My lowryder 2 cabinet grow with cfl's.


Well-Known Member

Things are not looking any better for my plant today, still alive though i think which is a plus, i guess i can hope it still might pull though, still have no idea what happened to it. Pics below so you can see for yourselfs. Any opinions on what might have happened anyone?


Barking Mad

Well-Known Member
It still looks to me like too much water, your cab might be too dry for it too. Try putting a small bowl of water in there to give it some humidity.
the problem diagnosing from a pic is that the plant will droop if its too wet or if its too dry so it is hard to tell. It could be the light but if you are just running the one bulb at the mo then you should be ok with that,
Leave it another day or so and let it try to recover of its own accord.
Dont tamper, that will kill it faster than anything else.

There are plenty of better and more experienced growers out there than me, I just wish someone would say something and advise you and tell you if my advice is any good or not.
I could be wrong and would be more comfortable with a second opinion. I can only tell what I have experienced myself.
Good luck though hmm. fingers crossed you will have something sprout from your new seeds in the next day or two.


Well-Known Member
Things are not looking any better but it's still alive which is a plus i guess. Has been living in my window sill for the last couple of days and i have manage to leave it well alone! Could be worse i guess could be all yellow! Pic below.



Well-Known Member
hey man, im gonna stick around with your grow. Hope it works out fine for your babies. Could you tell me where you got your seeds from?


Well-Known Member
Nothing to say really still looks the same as it did yesterday but no worse which is a gd thing i guess, maybe it might pull though yet!



Well-Known Member
Think it has finally had it :( so i guess that's an end to this grow, unless it magically pulls though, but i really don't see it now, just seems to be getting worse. Hopefully i'll have better luck next time around! This will proberly be the last pic (unless like i said it magically pulls though.) So that's 4 seeds down and nothing to show so far. I have learnt my lesson though NEVER germanated your seeds the way i did!



New Member
I have inserted my foot in my mouth yet again. Pre-splitting is great. Anyone having trouble germing seeds should give it a try. I find it's easier to do with a pair of tweezers, just put them in the middle of the seed on each side seem amd squeeze till you hear it crack. Works great thanks for the tip.



Well-Known Member
I have inserted my foot in my mouth yet again. Pre-splitting is great. Anyone having trouble germing seeds should give it a try. I find it's easier to do with a pair of tweezers, just put them in the middle of the seed on each side seem amd squeeze till you hear it crack. Works great thanks for the tip.

Maybe just my bad luck then! I germanated four seeds that way and none of them lived pasted 2 weeks. Then germanated the two i have growing without pre-splitting them. And they look a lot better and bigger than my others did and they are only 6 days old. Could have just been me i guess it's not for me anyway!


Active Member
hmmm123 I have almost no experience with growing, but I have been doing a ton of research lately as I'm waiting on some seeds in the mail.. What everyone keeps saying is that most new growers tend to over-care for their plants.
I'm thinking that you might have been overwatering.. I know with those tiny pots the water evaporates quickly, but it seems like 4 out of 5 times when grows go bad so early on it's because they were overwatered. I'm thinking every couple/three days they could use a small amount of water. If I had to guess, that's it. Or the soil is cruddy but I doubt that. At any rate, I'm really sorry it didn't work out for you and I wish you luck in the future! I learned a lot...


Well-Known Member
Yer i think i maybe did over water temps where not great either some of the time so my soil dryed out really quick, yer i'm now watering every other day with my new grow. All seems to be going well so far! Thx for dropping in.

hmmm123 I have almost no experience with growing, but I have been doing a ton of research lately as I'm waiting on some seeds in the mail.. What everyone keeps saying is that most new growers tend to over-care for their plants.
I'm thinking that you might have been overwatering.. I know with those tiny pots the water evaporates quickly, but it seems like 4 out of 5 times when grows go bad so early on it's because they were overwatered. I'm thinking every couple/three days they could use a small amount of water. If I had to guess, that's it. Or the soil is cruddy but I doubt that. At any rate, I'm really sorry it didn't work out for you and I wish you luck in the future! I learned a lot...


Active Member
Does anyone know a good ratio for CFL's based on wattage to plant (lowryder#2)?I'm doing a similar setup but am trying 4 -5 at once. I was thinking 4X40w fluros...2 on each side. Then hanging from a suspension device...a couple CFL's...probably 6 45W. What do you think?