Mystery Bud Bubbleponics Grow


Well-Known Member
Supz RIU'erz. Just wanted to post on here rite quick and say we purchased a 600w grow light system with a MaxWingXL reflector and somemore nutez. We also picked up somemore hydroton and some net pots as well. Next grow we're gonna give cloning another shot so we figured we'd need em. I'll have pics up from today here in a couple of hrs


Well-Known Member

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Photos this week are courtesy of my wife and she says and I quote "Sorry guys, I'm short." lulz Gonna go bongsmilie then I shall return with the rest of the info ;)


Well-Known Member
Okay so I'm gonna give you guys some random info. Trichome production is getting pretty crazy. Frosting is expanding towards the ends of each leaf now. Flowers are merging on almost ALL of the upper colas, ESPECIALLY on Kyla. From here on out I'll TRY to keep the pics separated and labeled to each individual girl, but thats kinda difficult with the way the doors open and stuff. Another thing....the RUNT is finally showing signs of flowers!! I was shocked to be perfectly honest, but hey...even if its 1/4oz it may be some KILLER shit lulz. I also decided to find a way to get all 4 of my 42w CFL bulbs in that cabinet so thats another mini-project that'll be done eventually. Mostly for clones and seedlings and I think it'll work out perfect with some minor tweakz and whatnot. Okay so time to do some pic labeling :D

Kyla ---> Pics 2,3, and 10 (10 is my favorite by far lulz) She's experiencing some light burn actually. We raised the light up another 3" a couple days ago, but its not BAD by any means. If nothing else we're going to clip some of the screen away from her and actually DROP her bucket a few inches if we have to. No worriez, but her top cola sites are truly a pretty sight. She's not as frosty as her sisters yet, but her mid-canopy is definately frosty. Her flowers look a neon-greenish now with white tips. LONG and stringy strands of pistils. Slight smell, but not overwhelming yet. I am SOO GLAD I have 4 more seeds of her. Definately gonna do a full SCROG of nothing but Royal Hash one of these days. Her yield will be the biggest no question at this point.

Female 1 ---> Pics 1,5, and 9 She has the WHITEST flowers and trichomes of the 3 by FAR! The smell on her is intense and skunky while hazy? lulz we need smellovision. Her top main colas arent as tall per say, but I'm guessing harvest times for these ladiez is gonna be slightly different for each. Frosting on this girl is pretty heavy thusfar and spreading quickly.

Female 2 ---> Pics 4,6,7, and 8 This girl is picking up quickly with the frosting. Everyday it gets more and more heavy. The flowers are getting really white and her trichomes seem closer together than her sisters so to the eye, her leaves look covered with a light coating of snow. I'll take a pic soon of this one site on her thats pretty frickin gorgeous. She's grown the lankiest out of the 3. She has the BIG 4-tower thing goin on (from the topping I bet) and then the middle is where the lower canopy came up. She has some decent-sized flowers on her as well.

Overall, this grow should be decent. I know it could have been better, but for a 1st-timer I'll take it lulz. Pretty sure trying a SCROG during flowering with different strains was a bad idea, but then again I'm sure there are growers who do this all the time with great luck and even canopies. Some strains are better for SCROGz as well I'm sure so there's some lessons learned. Thanks for checkin out my thread as usual. Happy Growing and if ny1 would like to see pics of certain things or specific info at this point just holla ;)


Well-Known Member
Supz RIU'erz. Just wanted to post on here rite quick and say we purchased a 600w grow light system with a MaxWingXL reflector and somemore nutez. We also picked up somemore hydroton and some net pots as well. Next grow we're gonna give cloning another shot so we figured we'd need em. I'll have pics up from today here in a couple of hrs
Looking real nice man can't wait to be seeing some bud action like that. And score on the 600! Sure ur gonna be real happy with that make sure u have it nice n cool tho. I'm about to upgrade at least one of my 400s hopefully this week. Good stuff man


Well-Known Member
Looking real nice man can't wait to be seeing some bud action like that. And score on the 600! Sure ur gonna be real happy with that make sure u have it nice n cool tho. I'm about to upgrade at least one of my 400s hopefully this week. Good stuff man
Thanx alot DL! Yea we're pretty excited about the 600watter. Prolly gonna upgrade our exhaust fan to at least 400cfmz sometime in the near future as well. We're considering doing 2 different grows at once, but not sure yet. The 600-watter we're gonna use for the last few weeks of this grow so hopefully they'll fluff up somemore ;)


Well-Known Member
Them girls coming along nicely!!.. Big ups on upgrading to that 600w.. I might try to get one more grow outta my 2 400w then try to get a good deal on 2 600w. Oh yea.. Check out my thread i just harvest the Bubblelicious :hump:


Well-Known Member
Thanx alot DL! Yea we're pretty excited about the 600watter. Prolly gonna upgrade our exhaust fan to at least 400cfmz sometime in the near future as well. We're considering doing 2 different grows at once, but not sure yet. The 600-watter we're gonna use for the last few weeks of this grow so hopefully they'll fluff up somemore ;)
Dude I'm sure ur going to be completely amazed at how much more nicer ur grow going to be with the addition of the six hundred. Gonna be like a whole new grow. And will put some wieght on your nuggs as well. U can very easily achieve a gram/watt with that 600 just wait and see man happy for u.


