Got the patches so I had them. Woke up one morning and said today is the day. I just smoked a bowl anytime I felt like smoking, and drank a shitload of beer to compensate.
Used the 21mg patches for a week or 2 then switched to 14mg for a week, and then stopped the patches too. I still have like 7 new packs sitting here in case the world is ending and I want a cig. But I really don't have barely any cravings. I just don't think about it anymore.
My wife quit like 3-4 years ago, but still chews the damn gum,

I quit drinking coffee first so I would be calmer. It's nice to not need to make coffee everyday. I still love coffee and drink it sometimes, but I don't drink it everyday, so I don't get totally hooked again. It's nice to not have to do those things all the time.
COVID and slowly sufficating to death was a good motivator. So was hearing the story of Subcool. Now I also try and make sure I wear a mask when messing with dry soil amendments and shit. I don't know if he wore a mask when he messed with his soil, but he should have if he didn't