That’s rough finding work after all this time then getting fucked over by the virus. He must be stressed also.
Fake until you make, they need people like you. I’m sure you will get the job done tomorrow. No body really knows what to do.
Try not to stress to much mate it won’t do you no good mate. I’ve noticed a change in my Mrs since I got home a bit more weight of the world on the old shoulders . Hard to stay positive but as long as your healthy and got some food that’s all that matters. Things like toilet paper and the rest are just bonus’s. You can’t change the world but just protect you corner of it.
Hope you and yours stay safe and healthy through this shit show, I’m never to far away to listen (just the other side of the world, social distancing) if you need to vent that is
There’s cops walking the toilet paper isle here, when it’s delivered people are idiots.