Well-Known Member
Ok so I picked up some purple kush the other day (price was right but i can't stand to smoke/vape it). So I'm thinking i'm going to turn it all into a tincture. I've done this before a few times but I usually just do it all lazy and half assed. This time I thought I would see how everyone else makes theirs and what seems to be the best results. I plan on using high proof Everclear alcohol (vodka or rum if unavailable), I have about 10 grams of actual bud, maybe more if I decide to add another strain to it. Basically I'm looking for people's experience with carboxylated vs decarboxylated bud, soak times, when to agitate etc. I've looked online a ton of places and everyone seems to have a different method/recipe so I thought I'd just ask those here what they do and how their results were.
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