Need advice on quitting smoking


Well-Known Member
I vape and I'm wanting to quit...I'm just asking for any advice from any ex smokers who have been able to put the nicotine down...I've been smoking for over 10 years cigs/vape it's time for me to quit I don't feel healthy like I use too when I vape...I've tried quitting with little success of course

I know someone has a story to tell that may help me in my situation

Thank you
I vape and I'm wanting to quit...I'm just asking for any advice from any ex smokers who have been able to put the nicotine down...I've been smoking for over 10 years cigs/vape it's time for me to quit I don't feel healthy like I use too when I vape...I've tried quitting with little success of course

I know someone has a story to tell that may help me in my situation

Thank you
I tried cold turkey and failed over and over. For me drinking alcohol or getting upset were the triggers that made me fall back into smoking. The way I did it. I smoked when I drank( which is every night at this time ) then went to vape only when drinking. Then to nada. Haven’t smoked since 2019. I did smoke off and on for like 30 years. You can do it and IT IS WORTH IT. Good luck !!
12 years, 6 months, 1 week today without a cigarette.

There is only one secret to quitting smoking: You have to want to quit more than you want the cigarette.

Every single time you go to pick up a smoke or vape, you have to ask yourself: Do I want this right now or do I want to quit? When the desire to quit becomes more than the draw to smoke, it becomes very easy.

If there are triggers, try your best to avoid them. Bars, certain meals, people that stress you out, people that also smoke, etc... it definitely takes work, but it is worth every bit of it. Best of luck, man!!!!
Thanks guys I Kno this may not be best the plan

But I wanna try to replace it with food and more appetite has dropped drastically especially this last week and I really think it's the nicotine at play along with many other things
Vaping is tricky to quit cuz THAT SHIT TASTES GOOD, lol! I suggest bomb ass chewing gum as a "filler" if one is needed, and ideally sugar free types.
Smoking some low grade hash and some bud out of the bowl right now and I think that I could at least get use to only smoken tree... I've quit before but just not for long you know what I mean
Usually when you quit smoking, it does seemingly impact your appetite BUT, if you aren't checking yourself and you blindly "crutch-eat" to fill the time or whatever, next thing you know you're like "oh shit, even my forehead is fat" :lol: . Trust me. Keep the snacking in check.
Got the patches so I had them. Woke up one morning and said today is the day. I just smoked a bowl anytime I felt like smoking, and drank a shitload of beer to compensate.

Used the 21mg patches for a week or 2 then switched to 14mg for a week, and then stopped the patches too. I still have like 7 new packs sitting here in case the world is ending and I want a cig. But I really don't have barely any cravings. I just don't think about it anymore.

My wife quit like 3-4 years ago, but still chews the damn gum, :wall:.

I quit drinking coffee first so I would be calmer. It's nice to not need to make coffee everyday. I still love coffee and drink it sometimes, but I don't drink it everyday, so I don't get totally hooked again. It's nice to not have to do those things all the time.

COVID and slowly sufficating to death was a good motivator. So was hearing the story of Subcool. Now I also try and make sure I wear a mask when messing with dry soil amendments and shit. I don't know if he wore a mask when he messed with his soil, but he should have if he didn't
Usually when you quit smoking, it does seemingly impact your appetite BUT, if you aren't checking yourself and you blindly "crutch-eat" to fill the time or whatever, next thing you know you're like "oh shit, even my forehead is fat" :lol: . Trust me. Keep the snacking in check.
Use to love sunflower seeds may go buy a bag...only thing is the sodium is kinda high
Got the patches so I had them. Woke up one morning and said today is the day. I just smoked a bowl anytime I felt like smoking, and drank a shitload of beer to compensate.

Used the 21mg patches for a week or 2 then switched to 14mg for a week, and then stopped the patches too. I still have like 7 new packs sitting here in case the world is ending and I want a cig. But I really don't have barely any cravings. I just don't think about it anymore.

My wife quit like 3-4 years ago, but still chews the damn gum, :wall:.

I quit drinking coffee first so I would be calmer. It's nice to not need to make coffee everyday. I still love coffee and drink it sometimes, but I don't drink it everyday, so I don't get totally hooked again. It's nice to not have to do those things all the time.

COVID and slowly sufficating to death was a good motivator. So was hearing the story of Subcool. Now I also try and make sure I wear a mask when messing with dry soil amendments and shit. I don't know if he wore a mask when he messed with his soil, but he should have if he didn't
I can't believe she chews the gum now I wanna but a pack for dooms day I need to start some sort of survival pack or something for the zombies and what not when they come
I can't believe she chews the gum now I wanna but a pack for dooms day I need to start some sort of survival pack or something for the zombies and what not when they come
I only have those packs since I got them before I decided to just quit. Don't wanna just throw them away. You'd think it would make me tempted, but it doesn't.
Then hash burns forever in a bowl which is good I like being able to smoke longer since half of my smoke break was vaping
Ya, I rarely smoke the weed. I vape it 99.5% of the time with a Desktop Convection Vape. I just bought another used one awhile ago. You can find the one I've got used on EBay sometimes. They always have new ones on there though too. It's a local CO company. I love em. I tried so many vapes, and nothing did it for me until I got this one and figured out how to use it. I need to feel it in my lungs.