Well-Known Member

o buy the way she told my mom about my crop so it got destroyed ( so sad )
damn dude im not on drugs! those dogbones and adeerals are perscrbed to me i take very good care of my kids and im always ther for them no matter what! i know i gave her the ring! and that i was in the wrong for that but i never laid my hands on her and shit since weve been merried but she went to extreams putting through that shit and about haveing my kids put in a foster home! and im sorry if i didnt write my thread the right way cut my a little slack! stay cool broUnstructured text is so not worth reading....
Yes, respect her fucking wishes, jerk ass. You gave her the ring, she owns it, not you.
Here's an idea: Get the fuck off drugs(unless they're prescribed by a PhD), get a job, and take care of your kids.
Sounds like you really need to get your shit together(or maybe you're in the process). I'm not trying to be mean or rude.... But fuck, you got kids and shit, act responsibly, be a man, suck it up, and do what you need to do.
I wish my brother learned that lesson. My niece is a little 5 year old bitch because she saw and heard so many fights between her parents.never fight with your kids around.
thanks man! things have been rough! iv done all i can to please her even though we have our fights! now i will be straight up! i caint work i got some mental problem that prevent from working ! im not retarded ! im bipolar i have adhd sosialphobia which means i caint be around people when im around people i start getting real nervous and axcious i caint really talk to people not even on the phone! my wife was doine all that! but thats over with! im not crazy its like iget get scared of being out! now like if i met someone i i get to know them then im fine ! thats why i was able to get merried and have kids! but i got binder & binder working on my disabilty case if i go out to eat at a restrunt i got to set at a booth wit my back faceing everybody so i caint see them! if i go to the store to get food i try to get in and out! now yall might think im crzy but im really not i just have problems being around alot of people! hell i caint even take a piss if someone is in the bathroom ( not at home ) like at the store! crazy aint! but please dont think im crazy yall im actuly a laid back guy! i just stick to my self and play with my kids!Damn bro. That sucks. Sorry to hear it. I had a feeling that woman was trouble. I wish I knew what to tell you about your money problems, but the best thing you can do is forget about her. And come the 3rd have a girl there with you. It'll deffinately irk her and make feel like shit like she did to you. Sorry about our troubles bro, but you'll get through it.
this is my 2nd marrige! weve only been merried a little over a year! she is the stepmom i have full cosody of my kids and i wouldnt take anything in the world for them! but yea our merrige is completly over she took an ex prta on! i dont know why! i never harmed her in any way befor this is the only time i touched her when i tried to take the ring back! and yes i know i was wrong and i should not have done it but she did nit have to do what she did ither! that was very vendictiver if i was not out of jail by friday social services was going to put my kids in a home!Marriage is hard and we all make mistakes.... Yea it soundslike u messed up.. left some nasty post on the forum... fine... but to take it to the point of ruining a marriage and separating the childen thats just stupid. You two are still young, 31 i think you said, so i think her responce has alot to do with being immature and not know how to express the hurt she felt when she found your post.. (BY THE WAY... WHAT DID YOU SAY IN THAT POST? WAS IT VOULGER?!?!) Anyways it sounds like you did everythnig you could to help the situation.... you even removed the post, i mean does she smoke?!?! she sounds really uptight.... Anyway, your family is in my Prayers and i hope you two can come to an understanding with out giving up on your marriage, this arguement even at the point its esclated to, is just not worth it.... Is this your 4-5 year of marriage!?!? they call those the hardest...
Keep your head up dude!!!!
this is my 2nd marrige! weve only been merried a little over a year! she is the stepmom i have full cosody of my kids and i wouldnt take anything in the world for them! but yea our merrige is completly over she took an ex prta on! i dont know why! i never harmed her in any way befor this is the only time i touched her when i tried to take the ring back! and yes i know i was wrong and i should not have done it but she did nit have to do what she did ither! that was very vendictiver if i was not out of jail by friday social services was going to put my kids in a home!
this girl was asking for votes for a high times mag. all i said was YOU GOT MY VOTE! there was a pic with her holding this 6ft blue bong blue is my favoerite coluer so all i said is I SURE WOULDNT MIND IF YOU LET ME TAKE A HIT FROM THAT BONG-- OR BLUE BONG thats all that was ever saidYeah...I want to know what this post was.
Do you have any idea how hard it is to find a job right now? Any kind of job?Unstructured text is so not worth reading....
Yes, respect her fucking wishes, jerk ass. You gave her the ring, she owns it, not you.
Here's an idea: Get the fuck off drugs(unless they're prescribed by a PhD), get a job, and take care of your kids.
Sounds like you really need to get your shit together(or maybe you're in the process). I'm not trying to be mean or rude.... But fuck, you got kids and shit, act responsibly, be a man, suck it up, and do what you need to do.
their not her kids she is onle the stepmom well not anymore! they are my kids after my first marriage faild i did what i coul to make it worrk! after my 3rd child i got fixed! then me and my wif split up and she got pregnet by another man! well i stll tried to make it work i took her back stayed by her side during the pregnetcie and raised that little girl for a yr. she called me daddy and i loved her just like my other 3! but she ended up leaveing me again she became a bad drunk and shit and i anded up winning cosody in court and the othe guy won cosody of the othe baby also but i was so upset after 14 yrs i just felt like everthing was over all i had was my kids! but i was so lonely and desprate for conpanionship so anyone who paid me attchion i welcome them so whem me current so called wife came along i merried her in a heatbear! like i said i dont want to be lonely!yall all heard 1 is the lonelest number! but i will not dear talk or call or have anything to do with her ever againWow sounds like a fucking bitch to me. Wat do u see in her man ... Oh ya the kids