My internet and tv were broken for a day and a half...


Well-Known Member
I had to talk to my wife and play with my kid. It was terrible. Luckily the cable guy came and fixed me up. Bad line from the pole apparently. I was jonesing for some lolcatz. I actually went and played with my real cat it got so bad. I was gonna read a book. Then I remembered I burned them all. Terrible. How was your day(s)?


Well-Known Member
we got a notice that on 12-21-2012 our Power would be off from 9-3pm

effing conspirators!!


Well-Known Member
I live on an island 7 miles from france and we use france for our power supply, couple of weeks ago the line failed and our whole island was without power from 9pm to 4pm the next day, has also happened a couple of months back. All shops in town, business' , homes all out of power.. was pretty dangerous if you neeeded to drive out with no traffic lights working!
shitty thing about it is everyones electricty bills have risen to pay for the faulty cable running to france!!


Well-Known Member
I live on an island 7 miles from france and we use france for our power supply, couple of weeks ago the line failed and our whole island was without power from 9pm to 4pm the next day, has also happened a couple of months back. All shops in town, business' , homes all out of power.. was pretty dangerous if you neeeded to drive out with no traffic lights working!
shitty thing about it is everyones electricty bills have risen to pay for the faulty cable running to france!!
I do not pity your blithe. Not one bit. You live on an island 7 miles from France for fuck sake.


Well-Known Member
boo fucking hoo. wtf is this shit. id love to have a wife and kid right now. i just got internet spent more then a month without it. it does the body really good. you should be ashamed of yourself

  • I had to talk to my wife and play with my kid. It was terrible.​



Well-Known Member
Something offend you about that young one?
You misunderstood my sentiment there old timer. I envy you. Reread what I wrote, keep an open mind, think about how it is phrased. Does it sound like I am taking offense? Settle down.


Well-Known Member
boo fucking hoo. wtf is this shit. id love to have a wife and kid right now. i just got internet spent more then a month without it. it does the body really good. you should be ashamed of yourself ...
What bothers me the most about all this, is, that I am stuck on the fact you misspelled "then", when you wanted to use the word "than".


Well-Known Member
What bothers me the most about all this, is, that I am stuck on the fact you misspelled "then", when you wanted to use the word "than".
what bothers me most is i dont know what your avitar is staring at, i bet its boobs


Well-Known Member
what bothers me most is i dont know what your avitar is staring at, i bet its boobs
my avatar eyes are perfectly placed. they are staring at all the stupid fucking comments i make. with a perfect expression of, "what the fuck did that guy just say?"


Well-Known Member
Having the internet back and being able to look up the answers to such burning questions as "what is a blumpkin"? Is amazing. By not having the internet for a day I'm pretty sure I now know how the children of Syria feel. Terrible.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like you had a fun time, we've had 4 days without power when 1/2 of our state was hit with blizzard conditions, trade you? lol