My First RDWC Grow with 1000w from Seed


Well-Known Member
9 more days yeaaaaaa seems like it takes forever if you have a target date. looking good tho.


Well-Known Member
Had to add 3 gal of water last night, they are drinking so much water. Didn't add nutes because it didnt drop during the week that tells me IMO they dont need that much and it's to high for them at this stage because is all there. Only added 45ml cal/mag because it seem they go on mag deff if water is not added in 5 to 7 days.

Temp 78f
ress temp 66f
RH 55%
PH 5.6
PPMs 1500



Well-Known Member
I was supposed to change to flower nutes and clean the ress today but got busy with the fam and could not do it so...tomorrow I will do it. Will flip to 12/12 7 days after that , it might happen around day 62. Water level was down 2 gal today I'm surprised at how much water they are drinking ...5 gal in a week!.

DIY screen
I'm kind of confuse when to place the screen on them...tomorrow? in 7 days? or 1-2 weeks in to flower? dunno

Temps 78f
ress temp 69f
PH 5.6
RH 59%
PPMs 1600


Well-Known Member
Looks GRRREAATTT :clap:

for the screen you want to set it on top right when the stretch is finishing up, so about 2-2.5 weeks because the stretch generally lasts about 3 weeks. The point is to keep an even canopy as you may know. So when they are done stretching only the colas will be poking through. Hope this helps.


Well-Known Member
It makes more sense to put the screen on it while they are still stretching. Train them to the screen. Otherwise I wouldn't see a reason for the screen if they arent growing into it. I thought I have seen to fill the screen 75% then switch to flower. I may be wrong but in my head it makes more sense. They look great and either way they will be fine. But in the same sense. I see why you would wait but only to see if they are females or not. I guess it can be done either way.


Well-Known Member
I think it could go both ways. Training them in to the screen or wait for sex to show and some stretch to occur . I think I'm going to wait for them to show sex first or around that time frame of 1-2 weeks in. If I knew they were going to be females and no hermies I'd start with the screen at this moment.
Who knows by the way I've been doing things It seems like I Always change my plan at the last second so...wiil see next week.

Thanks for the input and help guys!!!


Well-Known Member
mel its called making adjustments on the fly as needed, not changing your mind lol. hay dude that screen looks sweet, i need that over here for my girls. i had chicken wire for mine but was advised to change, seems its too small and cuts into plant too easy. got a couple things in mind but havent set it in concrete yet. like you next week we will see haha.


Well-Known Member
I know lol! We are all experts on doing that 4tat.... I was going for chicken wire too, but changed no! I adjusted on the fly lol! And went with what I have.


Well-Known Member
Changed and cleaned the ress flushed and ran water with bleach thru it while the plants were air bathing in another bucket.

Mix of Lucas formula and Gh nutrient calculator chart
Micro 8ml per gal.
Bloom 16ml per gal
Diamond nectar 50ml total
Flora blend 100ml total
Flora nectar 100ml total
Cal/Mag 50ml total
And about 25 ml of Grow

PPMs are at 1330 wich is a bit high from what I wanted , but they look ok this morning when I checked them.
I think they're getting way to big 60 or in 4 days sounds good to me to switch to 12/12.
Shit! I could do it today, but I'm going to give them 36 of darkness starting from Monday and then switch on Wednesday.

This pics are from last night before ress change.


Well-Known Member
subd man i just read the whole journal front to back props on trial and error and looking good with the problems along the way....i have 2 white widows in a dwc that is 2 weeks in bloom today so wish i would have done a journal but didnt cause i only go there once a week to check on them but they look great...i over vegged alittle i think close to 90 days and am only running a 170 hps well a 100 and a 70 so yea but the area is a 3 x 2 cab and its a jungle wondering what it will turn out like my first hydro grow and second grow total but got a green thumb and things look good so far...props on your grow sorry for going on a tangent about mine....


Well-Known Member
Welcome aboard mrmaddu!
90 days vegg they must be monsters? are you in flowering? You could open a journal starting from flowering nothing wrong with that I wanna see how they look.
I did white widow my first grow in dirt and a bubler under cfls, it was fun and a very good smoke I love WW!.


Well-Known Member
I was looking back thru your journal and was looking at your filter. I'm thinking about doing something similar to it. Does it work well? I know they are not smelling much now. And also I wanted to know about your fan. Is the 400 cfm quiet when everything is hooked up? I was looking at a 190 cfm but may just spend the extra couple bucks for the 400. Just wondering how loud and the vibration of the fan


Well-Known Member
Mel im getting anxious!!!!
i agree that mrmaddu should start now and we could see those ww monsters lol
Mel those girls are looking so sweet,gona have some nice structure to hold up big fat colas!!!


Well-Known Member
mel give us a few pics close up so we can see the stem structure of the those under the skirt pics :)


Well-Known Member
blu the filter works great, it smells so strong in the tent like weeds, and I get no smeel after gone thru the filter. If you go for something similar I think IMO it should be scale down a bit no need for a monster like this and is way better for your pocket to order carbon on line than going to the store. I have a 250 cfm wich is very quiet you have to basicaly sit on it to hear it . I have my 400cfm discharging to a drop down cealing in the basement right under the livingroom and If I pay attention while the house is quiet it sounds like if the AC was on but barely but down in the basement you can def. hear it like if the air was on on high and the vibrations are minimal. Im glad I got this fan it works great for my set up and enables me to use the 2 lights (1400w) under one hood while keeping temps at 78f.