My Lil Closet Grow


Well-Known Member
i have cured alot of bud and i still hate to do it... i think it suck...b-cuz it's the most time full thing and some time's you think it's never going to get that flaver out of it.. just take's..some time!!
da plantDOC
Time I have in limited quantities, hope mine cures faster than normal, so I can taste my fine shire! lol.

da plantDOC

Well-Known Member
I just choped one down to get some med's it's was 1 week or mabe 2 week's to soon!!
It will not be readey to smoke for at least 8-9 day wif half that cure time... but i have a good way of cureing.. it took me a few grow to get it down.. it take's time....
but for the harvest festabale i do my reg cure/dry for 1 mounth...
but you have a good grow on your hand's so you have everything in check..
from what i see... do you use that overdrive that i gave you or you still waiting.. if you going to you mite want to do it now!!!
i dont think they are going to go the full 8 week's of thare life...
that's like the sweettooth.. it's all most done in 61/2 week's that's awesome...
like T.H.C.'S sweetGOD he said it's a fast finnisher also..
but we will se i have 10 still germing...
well 1 planted... da plantDOC


Well-Known Member
Yes indeed my man. My girl should be home before it's bedtime for the ladies. At least I am hoping so I can get some good pics of my ladies. My colas are getting so nice and plump. The end is near. I can't wait!

da plantDOC

Well-Known Member
yes it is.. soon few more week's... them it time to wait a few moor week's to dry/cure...that's the shityist part!!! i hate it..what's what i think..
da plantDOC

Rope Smoker

Well-Known Member
Hows Zeke today? and know I'm still waiting on my first grow to finnish! It has been 15 weeks of 12&12 and trics are still clear. But I do have my second crop started, and I hope to finnish the 1st one before they get to big!
Hope your girls are doing great. catch you later man!:joint::joint:

:peace:peace man:peace:

da plantDOC

Well-Known Member
yo ZEKE hit me up later...let me know how's your sticky big slut's are doing.. just how girl's shoud be nice n sticky...
da plantDOC


Well-Known Member
Yo, the girls are doin great, gettin fat, sticky, and stanky! They look magnificent, who ever woulda thunk it. lol. I'm guessing I should get about 2 O's off the three big plants each, maybe 1 1/2 off the larger topped one, and maybe a half O off the smaller topped one. If I pulled an HP off my first harvest I would shit bricks!! lol. I'll post pics later 2day, I have no batteries, and can't get out til later, so hopefully I will do that before lights out. Until then Peace, Love, and Swishers!!

da plantDOC

Well-Known Member
SUP Z... ya i would like to/c some pic' how the heat in your neck of the wood's..i think you will get about 5-6 oz off that.. witch it very good for your first grow... shit it took me a few grow's to get that...
da plantDOC


Well-Known Member
Yo Zeke! Whats up mang! Getting close or what?

I read back a bit, and saw a thread here about water curing. I'm actually water curing like four Oz this week. I'll post pics of the process start to finish in my "dozers first hydro" journal.



Well-Known Member
Hell yeah boyeeeeee!!! I got maybe two more weeks at most I'm thinkin. A couple of them look damn near done. I'm gonna start week 6 on friday, so two more weeks from then I'm guessin.

Yeah, I been wondering about the water cure, seen a thread on it, but wasnt sure. So, that would be great to see, and take it from a trusted person such as yourself. I'll be in touch. Peace.


Well-Known Member
Here ya go.



Well-Known Member
What up THC! How goes it man? As you can see I got 8 more lil ladies waiting for the first batch to move out if you know what I mean. They ready to move into the flower house and do they thang. lol. I got two more weeks or so before the chop, so I am gonna let the clones get this last two weeks of growth, clone them and put them into flower. How does that sound?


Well-Known Member
Thanks bro. Trying to keep a steady supply of meds, so I don't have to get raped by the club ya know. It's so ridiculous how much they charge. But I wanna start from seed again, but don't wanna go thru buying from a seed bank for obvious reasons. I would just like to know with certainty what strain I'm growing ya know. Not just poppin unknown bag seed and hoping for the best. So, I guess I will have to get some nuts and order some online and hope I don't get the letter or knock on the door.