Need advice on passing drug tests.

Smoking On SUPERVISED Probation

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New Member
Hey I know this isn't the right place to post this thread but hey what the hell. Anyways yesterday at 4pm I got out of the county detention center after 28 days of rotting in that hell hole and was placed on Supervised Probation for 2 years, E.M. House arrest for 90 days and weekly UA's. On Halloween night I was arrested and detained for Possession with Intent to Distribute Marijuana. The feds siezed 112.6 grams from my car as I was on the way home from my suppliers house. I was going 60mph in a 45 zone and I got pulled over and already knew what was happening next. As soon as the offier stepped out of his vehicle he said he could smell marijuana and asked to search the car, I refused then about 15 minutes later backup arrived and brought the K9's and they instantly found the stash. So I lost $1050 (That was how much the QP costs) and was taken to the Adult Detention Center until court which was yesterday. I am a heavy pot smoker and am no where near being clean. I know that I am very lucky to even be allowed in the community and I am very grateful for it, and believe me I will never sell any sort of plant again in my life but my question is IS THERE ANYWAY TO SMOKE MJ WHILE ON PROBATION?
I know this sounds childish and yes this should be the least of my worries but not being allowed out of your house for 90 days is a plain bitch.
Now here's another question.
My older brother who has been on probation for 4 years now and still has 1 more year to go, smokes weed and has been smoking weed the WHOLE time while on Probo and he simply stated all he does is drink gallons of water 2 days before he is likely to get tested and take B12 vitamins and POOF just like a miracle, I don't know how but he comes up Neg every time!! And I know he is telling the truth because I've seen him smoke over 1000 times and it just never came to my mind.
Any advice or suggestions to how to pass these UA's would be much much appreciated. Thank you very much.


Well-Known Member
You were pulled over by the feds? :confused:

aknights' got your answer; is à little smoke worth your freedom (however limited it may be)



Well-Known Member
i have passed multiple UA's with Quikfix. if your PO tests you at your house you could probably pull it off but if you go check in at the office then its a different story. I would wait and see how the first UA goes before i would even think of smoking.


Active Member
"I'm gettin' sick 'cause i drink 24-7
The way i'm livin' now, if i die, theres no heaven
Gotta help my potnas in the pen 'cause they livin' broke
This aint no joke, on parole and i cant smoke
No sticky indo, roll down the window
'cause if i breathe the task is back, life's like nintendo, gotta play the game like a professional" ~ Thizz 4 Life.......

Luckily I drink too, so I wouldn't have you're problem. Quit and be legit.. Or smoke up and get locked up. It's you're life... Are you really going to take advice from people you don't know? You fucked up, pay the price and be legit...


New Member
Dammn. People dont understand and I know this sounds crackheadish but its true; after a certain point of time I honeslty have to smoke to feel like myself and it sucks. But hey freedom over tree I guess..

Dank You, More Please

Well-Known Member
buy the whizzinator, problem solved
Yessss, was going to say this. Best investment ever for someone on probation. My friend has been using it for the last year and it's gotten him through every test. They sell clean synthetic urine that will work for the test or you can fill it with a friend's clean urine (riskier... since everyone lies).

But yes this is your ticket to smoking again.
Dammn. People dont understand and I know this sounds crackheadish but its true; after a certain point of time I honeslty have to smoke to feel like myself and it sucks. But hey freedom over tree I guess..
I guess? Hell no. Nothing is better then freedom. I would say goodbye and never think back if I was in your situation but then again I would of never have made the mistake to go 60 in a 45 zone ESPECIALLY when I have a quarter pound of weed on me. But I totally understand where your coming from. Weed is weed, freedom is your life.


Well-Known Member
Quit for the duration, after a while you WILL feel ok. Do yourself a favor and every time you really really want to smoke a joint, put the money you would have spent on a quarter ounce in a jar. After you are finished with your ordeal, you will have enough money to buy yourself some primo bud.

If some of us can go dry from opiates in order to save money and our tolerance, you can quit smoking weed for a bit - hell there are alternatives anyway if you just can't stand to be sober. Try kratom, a touch of dxm, hell, if they are testing you only for pot, you can try poppies but - - with what you are describing maybe that isn't such a good idea.

again, the best way to pass a drug test is to not have anything in your body - if you get caught trying to evade the test you will be in even more trouble.


Well-Known Member
It's possible, but really isn't the best move you could make. Until you get a feel for your PO and what kinda testing they do it's not worth it at all.

Trippy Mayne

New Member
Your very lucky all you got was 2 years. I know for a fact that most people easily could have been slapped with 5 years of probation and anywhere around 90-180 days in the pin. Don't give into those temptations man. Just think of it as this, that first blunt will put you in another world lol


New Member
Dam I think I just fucked up. I've been clean for 31 days and I just screwed up a little. I was chillin at the house all day playing some Black Ops 2 since I'm on E.M. and a really good friend of mines comes over to the house to say what's up 2 hours ago. . I invited him in we played black ops 2 online and zombies for about an hour then we started talking about how I need to stay clean and shit and then my man got a phone call... He had to go make a sale. The demonds got the best of me and I was like nah fuck that man lets smoke at first he was like hell no but then I told him that I haven't even met with my probation officer for a drug test or House arrest officer either and he gave in. Which is true I have yet to been piss tested by either. I now that it is still stupid but I'm no where near close to having THC out of my system. I've been smoking every singe day for 3 years since late Sophomore year in highschool. That was when I started up in selling weed. First I was just selling fronted halves and It was from a mad hook up that grew up with me basically. He lived with us for a year and half when he had no where else to go he's basically a big brother to me. After awhile I started getting deep like maybe moving a Quarter pound within a week. Then it got to the point where I was picking up Quarter pounds every time I went to reup then sometimes a HP would slip in there but never a full lb. Then after 3 years of pushing tree I got fucked on halloween night lol what a bummer.
Sorry for rambling I'm high as fuck. I pearld a 1 gram blunt and my dude pearld a one gram blunt too. This is my first and last time chiefing in 31 days. Anyways what do you guys think I should say? I am 6'1 202 lbs. I'm not in shape lol but no fat tho. Do you think he will undertstand since Ive been smoking for 3 years? He knows I'm a real heavy smoker but he dosent know that I sold THAT much tree. Or I don't know maybe he did... Anyways what do you guys think?


New Member
LOL @Fiend4The$ My man is high as fuck right now prolly eatin all the food up in his house! lmao. But on the real in most cases your PO will understand but he'll tell you he's going to check the levels and see if they rise and at ANY certain time they go up cuase youve been cheifing your getting violated and your going back to the pin. How much time do you have over your head?


New Member
Yeah my P.O. told me I have 50 days as of 11/30/12 to get THC out of my system.... Do I think it will be out by then? HELL NO.
Next stop to the GNC store.