My Lil Closet Grow


Well-Known Member
Pic update.


da plantDOC

Well-Known Member
nice work zeke so have you seen eny difernce in the A.N. or no..did you use that overdrive yet that i sent....da plantDOC


Well-Known Member
I love it, Z
I heard that! I'm loving it too my man! Like a newborn child. I just get more and more proud of my work everyday! I'll say it time and time again, I would have never foreseen my ladies turning out this nice. Thanks for the love homie.


Well-Known Member
what are ur temps like inside the closet?

To be honest, they been all over the place. I don't have any real ventilation in there, just a fan and open door. Early on there were very hi, 85-90 range consistently. But for flowering I have managed to keep it under 83. Usually hovering around 80 which seems perfect. Humidity has been kinda hi, but I do live close to the ocean, I am guessing that is part of the issue.


Well-Known Member
How you doing Zeke? Your girls are looking fab! Have a good monday if thats posible! :peace:peace man:peace:
Thanks brotha man, I am gonna have a fantastic day, I get my daughter today, so it will be great. Cant stand her fuckin mother tho, she is a true scum bag. Anyway, it's coming along very nice, starting to yellow in some of the leaves, but only on two of the plants. So, I'm guessing they will probably go the full 8 weeks, possibly nine or so on a couple of them. But you know what they say, good things come to those who wait. Have a good one, peace.

da plantDOC

Well-Known Member
yup zeke wee was talking about them ho's baby mama's..i dont no if your's love troubale as mutch as mine dose...but aney way's...hey what did your phone dye out on us the other hit me up if ya get a chance..well am haveing my surgary see ya bro and in joy the time you have with the munchkin' peace brother...da plantDOC


Well-Known Member
holy crap, those pics are looking like some of the finest ive seen on her, legit, FATTTTY buds!
No bullshit? Thanks man, I would have to agree, I have seen some sick buds on here, but man for a newbie, beginner, I feel blessed. lol. Thanks for stoppin thru TAEM!! Peace.


Well-Known Member
well man you officially kick ass at growing weed. + rep.
One of my best posts yet. Thanks a bunch, I was hoping that's what it was. lol. I love this shit man, I don't eva wanna stop this hobby. I think I have a green thumb, who woulda thunk it??? But thanks alot for the rep, I feel blessed to say the least, the bud gods are shining on me. Peace.