• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Need advice about transporting seeds


Thanks for reading this, this will be my first post of MANY I'm sure.
Ok I'm an American that is currently living in Germany taking care of my senior citizen German mother so I will have the opportunity in the next month to hop across the border to Holland and buy my seeds personally. I going to be bringing them back across the border into Germany and I figure they are probably gonna be searching with dogs and whatnot so I figure I'll put them in a small balloon and keep them in my mouth incase shit goes down I can just swallow em.
Question 1. Anyone know a good shop to buy seeds while there? I'm sure there will be tons but I wont know one from the other basically.
Question 2. Will keeping them in my mouth (inside the balloon) harm them in any way or cause them to start germinating or something?
Thanks again for any help, LOVE the site.

Grumpy Old Dreamer

Well-Known Member
If they are inside a sealed balloon they will be fine and they only need to be in your mouth at the inspection points.

Barney's Farm have well respected (by some) genetics and sampling the Dr Grinspoon would be an opportunity not to miss - probably a pain to grow but definitely one to smoke.

Grumpy Old Dreamer

Well-Known Member


To be honest I'd rather that even I didn't know about my grow let alone cops knowing I have seeds. Call me paranoid but the less people that even suspect I have a grow the safer it will be. Thanks for the info you two. Now I'm gonna post a new thread about my seed choices, be sure to visit me there :)


Well-Known Member
one time my friend flew back from holland to the US with seeds and this is how he did it.

you know the bottom part of a nice pair of shorts or pants? I dont know the specific name for it on the clothes but it is an area at the bottom where the fabric is lapped over and creates about a 1 inch area where the fabric is on both sides and the inside is a small hallow area.

this may not make any sense but pick up a pair of shorts or pants and look at the bottom and try to see what im talking about. Blue jeans or corduroys probably wont have this area at the bottom so try to use a pair of khaki or chino pants or shorts. I dont know where you shop but im sure some of your clothes are made this way.

He made a small cut in the bottom of his shorts and slid the seeds in and sowed the small hole back up. The area at the bottom where he placed his seeds acted as a very stealth hidden pocket

nothing he did was noticeable at all and he had no problems going to air port security or US customs. Seeds are so small they would never be able to detect them if you were patted down. and if they are in a small capsule no dog is going to smell them.(some breeders such as the joint doctor sell their seeds in tiny vials which are perfect for this)

seeds are easy to move around dont worry about it. just dont push your luck and try to bring some stinky nugs back

everyone always hates crossing borders especially germany (I was only 15 but they seemed pretty strict) so the best of luck to you

Happy growing

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
why do poep-le openly post about how they hide seeds...not hidden now is it. no wodner shit gets stopped in the mail or elshwere.

no offence guys but why out the secrets.,...

Jack in the Bud

Active Member
Thanks for reading this, this will be my first post of MANY I'm sure.
Ok I'm an American that is currently living in Germany taking care of my senior citizen German mother so I will have the opportunity in the next month to hop across the border to Holland and buy my seeds personally. I going to be bringing them back across the border into Germany and I figure they are probably gonna be searching with dogs and whatnot so I figure I'll put them in a small balloon and keep them in my mouth incase shit goes down I can just swallow em.
Question 1. Anyone know a good shop to buy seeds while there? I'm sure there will be tons but I wont know one from the other basically.
Question 2. Will keeping them in my mouth (inside the balloon) harm them in any way or cause them to start germinating or something?
Thanks again for any help, LOVE the site.

If you take the train over to Holland you won't even go thru a border checkpoint. Going from one European Union Country to another is not like it is here in the US when you want to go into either Canada or Mexico. You're probably going to be surprised at just how freely the people over there move among the different countries.

I've bought seeds at the Dampkring grow store and was quite happy with them. I also bought some seeds at a little hole in the wall head shop called "Aliens" and not a one of them germinated. Their prices were so much lower than the other stores I looked in that I should have known some thing wasn't right.

The Dampkring (grow store) is about a 5 minute walk from the train station in Amsterdam. Here's the link so you can see what they've got and what the prices are. There's even a map showing where it's located at the bottom of the page.




Well-Known Member
hey medi 1 I could understand why you would think me sharing that info is stupid but if you read my post I was talking about my friend who did this.

I have never smuggled something illegal across a boarder and I never intend to do so. Im simply helping Gr0wer the best I can.

what would this website be if no ones questions got answered.

I would be surprised if the authorities are not already aware that people use thier clothing to smuggle shit. people were doing it a long time before any of us were (ever hear of midnight express?)

