Need Help in using Glacier Rock Dust first time organics

Hey there I am doing my second grow and first time organic I have a plant outside in a 10 gallon fabric pot I but Gaia Green Bloom in the beginning of flower and its about 4th week of flowering so it about time to put some more Bloom in the soil but I also wanted to add Glacier rock dust I heard helps with big buds etc my Question is should i follow direction on both pauls and but the amount asking or should I put less bloom because I'm putting some glacier rock dust as well?
Be careful using too much "stuff" when you top dress. The rock dust may not "mix in" very well and you could end up with a dry, gritty, hard, crusty layer on top of your soil.

Personally I would just top dress with the Gia Green now and mix the rock dust into your soil after this grow.
I use Gaia green exclusively and also top dress with glacial rock dust, azomite and crushed oyster shell flour in bloom.
Some strains are insane with Cal and need it.

The way I use it is 1 TBSP of Azomite, 1 TBSP of Glacial rockdust and 5 TBSP crushed oyster shell flour, 1 cup earth worm castings. (per 5 gal)
As said, it will form a harder layer on top, this is why mixing it thoroughly with the earth worm castings helps.
I also agitate it after it settles.

You may want to consider adding a compost tea to help break that stuff down, the oyster shell takes a solid month to become accessible.

Good call with the glacial rock dust, it contains other minerals as well no one talks about.

Good luck! @SuperDoober
I have done straight ewc/amendments as a topdress before and ran into the dry crusty top layer before like @youraveragehorticulturist pointed out above. For me, mixing in some fresh soil along with the ewc/amendments helped keep things a bit more consistent, less "muddy" when watering and less "crusty" as it dries out some.

Also, after harvest I would mix some of the rock dust into the soil globally so it has a bit more time to breakdown and become available.
Thanks guys yeah I heard glacier rockdust help few people get bigger buds thought I give it I try I put some into loose soil then into my pot I will also give it a try in the teas which I love doing plants love it anyone have any good recipes? First time doing organic love learning new stuff on how to getting those bigger buds and lots of terps??