My Newbie Grow Journal.

These ones in the tent have not been flipped to flower?.. You may have to chop them down a bit, you’re going to run out of headroom when they stretch. How long have they been vegging? Prob going to need some support like a net. As far as WPM, does it rub off easily?
Not yet, I have been Veg'n for 4 months now, I have been trying to get clones for the past month. Yea the Slurricane and Garlic Breath need plenty of support already. I Cut the Slurricane down 2x she keeps getting bigger and bigger, I know I'm gonna have trouble Flowering her but the only alternative is throwing her out or keeping her as a mom (Which was my original plan) but she's way to big. No, the PM doesn't rub off. It's like Kinda Waxy.
doesnt look like wpm to me looks like an insects sugary poop possibly thrips? hard to.say. dont see.damage in pics
I hope so, That reminds me I need to get more Yellow Sticky paper.
Make sure you have plenty of air circulation both above and below the canopy, and maybe consider some selective pruning below the canopy to open it up for better circulation. I'm not convinced you have PM-google yourself up a bunch of pictures and compare them. Many times people think they have PM when it's actually just water residue. Regalia is awesome stuff, I love it, but even a fan like me doesn't always use it due to price. One cheap thing you can do to induce a SAR response is to feed/spray aspirin water-just crush up one aspirin per gallon of water (get cheap aspirin with no coatings). I always use some sort of wetting agent or aloe juice for my foliars, they just work so much better that way-also, test spray a branch to make sure you aren't going to kill anything on my advice LOL-I keep a test plant in my mother tent that I just abuse with foliars to no end. Another good, CHEAP, thing to have on hand is Potassium Bicarbonate. It can burn plants if you run it too concentrated, but it's a great treatment and preventive for PM (so is neem mixed with silica.) Aspirin is really underrated though, it has both a systemic and a contact effect on fungus, and they even use it as a postharvest treatment on many types of fruit to prevent botrytis. Good luck!
Hmmm... Water Residue huh.... It's possible, I hope it is lol. Wow Aspirin ? I have been reading on here the past couple of days on PM and I actually haven't heard of the Aspirin technique . Thanks for the Knowledge. I'm gonna look into the Neem, I'm just getting greedy and wanted to flower asap and I read you aren't supposed to use Neem in Flower. Probably need to get some for my next run anyway. Thanks for the help.

doesnt look like it. at least not on the close up leaf shot
I hope not lol. :-P
I read on the Deals thread Dr. Zymes is sending out samples just pay 7 for shipping so I ordered some just to try it out. I read good things about it. Thanks for the help everyone.