Im not giving him a detailed instructions about how to package pounds for shipping... its just a nifty little trick.

jeff f

New Member
why do poep-le openly post about how they hide seeds...not hidden now is it. no wodner shit gets stopped in the mail or elshwere.

no offence guys but why out the secrets.,...
seriously? how dumb do you think cops are that they wouldnt think of this? this isnt rocket science.

the shorts idea is good. another way to smuggle seeds is in a cheap belt. they have 2 or more layers sandwiched together. take a razor and slice through the inside layer. separate the two layers of material and you have a nice "tunnel" to slide stuff in. dogs wont sniff your person so you dont have to worry about them. if the belt is in your luggage, you may get found if they use a dog.

dont be too paranoid about seeds. they will only chuck them in the garbage if found. not like singapore where they will sentence you to death or give you a royal ass whooping with canes. you will be fine in germany.

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
im not parnaoid about anything...im legal. but i knwo alot that have lost seed. and some are still sitting in prison for it. if you think they toss the large orders out your mistaken. i know of 2 alone gthat are sitting in prison right now for this.
yes they may think of some of the ideas...but they sure dont need help by reading it on the pot forums. no wonder this sites been flagged to watch

jeff f

New Member
im not parnaoid about anything...im legal. but i knwo alot that have lost seed. and some are still sitting in prison for it. if you think they toss the large orders out your mistaken. i know of 2 alone gthat are sitting in prison right now for this.
yes they may think of some of the ideas...but they sure dont need help by reading it on the pot forums. no wonder this sites been flagged to watch

so your legal, but you have to hide them and you know people in jail for the same "legal" thing? huh weird, we dont do that in my country....youre on your own.

yea whatever dude, flag this site. youre a fucking idiot.


Cmon guys, can't we all get along. I'm sure cops have seen and will continue to see more advanced techniques than hiding things in the hem (thats the word for that flap i think) of pants so it's not like he outed some big secret. I'm going with the mouth thing because theres only gonna be like 10 seeds max and I want to be able to swallow them in case of a real emergency. Sorry my thread got you guys all agitated tho wish we could all get together and smokem peace pipe to sort it out.
Dude, if you're travelling from Holland to Germany you won't be checked at all. Not 100% sure about air travel as you prolly have an American passport, but if you take a train or car, you can buy all the seeds you like, no problem. Especially if you can go by car, there isn't even a real border between Holland and Germany anymore. Also if you don't need to go to Amsterdam you can buy seeds in one of the towns nearer to the border.

Good luck!
Thanks for reading this, this will be my first post of MANY I'm sure.
Ok I'm an American that is currently living in Germany taking care of my senior citizen German mother so I will have the opportunity in the next month to hop across the border to Holland and buy my seeds personally. I going to be bringing them back across the border into Germany and I figure they are probably gonna be searching with dogs and whatnot so I figure I'll put them in a small balloon and keep them in my mouth incase shit goes down I can just swallow em.
Question 1. Anyone know a good shop to buy seeds while there? I'm sure there will be tons but I wont know one from the other basically.
Question 2. Will keeping them in my mouth (inside the balloon) harm them in any way or cause them to start germinating or something?
Thanks again for any help, LOVE the site.
Actually one thing I need to add - if you're not travelling by plane I would say that behaving paranoid like carrying seeds in a balloon in your mouth is sure to get you noticed far more quickly than if you just put them in a bag or something. Seriously I cannot imagine you'd get in trouble if you went by car/train, I think maybe one in a million people may be checked. (it helps if the car has a Dutch or German license plate and not say a Polish one)


Well-Known Member
I think he's more worried about getting back to America. I've travelled by plane a lot and carried loads of seeds. Every time I just toss the bag of seeds in my carry on luggage and nobody ever said anything. Most craziest thing I've done, I left Amsterdam with some weed in my wallet, there was just a gram or something, and my wallet stank like hell, but at Security the guy told me to empty my pockets (wallet included) and put everything on a tray. he personally handed me my wallet as I was so stressed out I almost forgot about it there. Point is my friend, the less you try to hide your shit the easier it'll be to get busted. In anyway just keep in mind something to say if you do get busted. For instance I would have told them that I forgot the weed in my wallet from Amsterdam and they can take it all away. I don't think they would have made a big fuss about a gram or something but still, seeds should be way easier to carry. Also dogs can't smell seeds :P

