.

For being so much better than me, you sure seem like you have nothing going for you besides riding my nuts. I’m not going to fuck you, dude.
It does go straight down, not all of it of course. How can you be this stupid? Did you even read what I wrote?
Actually, it flares out. Because it’s omnidirectional. It doesn’t go straight down. And, not really. I don’t really care for what you have to say, honestly. Frankly, I don’t even know why you waste the energy. I could do this all day.
Lol, some of it goes down but not straight down? What does it do travel in circles on the way down? Hahaha thanks for the laugh..
Have you not seen the dispersion pattern of an HID before? Not circles. Angles. It’s radiating light out and away. The photons aren’t falling completely straight down. Because it’s omnidirectional.
You're literally to stupid to even argue with.
Nope, @Olive Drab Green has got you. HID is isotropic (i.e. omnidirectional). CoBs are not isotropic, they are directional.

If a isotropic light source (e.g. HID) and a 120° directional light source (e.g. CoB) emit the exact same flux (total photons emitted) the directional will get more photons to the canopy.

PS the difference between isotropic and omnidirectional is that isotropic requires the light to be emitted in all directions at the same intensity. Light bulbs are isotropic.

the light would be delivered at roughly a 45 degree angle.
Nope. At all angles at the same intensity from every angle. The intensity would be less only depending on the distance the light traveled.
but when someone else says that "some of the light goes down but not straight" they are wrong.
You are correct. Straight down is one of every direction.

Penetration is complex. My hypothesis is if two light sources provide the same irradiance at the top of the canopy, the one further from the canopy will have greater penetration. The sun will have greater penetration than a grow light with 2000 µmol/m²/s at the top of the canopy. A 1000W HPS at 1 meter with 400 µmol/m²/s at the top of the canopy will have greater penetration than an LED at 12" with 400 µmol/m²/s at the top of the canopy.

PS I prefer penetration to my dick being sucked. If one lacks warmth and depth they will not be perceived as a cunt and the only remaining option would be a blow job.
I was talking about penetration through the canopy, but fwiw at 2 feet away from being directly under the hps there will be less light and less penetration.

Never said they weren't. The light from the HID goes straight top bottom sides every direction (unless it's reflected). So when I say "some" of the light travels straight down I am not wrong, but when someone else says that "some of the light goes down but not straight" they are wrong. The whole argument was many light sources being superior to fewer. I tried to give Olivia an example of how 1 light source lacks penetration that can be had with many light sources but then his head began to spin and he started talking about reflectors and circles and sucking dick.
You were talking about circle jerks and sucking dick. I was talking about not letting you suck my dick and angles.

By the way, until you’ve actually done what I’ve done, I don’t really give a fuck what you think. I don’t give a fuck how tough you think you are across the keyboard, you wouldn’t last a fucking second where I have been. Unlike you, I’ve actually done shit with my life. And I buried whoever stood in my way. So, if you have something to say in the future, I’m going to need you to shove it deep up in your asshole.

I was talking about penetration.
I already said I’m not going to fuck you, dude.
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I was never trying to be tough, if you think I was that doesn't say much for you.

No you didn't.

I suppose we didn’t bury them, you’re right. We just put them there. I fought a war when I was about 19-20 years old. So, you can go on with your bullshit all you want. You don’t matter enough to bother me. It’s juvenile, it’s petty, and you should grow the fuck up, but it has no bearing on me.
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Ok, and? What's that have to do with me? You don't know me any better than I know you, so let's put the tough guy act away.

I should grow up? You're the one the kept on talking about sucking dick, maybe that's because you don't have a clue about the different lighting technologies and how they're best used and all you really know about is sucking dick?
You’re literally following me around, trying to suck my dick. Maybe if you stop trying to follow me around and suck my dick, we can stop talking about how you want to suck my dick.

Also, I do understand the technology and thoroughly proved it. You’re the dumbass not understanding that the space is relative and that a plant can only take 1200 PPFD max. Maybe up to 1500 with CO2, heat, and humidity. Everyone else understood. You’re the only one who didn’t.
You must have me confused with someone else. I've only commented on one other thread like a month ago where everyone was disagreeing with you because you're literally retarded.
They didn’t disagree with me, because I wasn’t wrong. And we even sorted that out. COBs are still more efficient than HPS (400w = 600w) and I can use 200w to pretty much max out my PPFD in my grow space. Plants can only handle up to about 1200 PPFD without CO2. A 600w puts that out in a square meter. I only have to fill half a square meter.
Are you really that dumb that you think I don’t get that a 600w HPS would put out more than 1200 PPFD in a half meter, due to space consolidating the light? Because I understand that. You really are stupid if you think I don’t.