My recipe for first time doing organic: Will this recipe work?


Well-Known Member
Looking for any opinions on this recipe, if there is anything I should take note of or change.

I'm planning to do 4 plants in 20 gallons of soil mix each, under a single 1000 watt HPS.
I'm trying to work out a water only recipe from start to finish.

I'm a little worried this may not be strong enough for my plants, they will be serious seeds, AK47, with a pretty decent veg time.

Does this recipe look like it would work well?
What would be some good "meals" to add to this starter recipe?

4CF EWC store bought stuff
7CF gallons Pro-Mix HP
4CF Perlite
1.5CF Coco-husk

Per 1 cubic foot:

1/2cup Dolomite
1.5cups Organic dry fertilizer 4-4-4(a commercial blend of mostly blood and bone meal)
1 cup kelp meal
4 cups glacial rock dust

The Pro-Mix has microrhyzal but I also have some GH culture A and B for Micros that I will blend in

I am starting a red wriggler vermicomposter, but it is in its infancy still, so some top dressing later on may be possible, and I may toss a couple red wrigglers into each pot.