***need help then post your question here!***

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Well-Known Member
when i see threads like this, i wonder why it got started? ilyaas, i checked out/read your current afgan grow. from what i could see/read, you're pretty much fairly new to growing. maybe a year or so, i'm guessing, or less. now, i think helping others is a good thing. i bounce around and do that a little myself. so i wonder, instead of looking for folks to help, you start a thread asking for people to come to you. i just didn't get the impression, from reading your other thread, that you really have much experience to be helping others on such a level. so, how long have you been at this? what grow methods have you used in the past? how many grows have you successfully completed??? again, helping is a good thing. but i just don't get why it is you doing the helping. you seem to be a fairly new grower. if i'm wrong, i apologize...
so what you are saying is, its like the blind leading the blind? lol


Active Member
I have a couple of questions, My grow tent is 2x1.5x2 metres, I have 8 plants in flower (2 AMNESIA AND 6 BIANCA) Medium is coco with clay beads on bottom of pots. Using 2 1000w lights and great ventilation (both in and out) My lights were turned off for 48 hrs while I was away, now the tops of my plants are pure white. Is there anything I can do to help them? Also being a complete newbie I was wondering if 2000w is to much light? I was told by the store keeper, at the hydroponic store that I needed both now im wondering if I Stuffed up. My plants are all in their 6th week of flower and nowhere near ready. thanks for any help

this could be down to having no light on for 48hrs an the plant useing all the stored nutes did you still feed them and how dry was the coco?


Regular potting soil with nitrogen boost all I could afford at the time can't get perlite for a couple weeks due too where I live


Active Member
Regular potting soil with nitrogen boost all I could afford at the time can't get perlite for a couple weeks due too where I live
the soil maybe a bit to nutes rich for the seedling just keep an eye on it if it gets worse flush it with water unless it has time release fert in that case dont flush just hope it rides it out


sorry first post here used to have a name long ago forgot it though... is 85-90 degrees to hot ? what is good room temps with lights on? thanks


Well-Known Member
when i see threads like this, i wonder why it got started? ilyaas, i checked out/read your current afgan grow. from what i could see/read, you're pretty much fairly new to growing. maybe a year or so, i'm guessing, or less. now, i think helping others is a good thing. i bounce around and do that a little myself. so i wonder, instead of looking for folks to help, you start a thread asking for people to come to you. i just didn't get the impression, from reading your other thread, that you really have much experience to be helping others on such a level. so, how long have you been at this? what grow methods have you used in the past? how many grows have you successfully completed??? again, helping is a good thing. but i just don't get why it is you doing the helping. you seem to be a fairly new grower. if i'm wrong, i apologize...
I've completed a couple of grows and because they were outdoors I only did supercropping and got fairly good results, I might be a newbie to indoor growing but with outdoors I am pretty much a pro (not full on but to some scale yes)

I have a couple of questions, My grow tent is 2x1.5x2 metres, I have 8 plants in flower (2 AMNESIA AND 6 BIANCA) Medium is coco with clay beads on bottom of pots. Using 2 1000w lights and great ventilation (both in and out) My lights were turned off for 48 hrs while I was away, now the tops of my plants are pure white. Is there anything I can do to help them? Also being a complete newbie I was wondering if 2000w is to much light? I was told by the store keeper, at the hydroponic store that I needed both now im wondering if I Stuffed up. My plants are all in their 6th week of flower and nowhere near ready. thanks for any help
The more lights the better and don't worry about too much lights, I've seen people have over 10kw HPS on one plant with massive results!


Well-Known Member
Just spring water from the gallon jugs you can buy at the store, no nutes
I'm pretty sure spring water has minerals in it which are still bad for your plants so you are better off with tap water that has been left to sit for 24 hours.


Well-Known Member
sorry first post here used to have a name long ago forgot it though... is 85-90 degrees to hot ? what is good room temps with lights on? thanks
If you are wondering about temperature there is an easy way to recognize if your plants are getting too much of it and this is to place the back of your hand at the top of the plant and if it is too hot for you it is too hot for your plants ^^^Your temperature question has been answered by someone else :p^^^


Well-Known Member
Quick Update: I will try to get as much questions answered in the time I have (about an hour or two a day) as I have work and come back home very late at times and only have a bit of time to catch up on all these questions and I never expected for this thread to actually become so popular but I'm glad it did.

I have previous outdoor experience but am learning about indoor growing (I have lots of knowledge), enough to answer your questions and if not then I will take some of my time out for you new growers and do a little research and shorten it all up for you to make it easier to understand.

I am very sorry to the people who had to wait a long time for a reply when the most needed it but would like to thank the people (stoners or potheads whatever....) that helped out other people on this thread.

I hope to answer your questions more quickly although as said before I have very limiting times as to when I can reply to your queries.


Well-Known Member
Wat do u think about root prunning to keep plant small during veg
and retransplantin bak into same 1gal pot
I don't think there is any point, you would be doing more harm to the plant than good so let the roots grow out and then transplant them into a larger pot, if you are trying to keep the plant small during veg then try LSTing it does minimal stress on your plant and will increase growth a lot but at the same time it will keep your plants short.


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