Been playing with this machine for a month making and concentrating three batches of golden dragon tinctures from 20 gram loads of leaves per oz 190 proof everclear to perfect the process before using buds. There are a lot of reviews on Amazon claiming low temps, decided to check that out using the manufacturer's procedure (thermocouple suspended in center of sealed oven chamber) which is shown in a video linked to the Amazon sale page . Brief results, manual states there are 15 minute preheating and 20 minute cool-down periods on cycles. For preheat validation, I measured around 17 minutes until unit reached 130 on preset 1 (great). Tested each 5 degree F temp between 135 and 150, all within a half degree F. Temps 155 through 170 F within a few degrees, 225 measured 208, 250 tested 225, 290 tested 250, and max temp 295 tested 252. Replicated the tests of presets 2-5 using different equipment, same setup, confirmed low values. Some of the other reviews also mention problems with temps at highest range, I was surprised to find that is the case using the manufacturer's own validation procedure. Not an issue with me, the temps I will be using for tinctures are fine, if I decide to infuse I will repeat the procedure to find the temp/time settings to get the actual values needed in the recipe, since the "presets" are basically notional, you can set any temp/time you want with the controls. I made a batch with buds and am at 50% alcohol evap state, and having fun finding the optimum and max doses for me...