nancy pelosi appreciation thread

Trump needs to leave now while the going is still good.

Someone will cut a deal but that'll make him a dead man..Russians will be back.
Where is a named source for this info? Owe right there is none...

The youtubes of the person saying it? Those were from press conferences?

If you refer to bottom chart February 14th, that's the exact same information Henny Penny Nunes just had that huge press conference on in which Trump feels somewhat vindicated..
holy shit! i seriously thought this was a joke before i read through the comments. the establishment would be proud of you guys. im just shocked so many people would openly support a corrupt career politician. she is the representative of corporate America, not you.

A sleeper account is an account that has not edited in a long time and has essentially lain dormant. Technically, a sleeper account is still enabled and it is still possible to use it. However, any such use of an account must conform to Wikipedia guidelines, particularly those of sock puppetry.
holy shit! i seriously thought this was a joke before i read through the comments. the establishment would be proud of you guys. im just shocked so many people would openly support a corrupt career politician. she is the representative of corporate America, not you.
You a Trump fan?
Trump won running as an outsider. Pelosi is corrupt as they come why to you think she is the fundraising queen?
You play the cards you're dealt until you can change the game. That anyone on the R side would bemoan big money is fucking precious! YOUR side is responsible for this.

Here's Pelosi's potion, you mind numbingly stupid shit stain:

“Our founders pledged their lives, their liberty and their sacred honor to establish a government of the many, not a government of the money. Six years ago, the Supreme Court’s disastrous Citizens United decision struck at the heart of this principle, and opened the floodgates to a tidal wave of special interest spending in our elections.

“We must reclaim our democracy from the secret spending of the special interests. In 2010, the Democratic House passed the DISCLOSE Act to restore transparency to our campaign finance system – only to be blocked by Republicans in the Senate. We must continue to press the special interests to disclose the extent of their spending in our elections, both with legislation and executive action.

“On this anniversary, we rededicate ourselves to ensuring the pocketbooks of the privileged few do not drown out the voices of hard-working American families. We must require the special interests to disclose the dollars they are spending in our elections. We must overturn Citizens United. We must reform our campaign finance system. And we must empower all Americans to make their voices and their votes heard in the future of their communities and our country.” -- Nancy Fucking Pelosi
paul ryan and the GOP had 7 fucking years to figure this out.

they knew 4 fucking months ago that they would have this chance too. 4 fucking months ago they knew they'd have the presidency and both chambers.

they try to cram through a bill in two weeks without so much as a CBO score and have to pull it from the floor in disgrace and embarrassment.

nancy pelosi is sipping a martini and laughing her ass off at how incompetent these people are.
A sleeper account is an account that has not edited in a long time and has essentially lain dormant. Technically, a sleeper account is still enabled and it is still possible to use it. However, any such use of an account must conform to Wikipedia guidelines, particularly those of sock puppetry.
i dont even know what this is supposed to be, a insult? i stopped for awhile and am starting back up.

You a Trump fan?
yes i am.
paul ryan and the GOP had 7 fucking years to figure this out.

they knew 4 fucking months ago that they would have this chance too. 4 fucking months ago they knew they'd have the presidency and both chambers.

they try to cram through a bill in two weeks without so much as a CBO score and have to pull it from the floor in disgrace and embarrassment.

nancy pelosi is sipping a martini and laughing her ass off at how incompetent these people are.
how do you even have the nerve to say some shit like this? it was to and for the public. i remember nancy pelosi's "pass it before you can read it" and you weren't saying shit about that.

i am soo sick of the "russian collusion" it only goes to show the sheep mentality. this all started because your corrupt democrat party was exposed. firstly it wasn't a "hack" not even close. hacking actually takes skill. this was a phishing email. complete pebcak! he literally handed over his credentials. secondly anyone is possible of this i wouldn't be surprised if it was trumps kid.

i know its hard for you so called liberals to think for yourself i implore you to try. don't rely on regurgitated liberal media talking points, it only gets you so far.