nancy pelosi appreciation thread

it took obama 13 months for him to pass the PPACA. "ramming it down our throats".

trump gave up on trumpcare in 17 days.

obamacare, in its final final version, was available to read for a month before they passed it.

trump demanded a vote on trumpcare while they were still negotiating major details in the middle of the night.

please give me the link where i can read it.
You have to admit, colluding with the Russians to undermine the very foundation of our democracy is a fresh idea. A bad, traitorous idea, but well outside the box.

Only if you don't count Corporate interests In China. Give it time, you'll like it or you may never drive your car again.
i dont even know what this is supposed to be, a insult? i stopped for awhile and am starting back up.

yes i am.

how do you even have the nerve to say some shit like this? it was to and for the public. i remember nancy pelosi's "pass it before you can read it" and you weren't saying shit about that.

i am soo sick of the "russian collusion" it only goes to show the sheep mentality. this all started because your corrupt democrat party was exposed. firstly it wasn't a "hack" not even close. hacking actually takes skill. this was a phishing email. complete pebcak! he literally handed over his credentials. secondly anyone is possible of this i wouldn't be surprised if it was trumps kid.

i know its hard for you so called liberals to think for yourself i implore you to try. don't rely on regurgitated liberal media talking points, it only gets you so far.
Keep whistling past the graveyard, skidmark.
continuing resolution just passed:

-no money for the wall
-no cuts to planned parenthood
-no cuts to sanctuary cities
-no cuts to dodd-frank
-$2 billion extra to NIH
-$1 billion+ to coal miner's health care
-restored access to year round pell grants
-medicaid expansion to puerto rico
-160+ poison pill riders kicked out

thank nancy, guys.
It's been covered before and worth repeating that Pelosi was the speaker of the house and major influence behind passage of the Affordable Care Act. Respect for achieving a great good in the face of adversity.

Aca obummercare is dead and gone. Great day!

thank nancy, guys.
Lololol little snowflakes are butthurt. Didn't the clown Pelosi just say this wouldn't pass? Lol it will go right through Senate and slap you snowflakes in the mouth. Obummer did NOTHING for this great nation. Suck it up butter cups 7 more years to go.
Lololol little snowflakes are butthurt. Didn't the clown Pelosi just say this wouldn't pass? Lol it will go right through Senate and slap you snowflakes in the mouth. Obummer did NOTHING for this great nation. Suck it up butter cups 7 more years to go.
You sound reasonable and very well-adjusted.
will you still be celebrating when you can't afford insurance any longer?
I have insurance through my employer like a normal American. Don't worry Trump care will take care of you fellas. I'm still shocked of this thread. Pelosi is a great example of a corrupt career politician. How do you people support such a evil and corrupt party? I really just do not get it.
I have insurance through my employer like a normal American. Don't worry Trump care will take care of you fellas. I'm still shocked of this thread. Pelosi is a great example of a corrupt career politician. How do you people support such a evil and corrupt party? I really just do not get it.
Wait a minute. You're a Chump sucker and you want to talk about OTHER politicians bring corrupt?!

I have insurance through my employer like a normal American. Don't worry Trump care will take care of you fellas. I'm still shocked of this thread. Pelosi is a great example of a corrupt career politician. How do you people support such a evil and corrupt party? I really just do not get it.

A career bankruptcy abuser running up the deficit with proposed tax cuts for the rich.

You're as fucking dumb as the day is long.

And WTF is a 'normal' American?