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
holly fuk another morron. sdededs are still illegal here idiot. know the laws before shooting your shit hole off,.what does me beinhg legal have to do with someone else in jail...duh...
who said anyt5hing about me hiding anything either....duh again. i dont need to buy seed.
so you klnow all people i know to say i dont know if this or any other site is flagged then...ok....whos the idiot

ya i know you dont do that in your country as no one down there is lkegal...fed legal i mean...your still tryinj to keep up to us....lol, doin a poor job to with people like you...no offence to any others here. i just cant stand pee on kids with snotty mouths that think they know others lives more than themselves.

jeff f

New Member
holly fuk another morron. sdededs are still illegal here idiot. know the laws before shooting your shit hole off,.what does me beinhg legal have to do with someone else in jail...duh...
who said anyt5hing about me hiding anything either....duh again. i dont need to buy seed.
so you klnow all people i know to say i dont know if this or any other site is flagged then...ok....whos the idiot

ya i know you dont do that in your country as no one down there is lkegal...fed legal i mean...your still tryinj to keep up to us....lol, doin a poor job to with people like you...no offence to any others here. i just cant stand pee on kids with snotty mouths that think they know others lives more than themselves.
from the moderator of 420 magizine news team

Cannabis was illegal throughout Germany until the federal constitutional court decided on 28 April 1994 that people need no longer be prosecuted for possession of soft drugs for personal use. Since then, most German regional governments have tolerated the sale and use of soft drugs.

In some cities, cannabis supply is now tolerated in a similar way to the Netherlands. In other places the courts still treat possession as an offence. For example, in one state, Schleswig-Holstein, no charges are usually brought for possession of less than 30 g, but in Thuringia people are prosecuted for possessing even tiny amounts.2

In March 1999, Germany's drug tsar, Christa Nickels, said she considered it sensible to use cannabis products such as marijuana and hashish for therapeutic purposes in medicine. Source

Chris Fowlie's Tour: Germany: Uber Hanf
By Chris Fowlie

Germany was once thought to be on its way to becoming the next Netherlands, but it is now considered one of the harshest countries in Europe, with its citizens living in fear of roadside sweat tests and police sniffer dogs.

Having said that, it is rare to be prosecuted for possession, let alone go to jail for it, and there is a thriving German ganja culture with huge Hanf celebrations and parades all over the country.

In the northern cities of Hamburg and Berlin you can smoke reasonably openly and there are quasi-coffeeshops that keep really quiet in order to stay open. Hamburg police will tolerate up to 30 grams as a personal amount - it will be confiscated but no charges laid. The further south you go in Germany, the less tolerance there is, but even in Bavaria it would still be unusual to be arrested for possessing a small amount.

Pipes and bongs are legal even for cannabis use, and the stores selling them all appear to be doing a brisk trade. The Germans are also on the forefront of developing great vaporisers, with two excellent models, personally tried and tested by myself, called the Aromed and the Volcano. Both use electricity to heat the air which is drawn through the finely chopped herb. The Volcano fills a balloon, which is handy for medical users who may not always be able to use delicate nozzles and buttons.

The hemp industry is also big, but unlike in Switzerland, the German hemp is low-THC. Most of it is grown in the south and used to make nutritious food products. Hemp businesses have invested in processing plant and can now manufacture their own hemp clothing, insulation and building materials as well as hempseed foods and cosmetics.

Cannabis seeds were legal in Germany up to a couple of years ago, but they remain legal almost everywhere else in Europe so they are easy for Germans to get. Grow lights are sold next to bongs with no illusion about what they are for. Hash seems the most common form of cannabis, with the black hashes of India and Nepal preferred to the Moroccan. Marijuana seemed harder to come by, and much of it originates from the Netherlands and Switzerland.

The fact that Germany shares open borders with so many countries with liberal drug policies has a lot to do with their tolerance for possessing small amounts. They have no hope of stemming the flow of cannabis from the Netherlands, Switzerland, Belgium, Austria, Czech, Poland, Denmark - all countries that have long stopped chasing cannabis smokers, so by tolerating cannabis smokers the police can concentrate on hard drugs.

thanks for playing goof

btw i am 47 and been to germany a few times on vacation. never seen anyone handcuffed, stripped searched, flogged, or otherwise harrassed for weed. my uncle, his wife and 2 kids (32, 30 yrs old) lived there for 4 years when stationed in frankfurt and still goes back to visit friends and SMOKE POT.

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
goof??? realy...grow the fuk up sonny. .. who the fuk said i was in germany or this was to do with over thiere and thier laws and ways....lol...that has nothing to do with laws here or in the states. lets see them not go to a house after they grab 5k worth of seed...good luck

for 47 you sure act like a bitch with the goof comment. always a tough guy online seems. you remind me of the 9 year old in mommies car goin down tghe road givin the finger knowing nobody can get ya....lol...pee ons