My Lil Closet Grow


Well-Known Member
What it do my faithful followers...LOL. How goes it? Just another sunny day in California for me! lol. As you can tell I'm medicated, and quite lit if I might add, and feelin giggly. Anyway here is the bud porn I told you I would add. So enjoy, and let me tell you the camera does not do my ladies justice. They wanted me to tell you guys that. lol.

Oh, and some of the pics look like the same pic, but they're not. I just have 3 ladies that look damn near identical, so don't think I'm just loaded and posting duplicate pics. lol.


da plantDOC

Well-Known Member
wow man i think them will be done sooner then you think... looking very good man so milky and sticky... lucky man... do you have a next strain in mind Z or are you going to take a chill...well you have a card so that's 1 good thing
da plantDOC


Well-Known Member
I was thinkin that too, maybe some of them will finish early, who knows. I would like it if they did. I won't know til friday or so, when I get my 30x mag glass. Cant wait to see my trichs unda the scope if you will. Yeah, they look incredible, I am so proud! Why do you think they may finish earlier than expected? It's only been 4 1/2 weeks.

And hell no I ain't taking a chill! Remember I have a batch of clones waiting in line for the flower room to become available. The batch after that I am thinking of trying an auto-flowering strain. Not too sure just yet. Still not sure how, and where I wanna buy seeds from. Kinda skeptical about that, even with the prepaid CC. But only time will tell. Holla!


Staff member
looks great!! im going to take some tips from you because im about to start growing in my own closet, i just put the seed in damp/wet paper towels, so im just starting!


Well-Known Member
Thanks Sunni, appreciate you passing thru. Have you grown before? Believe it or not, this is my first go round. Feel free to take all the tips you want, and feel free to ask any question you may have. I'll help where I can, and redirect you when I can't. lol. So, what size is your closet, soil/hydro, lights, let me know what you workin wit, so I can help as much as possible. Again, thanks for stoppin by, I'll be in touch, and welcome to the forum. Cheerio!

da plantDOC

Well-Known Member
SUP Z I THINK they will be done at 7 week's... look how far along thay are for 4 1/2 week's...i have grown alot of cannabis and i never seen a strain finnish so fast... they look 75% done now so it is not going to be long now.. just hang in thare buddy... as far as auto flowering strains i like to have controle and wif them you have no say in when it flower's... and alot of the auto strain's are lowrider.. and i like huge bud's... soi that strain is now for me...ask T.H.C. see what he think's he is smart when it come's to strain's...
da plantDOC


Well-Known Member
Thanks buddy, I'm doin my best for a beginner, you pros should teach me something. lol. I am always open for suggestions, Just trying to make the best medicine money can't buy, lol. Lookin like I only got a few short weeks left, and maybe less on a couple of my ladies. So we shall see?

da plantDOC

Well-Known Member


Active Member
Damn man, excellent job, 'specially for a first grow...
May you end up with plenty of medicine :P

P.S. Mac Dre R.I.P.


Well-Known Member
Thanks Gamblor! I appreciate it man, like I keep saying, I did my homework, research, and I know how to treat a lady, and my ladies get the best treatment. lol. Stay tunes tho my man, it should be done in a few more weeks, I hope I get plenty of meds too my friend. Peace.


Well-Known Member
Thanks buddy, doin the best I can. It's all peaches and cream so far, just hoping I have this good luck when it comes time to cure. I would hate to fuck it up at the end ya know what I'm saying? Thanks for checkin in, ladies should be ready very soon, so stay tuned. Peace brotha!

da plantDOC

Well-Known Member
you cant fuck up with long time cureing... i like to dry/cure for 1 mounth!!! THE LONGER THE BETTER THE CURE LIKE A GOOD WINE... thare is differnt way's.. i think am going to try water cureing.. i like to try differnt thing's.. maybe like a few oz or something.. with some good R.O. water..
da plantDOC


Well-Known Member
Well, I just want it to be perfect. I want it to look as good cured as it has growing into sick buds, ya feel me. I have read alot about water curing but I dont really feel comfortable doing that just yet, let me get a few air cures under my belt first, then I'll experiment. I'm still gettin the hang of the growing part of it. Let me know how that water cure goes anyway. Peace


Active Member
Yeah man just stick to basic air curing for now...if you do it nice and long like the dude above was saying, it'll beat the taste of a water cure anyway, IMO...oh and it'll roll a fat ass blunt that smokes well anyway :D

da plantDOC

Well-Known Member
sup Z so dont worry about the cure i will help you til your done.. you have my dig'd so eney think you mite need just hit me up buddy...
da plantDOC

Rope Smoker

Well-Known Member
Well, I just want it to be perfect. I want it to look as good cured as it has growing into sick buds, ya feel me. I have read alot about water curing but I dont really feel comfortable doing that just yet, let me get a few air cures under my belt first, then I'll experiment. I'm still gettin the hang of the growing part of it. Let me know how that water cure goes anyway. Peace
Hows it going today Zeke? Looking good! I was reading a thread about air vrs water curing. The jest I got from it was that water cure makes your smoke more smooth, but at the price of taste, and smell. It mellows out the taste and pungent smell of dank buds. Air drying leaves the true taste of the dank buds, and they reak of dank green bud smell.
I am still on my first grow and never cured any but thought I would pass on what I read about it.

:peace:peace man:peace:

da plantDOC

Well-Known Member
i have cured alot of bud and i still hate to do it... i think it suck...b-cuz it's the most time full thing and some time's you think it's never going to get that flaver out of it.. just take's..some time!!
da plantDOC


Well-Known Member
Hows it going today Zeke? Looking good! I was reading a thread about air vrs water curing. The jest I got from it was that water cure makes your smoke more smooth, but at the price of taste, and smell. It mellows out the taste and pungent smell of dank buds. Air drying leaves the true taste of the dank buds, and they reak of dank green bud smell.
I am still on my first grow and never cured any but thought I would pass on what I read about it.

:peace:peace man:peace:
I can dig it. That is pretty much what I got outta my research on the subject. But it's whatever, I personally enjoy the dank smell and great flavor. I mean it's kinda the buds signature, next to the way it looks. Just my opinion. I am gonna stick with air curing, that's the only way I know about, and am comfy with. I thought you finished one Rope?