New And Updated Rollitup

just adding this to see what happens..

i've been here for years, how can i be a new member???

and my wonderful avatar doesn't work, lol, ohhhh noooo!!!
Sorry if this has been asked somewhere else, what is the ETA of the rollitup app for android? I just tried it and got the "cannot connect to the forums…" message. Site looks a lot better with Xen BTW!
Sorry if this has been asked somewhere else, what is the ETA of the rollitup app for android? I just tried it and got the "cannot connect to the forums…" message. Site looks a lot better with Xen BTW!

as soon as I fix the uploader, ill get the android app updated in the store.

Yes...All my files are <5MB and it still says "The following error occurred...There was a problem uploading your file".
Can you pm your password to me please
Can you pm your password to me please

I tried to start a conversation with you, but it just acted like it was sending and went right back to the conversation page but it never shows up in conversations that I started. And now, there is no option to start a conversation or message anybody for some reason. There was a "start conversation" option on your profile summary, but now it is gone and there doesn't seem to be anything on your profile page to do so either.
hmmm, I deleted my location as it gave a map a little too close to home for me. I clicked on your location and it gives me a map of the midwest...

dunno if this helps.
Joe, whenever you click on the location it takes you to a map. As per your settings or an account with google the first place that will show up is your location. No one else will see your location, that map is distinctive to you.
Still having problem loading pictures. All my pics are between 1-2 megs. Please fix, I've got lot updates I want to post and I need pics.

No, just the whole forum. Posts and threads on this site can get LONG, it is so much easier to read when it fills the whole browser window.
Talking about all the dead space in the margins on the left and right? Yeah, I feel the same way, but I'm really just glad RIU is back up. I rely on this site for entertainment a little more than I had anticipated,
Oh, and it being set at 80% goes to mobile devices as well. Its pretty unusable on a phone in portrait mode and equally irritating on a table in portrait.