Obama says his idea to sell treasuries to people will mean they will be able to retire comfortably and there will be no risk.
No risk ? LOL LOL LOL
"Today, most workers dont have a pension. A Social Security check often isnt enough on its own. And while the stock market has doubled over the last five years, that doesnt help folks who dont have 401ks. Thats why, tomorrow, I will direct the Treasury to create a new way for working Americans to start their own retirement savings: MyRA. Its a new savings bond that encourages folks to build a nest egg. MyRA guarantees a decent return with no risk of losing what you put in." - Barack Obama
There is no such thing as an investment that gives a return and has no risk. FUCK! don't people know that the return is the reward for accepting the risk?
I watched the SOU and the dipshit couldn't even pronounce MYRA, he fumbled over it three times.
That was a new word on the teleprompter and old mush mouth couldn't pronounce it.
Also Cheezy, risk does not mean just defaulting. If you buy a US Treasury that pays 1% interest for the next 30 years and then all of a sudden the USA is plagued by relentless inflation at a rate of 10% per year for the next 30 years. Even though the USA doesn't default, your 30 year bond will essentially be worthless. That is an extreme example, but hopefully you can get the gist.
Do you actively participate in your 401K or are you subject to the whims of whatever your 'Financial Adviser' suggests? Do you even have a 401K?
Risk free and pay accordingly. Meaning shit.There is not now, and never has been a totally "risk-free" investment.
Market risk exists with ALL investment vehicles.
Even T-Bills have market risk.
There are different types of money market funds: some use short term commercial paper and corporate obligations, others use only US agencies or Treasuries.
You're seriously asking if the dumb shits that voted blowbama into office twice know about anything and wouldn't just lap up whatever cum blowbama skeets at them?
No, for reals.............seriously?
*said one of rollitup's most hardcore blowbama apologists*
On the surface this seems like a good idea, but of course, the devil is always in the details.
It appears that this new type of US savings bond will only be available in conjunction with a Roth IRA.
Encouraging individuals to save however, is always a good thing, IMO
For whom? certainly not the credit card companies, or the big screen companies, or the car companies, or the fast food companies, or the mattress companies.......
For whom? certainly not the credit card companies, or the big screen companies, or the car companies, or the fast food companies, or the mattress companies.......
scrotum popsicles for greater american values and independence with liberty founding principles because free market liberty economy.
You have muddied the waters, tap danced around the question and moved the goal posts.
The question.
Has the USA ever defaulted on it's debt?
Are savings bonds risk free investments?
You know the answers.
Yes I have a 401k I can control my own investments. I can even put my cash in a money market fund that would lose money if inflation was more than the pithy interest it pays. But then again just like savings bonds Money market funds are almost entirely RISK free
A family friend bought our daughter some savings bonds in 2001. They have gained 9 bucks in interest
LOL...for the individuals and the custodians of the Roth IRAs.
I am very glad that I began saving when young.