need advice on what you see wrong with leaves upward & yellow


Active Member
Greets evrybody, just new to MM and so far I'm may need to change my nickname to Trainwreck instead of just plain burnedout.

I will try to upload 2 photos of my last 2 surviving plants, will see what you say and will post some more questions, yes I have read a lot in here and elsewhere just need someone to tell me, what's wrong.

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Active Member
Should I remove them out of the Ocean Forrest Potting soil and put them into the Rapid Rooter plugs? so far they have been under full spectrum CFL's and yesterday and today under the sun for 3 hours.

Lemon king

Well-Known Member
either your lights are too close or the soils too strong. just find a nice shady spot for them and let them be for a few weeks.

i dont know anything about OF, but if its a potting soil, and you aint feed em (they dont need any feed for first 3 weeks.) thats light burn.

if you have feed them, use a spoon to lift them out GENTLY with some soil still attached to roots, then place in a pot of OForest that you havent fed!!!

EDIT: what strain, why aint you doing a diary??


Well-Known Member
OF Is ok to use for seedlings, next time just get happy frog, but looks like serious environment problem or overwatering or somthing, what's the temps outside?


Active Member
Ok great that means the last 3 hours IN THE HOT SUN will do even more damage.

NO I have not put any nutrients in them, only 6.0 ph RO water. I moved them back into my living room from the sun. it's 72 degrees in the front room moved the yellowish LED lights to 3 feet away and the one Full Spectrum CFL to 1 foot away from these 2 plants.

the seeds I got from a recommendation in here? from Sea of Seeds, they arrived 5days later I could swear I ordered the feminine pack, but got the AUTO group instead . I started by putting the first 6 into 6 mini cups with lids of water for 2 days. for me it seems 24 hours would be better as i broke the roots of 2 of them , and they never grew in the rock wool, like i keep saying, I can't stop myself from messing with them. So I need to stop myself.

back to what I got the 2 plants alive are from the first 6 seeds , 3 where from the Zambeza box and 3 where the freebies they put in there. so I put them into these cups and labeled them , but after I put them in the rock wool screwed up and the writing got messed up (sharpie too).

here's the names
Little Dwarf pale green marker
Rude bud White """"""""
Quick poison Yellow
Notorious White olive green
Critical Dream purple
Spirit Haze bright red
Northern Force Black
AK passion Orange
Blue Invader Grey charcoal

I can post the names of the freebees later, anyways this is my first so I will probably buy more seeds and document things better for the SECOND time. I have trown in the towl on the ones that were germinated and half dead, tomorrow will be 40 hours soaking the last six , and those are going straight into the tray of Root Rooter in the tray and I will see if I can do better and try to stay away from them more. BTW a lot of the How to posts in here are several years old and it seems like pictures are missing, or maybe I'm still restricted. but i will keep trying no matter what. My son is finally getting some sleep and so is my wife, and that alone, will keep me going.

one more edit for container

experimnet 7-6-2013 017.jpg


Well-Known Member
Ocean forest can run hot and burn seedlings. Definitely do not fertiliZe those plants..even if they werent in OF soil baby plants dont need any fertilizer until the first round leaves turn yellow and shrivel.

It does look sort of like light burn though.

Also small plants do much better in small pots. Its a good idea to change pot size a few times in a seedlings growth. Its easier to not under or overwater that way. I always start in those plastic party cups.


Active Member
Here's the new tray and the ones I have given up on, I will leave them be and see what happens by next weekend.

In the mean time tomorrow I will take those last six seeds and put them directly into those plugs and cross fingers, here's picture and 3 of the plastic medical cones with names on them I made a new one gallon batch of 6.0ph water and added just like the instructions said on the bottom rails under the cones so as to keep the bottom of the cubes moistexperimnet 7-6-2013 005.jpgexperimnet 7-6-2013 006.jpgexperimnet 7-6-2013 007.jpgexperimnet 7-6-2013 008.jpgexperimnet 7-6-2013 011.jpgexperimnet 7-6-2013 012.jpgexperimnet 7-6-2013 013.jpg


Active Member
Before yesterday afternoon's SUN exposure, i had a plastic 4" bowl over the plant, with the light right on top of the bowl. one was the cfl the other a 7 cree bulb LEd lamp, here's what they look like. the first 2 photos is what I use, the third my wife just bought, it's SINGLE CREE and is even brighter than the 7 led cree one, it's 20 watts and 1035 lumens, and at night outside looks like the sun's color in the winter here in southern CAL. the cfl is 27 watts and the other one almost like the single cree.

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Active Member
The wife said the same thing about pot size. I will go smaller after I see lots of white roots coming out those plugs.


Active Member
The area I live in around Cerritos / Norwalk / Bellflower it's been about 80degrees and yesterday its half& half cluds/sunshine for the first hour then it went to full intensity, that's when the leaves on the taller plant went into a V pattern. I think what you all said about the soil, heat / light and watering all has contributed, also yesterday the top of the soil went completely dry in the sun, so that over did it, and today I very lightly misted them before putting them out .


Active Member
I'm sure you both hit the nail right on. Yesterday at noon I took them out of that soil and carefully put them on the pods in the new tray, at the time the leaves on the big one were drooping down. by last night they were looking like a condor soaring over hot air. the stem was still looking pitifull white an brown, by today it's looking green.

notes: when i took out the big one it was still in a chunk of rock wool(story will make it to that grow chart) anyways the root was a single long 4" long root, no side roots. the little one (I can hear STING in Dune saying it, get out of my head ) had lesser roots (I think this one must be a Sativa for sure) but then what does a N00b ever knob.

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picture 1 shows leaves drooping down at noon 7-7-13, pictures 2 & 3 & 4 show them last night (my last 6 new seeds in background with names on them well only 3) pictures 5to 6 were just taken stem is green and leaves look better. tomorrow the last 3 seeds should be germinated (these are slow) and will post then. the holes in this new planting medium does not want to close tight to keep light away from newly germinated seeds , so I put a tiny bit of that old soil on the whole. tiny bit


Active Member
Need to know what to do, with the largest plant, there's one large root coming out the bottom of the rapid rooter into the channel that has a bit of water in it, is this ok ? I read that if the roots are in water they get nasty and die? it's only ph 5.8 with NO additives this time. not even soil so should i leave it alone ? should I take it out with the media it's in and plant it in some soil? and which type is more easy on the content besides the ocean forrest?


Well-Known Member
The problem you had was putting seedlings ina large pot with nutrient rich soil. They cant take that too young. If your roots are starting to over grow you want to put them in small pots now in normal topsoil. Once they are 5-6 inches it'll be safe to start using veg nutes at half strength.


Active Member
The problem you had was putting seedlings ina large pot with nutrient rich soil. They cant take that too young. If your roots are starting to over grow you want to put them in small pots now in normal topsoil. Once they are 5-6 inches it'll be safe to start using veg nutes at half strength.
ok tomorrow will to home depot and pick up some plain soil. I gave one my seeds to my daughter and she put in soil from home depot and it's already growing after 3 days with no problem, as I do this i keep watching youtube videos , just watched " weedvoice " and i noticed he said when you pull them from the papertowl to put the root in soil and leave the seed out of the soil. I was buring the whole thing, also this root rooter media seems to be too wet . not sure how good that is, as i keep reading the roots shold be allowed to go semi dry every 3 days or so.

i just called a clone place in my area and they sell 6 for 90.00 will probably pick them up this weekend, I asked for high CBD strains and they say they carry it. meanwhile any advice you give I appreciate with all my heart. thank you