my wife fucked me over real bad! if it werent for my kids id be in the hospital!

Straight up G

New Member
Unstructured text is so not worth reading....

Yes, respect her fucking wishes, jerk ass. You gave her the ring, she owns it, not you.

Here's an idea: Get the fuck off drugs(unless they're prescribed by a PhD), get a job, and take care of your kids. :idea:

Sounds like you really need to get your shit together(or maybe you're in the process). I'm not trying to be mean or rude.... But fuck, you got kids and shit, act responsibly, be a man, suck it up, and do what you need to do.

just how close to banned do you think you are?

Straight up G

New Member
Nah, it's harsh reality. He needs to focus on what's important, and stop blaming other people(like his ex). He needs to take ownership of his actions, and live up to his responsibilities.

He doesn't need electronic compassion, he needs to get his life on a track that will lead to happiness and prosperity for himself and his family -spiritually and physically.
Ah heres the preacher/marriage guidence counselor/philosopher I was looking for

Straight up G

New Member
The key is who he admits it to. I doubt an on-line forum is going to help resolve any conflict without actually dealing with his ex in a constructive, IRL, manner. That means not blaming her. Cut the BS excuses, and OWN UP.

Telling him to go get some more pootang to piss her off more.... Wow man, your fucking genius is epic. :clap:
Ah heres that ricki lake/peacemaker and all round stand up guy I was looking for