Well-Known Member
I can keep my temps in the low 70s high 60 of i really cranked the think..i try and keep it a lil above 75°F.
On another note- a few of the phenos of thr cuts I got from this women absolutely suck. Pretty sure mother plants they came from were just sexed, like she didn't run some of these phenos before I got the cuts, no way some would keep these phenos. They had weak, spindly shoots, bud seems to be airy with about 3 or 4 plants, just super weak plants, can't handle even the slightest stress, super finicky couldnt handle nute feeds above 600ppms. I should have known something was up when she was giving me 3-4 different phenos of 1 strain and also from breeders I would never grow. It is was it is, I couldn't be picky at the time because I needed cuts, definitely getting some beans going and only getting cuts from close buddies that I have seen flowering plants from said cuts, from now on. That being said most of what she gave me was really nice.
Thanks dude ya I was really happy with this pheno of meat breath, I might go with the pain in the ass of revegging it, its that good.She’s beautiful!
I got a cut! Also meat madness, I’ll be flipping meat madness pretty soon. I got a banana breath too, it’s flipped, but grows like a vine. The bud better be great or I’m not messing with this sloppy noodle.
On another note- a few of the phenos of thr cuts I got from this women absolutely suck. Pretty sure mother plants they came from were just sexed, like she didn't run some of these phenos before I got the cuts, no way some would keep these phenos. They had weak, spindly shoots, bud seems to be airy with about 3 or 4 plants, just super weak plants, can't handle even the slightest stress, super finicky couldnt handle nute feeds above 600ppms. I should have known something was up when she was giving me 3-4 different phenos of 1 strain and also from breeders I would never grow. It is was it is, I couldn't be picky at the time because I needed cuts, definitely getting some beans going and only getting cuts from close buddies that I have seen flowering plants from said cuts, from now on. That being said most of what she gave me was really nice.