Well-Known Member
Dude I'm sure ur going to be completely amazed at how much more nicer ur grow going to be with the addition of the six hundred. Gonna be like a whole new grow. And will put some wieght on your nuggs as well. U can very easily achieve a gram/watt with that 600 just wait and see man happy for u.
Thanx for stoppin by DL. We're debating on whether or not to run both lights at the same time or not. Prolly not for our 1st go-around, BUT next grow maybe;) 1000w does sound appealing, but with every watt you pay the price lulz. So we definately have options. 400w Veg tent and a 600w Flower room seems the most appropriate. We're just looking to be self-sufficient and keep the harvest down to every 2 months compared to every 3. But yea, when this grow is done we're gonna revamp some stuff for surez. Alwayz a pleasure


Well-Known Member
Flower Day 34

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General Info

PH--> 6.1
PPMz--> 1600 shot of nutez (1800ppmz total)
Water Temps-->70F


Well-Known Member
You have some healthy looking girls there.. Keep up the good work and they will reward you. Its too early to tell how many more weeks you have.. They are really going to test you patience. I wish i have gave my plants an extra week.


Well-Known Member
Yea I know for sure another 3 weeks or so. The way it's looking now Kyla will be done first it seems. Her colas look farther along than the other 2. Good formations and the density is really kicking in. The frostiness is more widespread now so thats a good sign considering my RH is 65% most of the time ;) Its higher than I'd like it, but hey...I cant really afford the whole "controlled environment" scene. 2morrow is the end of Week 5 for these babiez. I really hope to see em swell up. We just got our new shipment of nutez in the mail and not a DAY too soon lulz. We ran out of Boost and Bloom today. Good thing we got another case of the Technaflora shtuff cuz we needed the Sugar Daddy as well. The 3 bigguns are eating and drinking pretty much everything we throw at em. I havent seen the slightest bit of nute burn the whole grow I dont think. The most damage I've seen was from the light being a few inches too close, but those leaves are flat and back to green again in a matter of days. We cranked the nutez up 200ppmz over the next couple of weeks since we replenished our supply of them so hopefully that'll help as well. Overall, we are VERY pleased with our progress as newb growers:D Our 600-watter should be here tomorrow or Tuesday. We're gonna throw that bitch in with the 3 bigguns and throw the 400w back in the tent to start germin our next SCROG attempt ;) Pretty sure we're just gonna do 2 separate grows next round. The lineup for our next grow is prolly gonna look like --> 2 Royal Hash/2 Wonder Woman in the tent under the 400w -AND- 6 Bubblelicious in the bigger closet under the 600w...or so we think lulz. Thanx for the input on the girlz. They say thanks for visiting as alwayz!


Well-Known Member
So the tracking # on the 600-watter shows that it'll be on my doorstep tomorrow :D Gonna try to get that bad boy installed in the cabinet with the girlz asaps. I dont think we're gonna have much trouble on the temps. They may go up a bit, but it should still be well within growing conditions. If nothing else we're thinking of just installing another exhaust fan on the OTHER side of the cabinet so we'd have ventilation on BOTH sides of the chamber. Its rectangular yea, but shouldnt be nything but some tweaks in the design. It SHALL WORK lulz. New pics soon. I havent seen them in a couple of days so im excited as well to document somemore of their progress. Pretty sure we'll be crackin the next batch of seeds soon and we're fuckin SUPER-STOKED!! Thanx to nyone who's viewed my thread and as alwayz....happy growing!


Well-Known Member
just breezed through the journal, great gardening brother!!! im subbed n will celebrate your sucess soon :)


Well-Known Member
Sweet build. That bubbleponics thing works pretty well, eh?

I did a little research on the bubbleponics thing. I saw a website called SH (Stealth Hydro)? That thing appears to be a smaller version of mine except instead of that little drippy thingamajig, I have sprayers. A length of pvc pipe cut and screwed into a pump with cloner spray heads at 60 cents a pop will result in faster growing, stronger plants. Also, with the jets wetting your suspended net pot instead of dripping directly on your rockwool core, you won't have those droopy problems early when the plant is still tiny.

Very nice job, tho. Love the screen.


hey there every body and minralz , mineralz every body on this forem is really cool . but what i want to say is the bottom leaves that do not get light under the scrog net should be removed for air and they are sucking energy because there not getting light so they are trying extra extra hard to produce a pop corn bud . i said that like 4 weeks ago but i dont think you thought twice about it ,you really want all focus on those big colas you got that are way above your net and thats not a scrog any more its a tent full of buds . you will be getting the kind weed but use your scrog to its advantage next time and you will save time and get a even layer of bud like a 4" flat lasagne , horizontal stem on the underbelly of your net and hundreds of bud sites growing virtical . a truley beautiful site . take care as well and enjoy your product