New light or????

Oh no! It is a pity that any conversation is complemented by offensive phrases just because someone else has a different opinion.
When it comes to penetration, multiple COBs work better than a single HPS because they are multiple, weaker light sources, but spread the light better, right?
Then strips must penetrate even better than COB's for exactly the same reason.
I do not know anybody who jumped from stripes or QB's back to COB's.
You mix too much half-knowledge and conviction into your answers, instead of looking at the whole thing logically.
Have you already googled the benefits of diffused light in greenhouses? Mmmm! I do not think so...
Tell this logic to the single point of light in the sky. HPS is omnidirectional and loses a lot of light away from the plant. It also uses heat to create light.
Nah you're the one "losing so badly". He called you out for being a fucking retard for trying to compare ppfd of 200+ watts led in a much smaller area to the ppfd of hps in a much larger area, don't you remember you fucking idiot?
Dude, you’re the one coming in here trying to suck my dick. You lost the moment you replied to me.
Nah you're the one "losing so badly". He called you out for being a fucking retard for trying to compare ppfd of 200+ watts led in a much smaller area to the ppfd of hps in a much larger area, don't you remember you fucking idiot?
My point wasn’t that it could cover the same area, just that, applied to the right situation such as a microgrow, it would give you that amount of PPFD in your allotted space. You’re the one putting words in my mouth. My whole assertion was relative to the application.
You fail to realize that at the distance we are from the sun the light waves come pretty much straight on, where as a grow light a few feet above the canopy would come at an angle unless directly under it, how can you be this retarded? seriously?
Randomblame said COBs are straight-down. Which is why they are bad, because the leaves all turn to one source. So are you saying the Sun is bad for the same reason?
And BTW,
a 600w HPS is nowhere near to 900-1200μMol/s/m² PPFD. It has a PPF of 900-1200μMol/s measured in a spheere but in a tent at a usually height of 24" the average PPFD is much lower, maybe half as much (Ø550-650μMol/s/m² the correct term for PPFD).
Point measurings in μMol/s are useless to compare different lightsources, you need average measurings.
How many people on your own thread agreed with you?
Literally, everyone. Because what I said was that, relative to the intensity, not the coverage, you could put out the PPFD of a 600w HPS using 200w of COB. Because the space is RELATIVE. You fucking moron. As long as my space is covered with 900-1200 PPFD, I am right. Why would I care about a square meter if I am not growing in a square meter?
And BTW,
a 600w HPS is nowhere near to 900-1200μMol/s/m² PPFD. It has a PPF of 900-1200μMol/s measured in a spheere but in a tent at a usually height of 24" the average PPFD is much lower, maybe half as much (Ø550-650μMol/s/m² the correct term for PPFD).
Point measurings in μMol/s are useless to compare different lightsources, you need average measurings.
In a half meter/5sq.ft. 1013 PPFD, to be precise. Measured with a PAR spectrometer. Which is what I said all along. I was saying, relative to the space required by my grow.
You don't even know what that is.
Oh, my God.. You really are an invalid.

“You don’t know what a PAR spectrometer is.”

Like, seriously? What’s even the point? Am I under your skin that bad that you’re going to make stupid, pissy little statements like that? Did I fuck your mom or something? If so, you’re fucking grounded.
Really? If you take a look at your own thread everyone thinks you are quite retarded for making the same comment just on a different scale...
They’re welcome to think that? I don’t really care. In fact, you seem to care much more than I do. It’s 4 in the morning and you just can’t seem to stop begging me to put my dick in your mouth.
Tell this logic to the single point of light in the sky. HPS is omnidirectional and loses a lot of light away from the plant. It also uses heat to create light.

Tse,tse...! The sun is million miles away a few inches more or less doesn't matters! Also HPS does not use heat to produse light, there is a hot arc inside of the bulbs which is causing the metal halide gas to produce light. Another bullshit claim and only your own wrong logic!
If you actually had an IQ of 149, better than Einstein btw, then you would not be so quarrelsome and would not lose the sight of the essentials.
Tse,tse...! The sun is million miles away a few inches more or less doesn't matters! Also HPS does not use heat to produse light, there is a hot arc inside of the bulbs which is causing the metal halide gas to produce light. Another bullshit claim and only your own wrong logic!
If you actually had an IQ of 149, better than Einstein btw, then you would not be so quarrelsome and would not lose the sight of the essentials.
Actually, 11 points less than Einstein. Einstein and Hawking are 160. I’m not lying about that, so you guys can think what you want. I was doing collegiate level English in 2nd Grade. This prompted my guidance counselor to test my IQ in 3rd Grade. I scored a 149.

I’m not losing sight. I’m listening and willing to learn. What you should be doing is explaining to me what the flaw in my logic is. What Nx is doing is just lashing out because I made him cry.
Literally, everyone. Because what I said was that, relative to the intensity, not the coverage, you could put out the PPFD of a 600w HPS using 200w of COB. Because the space is RELATIVE. You fucking moron. As long as my space is covered with 900-1200 PPFD, I am right. Why would I care about a square meter if I am not growing in a square meter?

No, not everyone! I'm not...
You have 241w out of three 50% efficient Vero29gen.7 above an 5ft² area, is this correct?
Not tried EB strips but I do grow with quantum boards and cobs.

720w of citi 1825s ( 9 cobs no reflector) Vs 570w of QB (2x 260w kits)
Each covers a 4x4 area.
The QB penetrates further down than the Cobs, maybe that would be different with reflectors but couldn't find a holder to handle the voltage at the time.

I pull the same weight and density off either side but I trim lower stuff on the cob side maybe 9" lower than the QB side.

Its all relative, depends on number of cobs per square foot or number of strips or boards and how hard each is run.

I like both, my GPSF is around the same but my GPW is higher on the QB side. Both grow 6.5-8oz plants (4 per 4x4)

I own both, I love both so I'm not biased. If I was going to set up again from scratch I would go with 5x 260w QB kits across the whole 8x4.
Why? because they are easier to move, lower or raise than my cob fixture, faster to put together. About the same price. But more efficient in comparison to what I built. I'm sure the same efficiency can be achieved by cobs but would cost more in heat sinks, cobs, drivers to power more of them softer to achieve the same PPFD.
Not tried EB strips but I do grow with quantum boards and cobs.

720w of citi 1825s ( 9 cobs no reflector) Vs 570w of QB (2x 260w kits)
Each covers a 4x4 area.
The QB penetrates further down than the Cobs, maybe that would be different with reflectors but couldn't find a holder to handle the voltage at the time.

I pull the same weight and density off either side but I trim lower stuff on the cob side maybe 9" lower than the QB side.

Its all relative, depends on number of cobs per square foot or number of strips or boards and how hard each is run.

I like both, my GPSF is around the same but my GPW is higher on the QB side. Both grow 6.5-8oz plants (4 per 4x4)

I own both, I love both so I'm not biased. If I was going to set up again from scratch I would go with 5x 260w QB kits across the whole 8x4.
Why? because they are easier to move, lower or raise than my cob fixture, faster to put together. About the same price. But more efficient in comparison to what I built. I'm sure the same efficiency can be achieved by cobs but would cost more in heat sinks, cobs, drivers to power more of them softer to achieve the same PPFD.
I was thinking about the F-series strips. Would you go with that or the QB to add onto my COBs?
I was thinking about the F-series strips. Would you go with that or the QB to add onto my COBs?

Because your running the timber light, if I was going to add something then I would go with strips over QB, just because you can spread them about how ever you like and incorporate them into your existing fixture. Getting a nice mix rather than slapping a board where you could fit it.