My First RDWC Grow with 1000w from Seed


Well-Known Member
yea thats what I was thinking in my head Gumball. I think I said calcium cuz he said cal mag. I meant yes that was my thought to use cal mag. Magnesium def not calcium. I think youre right GB


Well-Known Member
But they should be applied together. They have major dependencies on each other, so too much or not enough of one or the other could cause further issues, but a light dose of Cal-Mag should do it.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the help guys!
that's what I thought ,but I wasn't sure that's why I ordered the cal/mag last night cause I figure it wouldn't hurt me to have it .


Well-Known Member
I think what happened was that the plants used all the mag because I didn't add any well water during that time due to the problems with the diffusers and almost drowning the plants.


Well-Known Member
looking very helthy and bushy. Raised PPMs to 1220 last night and so far no nute burn. Ill try to take it up to 1300 in a few days.

Temps 75f
WaterTemps 71f
PPMs 1220
PH 6.0
RH 56%





Well-Known Member
Don't know if this has anything to do with anything , but I've been air bathing the roots a few times a week and top feeding at every rez change and in between rez change.


Well-Known Member
What your doing will definitely help. You could even top feed once a day with the lights on and probably help growth some. Just make sure things arent too moist if you attempt, but the medium should dry well in a day!


Well-Known Member
Raised PPMs up to 1300 about 12hrs ago. Dont think I'll go any higher than that for vegg though.

Got my 400w MH/HPS DIY switchable ballast ready to use today, all I did was to run a double pole single throw switch to the x1 and x2 of the igniter to take it out of the circuit when changing to MH. Placed the 400w hps bulb inside the hood with the 1k mh. Going to run it all day to see what kind of temps im going to have in the grow room, and to see how the plants are going to react . If everything works out Ill be switching to the 1k HPS and the 400w MH for flowering.

Temps 79
Water Temp 72.5f
RH 57%
PPMs 1300
PH 6.0

100_1355 - Copy.jpg


Well-Known Member
Just a pic of the room with the 1400w mh/hps combo

Temp 80f
water temp 74f ( goin to have to drop ice bags in there daily )
RH 55%
PH 6.0
PPMs 1300



Well-Known Member
short and bushy. they will look really good once they start flowering and triple in size. I like that light setup.


Well-Known Member
I know... cant wait to flip the lights blu.

I was just looking through my journal, and its so amazing what 15 days of lsting can do to the grow. I started at day 30 when they had only 3 nodes .


Well-Known Member
Checked the PPMs and they were down to 1080 from 1300, added more nutes and water. The PPMs are now at 1370. This is the first time I've noticed this drop during the whole grow.
It seems to me they grew more today during lights off than any other day before.
it might be the lights?

Took this pics right when the lights came on at 6pm.


Well-Known Member
hay mel looks like you got those buckets made in the shade lol. i had some mag def also early in veg. could have been cause i got my ph whacked for a couple days but upped the nutes. they wouldnt take but 800 or so the week prior, but 1 wk later took it to 1000 then to 1200 the next week. been puting 15ml of cal mag for every 5 gal in res, seemed to do the trick. im holding on 13-1400ppms and about to flip tomorrow, will be a month in veg from clone. anyway your looking great! ill pull up a seat and ride this one out with you, be nice to see how simular we are in the long run. im subbed. oh! whats your planned flip date? and do you know how much stretch that strain has?


Well-Known Member
Lol! Thanks for stopping by 4tatude +rep this ch9 commercial fem its suppose to be short and high yield plant. I'm planning on fliping the lights at day 60 of veg.

Checked this morning and the plants are doing good.
The PPMs got me a litle nervous though ,its up to 1480 . hope I don't burn them at this point so close to flowering.
I was trying to reach mid 1300 but not almost 1500. They seem to be doin fine 10hrs later and grew about 1 to 2 inches since yesterday.
I think adding the 400w hps was a good idea. :peace:


Well-Known Member
If I'm at 1400+ ppms now any Ideas on how high should I go during flower?
So.... I'm going to flush the syst. Before I switch to 12/12 ,should I go full strengh on flower nutes or should I start from 1/2 strengh and work my way up again?
Going to be using the lucas formula for flowering 8ml micro, 16ml bloom per gallon and diamond nectar,flora nectar,cal/mag, flora bloom and liquid kool bloom
I'm using the gh grow only after adding all the nutes to reach the desire ppm or like the other day that they were looking kind of pale green so I added about 20ml of it and the plants reacted quick and got a litle darker.


Well-Known Member
That's a tough one. I haven't seen many people with that high a ppm. Are you subtracting the PPM of your base water? Even though your base water has micro elements and what not, those things wouldn't burn or fully nurture you plants alone. I think you said your well water was 150ish, so subtracting that would bring you down to 1350'ish. But if your plants aint burning just hold what you got there would probably make most sense at this point.


Well-Known Member
I really thought they were going to be dead by the time I came back from work.
I wasnt sure about the high ppms but now I think they are ok with it...I hope

Temps 78f
Water temps 70f
PPMs 1500
RH 56%
PH 6.0



Well-Known Member
thanks gumball!! and thank you for your advice on subtracting the water ppm from the total . I would rep you if I could but it wont let me :peace: