Supz all. Quick update. Almost late to work today cuz I wanted to see these babiez so bad lulz. Basically heres the rundown thusfar--->
Took a good look at Kyla's massive colas today. Best description of em is like 30 individual flowers clustered all up. EACH flower has small leaves comin from it tho. So it's leafy and buddy? Really fluffy stuff. I'm thinkin she may take a little longer than I thought. 10 weeks maybe? Frosting is a little lighter on the leaves BUT she does have plenty of frosting INSIDE her colas. Spread em out a little bit...prettyful.
The other 2 females are goin insane with the dense buds and frosting is everywhere...and I do mean EVERYWHERE. The taller female on the far end is extremely WHITE, while her shorter sister is a really pretty ORANGE. The average size of the buds on those 2 are roughly the size of 2 fifty-cent pieces tall and about 1 fifty-cent piece wide or so. They are DENSE as shit tho! Firm and sticky to the lightest touch. The smell from all 4 is enuff to make you cough lulz. Good stuff
This bitch right here.....is nuts! This WHOLE grow she's looked like death rolled over. Stunted from the VERY beginning and then BAM....every limb she's got is filling in. Frosting is coating her everywhere. Craziest thing...happened in a matter of days it seems. She must really dig the 600watter
P.S. Finally got my friggin pocket microscope!!