My First RDWC Grow with 1000w from Seed


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure if I can wait to 60 days of veg to flower thinking more doing it at 50 days what you guys think??????, they're freaking huged and so bushy . This strain is supposed to be short ,but I don't know how short. can't find nobody growing this strain on the net
cal/mag came in the mail today. Added 10ml total, just to see what happens, because I don't think I need it as long as I change the rezzy every 7-10 days.

Temp 78f
Water Temp 68f
PH 5.9
RH 57%
PPMs 1500



Well-Known Member
I think they look great. After reading around I have noticed that most people are more satisfied with an extended veg. Have you thought about sticking a screen in there and letting them grow into it for about a week. Should increase your yield quite a bit. They should take over a screen in no time. And if one is a male then it wouldnt be too hard to get out.


Well-Known Member
mel those are looking stought! put them in 12/12 for a week and sex them, wont be hard to re vedge from what i understand. that way your not wasting time on something thats gona grow nuts. if one is def a female cut a few clones and either keep the switch flipped or re veg. if left to flower by the time they are finished you will know how long to run with the next batch to reach the optimum size. jmo

i just flipped the switch tonight lookin for 60 days or so. your 17 days ahead of mine but i got 6 in a 4x4 so it was time i think.


Well-Known Member
Very nice :clap: I say take 'em 60 days. The buds will get so big they will drag the stems down and auto-LST :lol: So you dont have to worry about a screen.

If you do a screen, a lot of what I have read said to have the screen almost full at almost the end of the stretch. So if you flipped to 12/12, then wait a week and place the screen on 'em, and then they will stretch into the screen and give you some stretch to fill out the outer edges of the screen. That is what I have read from some users here. But it is by no means a rule.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the help guys!!.
I am going to use a screen,Have everything I need to make a frame out of pvc.
Going to give them a nother week ,that will put me close to the 60 day and then will flip the lights.
My plan is to give them a week or two without the screen ,let the female or females stertch some and then put the screen on it.
I will take cuttings out once I know the sex and re-veg them....can't wait!!!!. :peace:


Well-Known Member
sounds like a solid plan, i hope they are both females. if you have a male are you going to collect some pollin? i would like to have some and pollinate one or two buds. ive done selective breeding of tomatoes but not mj. guess i better get through a few normal grows before i start playing with genetics lol


Well-Known Member
Thanks 4tat. I hope they are both females and no hermies because they've been through some stress and are fem seeds.
Build a 4"x4" screen last night out of pvc and cord with 2x2 squares and hung the carbon filter to get it out of the way for the screen. The ress was 3gal low didn't change Or clean the ress,didn't think it needed to be so... added water and nutes . Took pics this morning but some how didn't save them in the sdcard so I'd be posting some tonight.

Temps 78f
Water 69f
PH 5.8
RH 55%
PPMs 1450


Well-Known Member
Had to re tie the bigger plant and prune the leaves blocking the light to the center of the smallest, because it was staying behind. Trying to have them both allmost at the same hight when I flip the switch at 60 days, and yes change my mind going for 60 days of veg.

Temps 78f
Water 65f
RH 58%
PH 5.9
PPMs 1500




Well-Known Member
they are looking great!! at 60 days you gona have some shiz happening. if you attach some extensions to those buckets you will find shaping lst much easier. a short pc of wire clothes hanger makes a perfect medium. just bend an eye on one end and screw to bucket. bend the eye then bend th 90% and screw with the eye pointed down. the hanger is flexable and easy to manipulate to the growing plants needs. just a thought.


Well-Known Member
I do hope they turn in to monster plants blu.

Thank you gumball!

4tat Ill take that in to consideration because next time around I asure you that I'm not going to use ductape ...not hard but it could be easier.thanks


Well-Known Member
I was awake at 1:30am and didn't have to be at work til 5 it sucks!!!!
Checked the garden at like 2:30am and they looked almost like if I hadn't lst or prune at all ,they are on steroids!:-P

Stuff I've never posted before:

At the biggining of my grow I noticed I was using to much PH down an then ran out very quickly so...I made a 1:30 sulfuric acid to water ratio mix and I've been using it in conjunction with phdown ever since.
Every time I change water and make new solution my ph is like 6.7 so I add about 80ml of water and acid mix and only about 5ml
of phdown to take advantage of the buffers and It works grate! and the plants seem to be ok with it. The point is that I've only used less Than 1/4 of ph down since I started doing this 5 weeks ago...less $spent.

I've got nothing but good results Every time I've prunned leaves blocking light to the inner growth. They just leak their wounds and come back stronger almost in front of your eyes. Read all this stuff about plant stress but IMO I don't think is a big deal unless you go crazy with it and cut to much and photosynthesis is no longer sustainable .I only cut one fan leaf of colas blocking the light.


Well-Known Member
man, i stress the hell out of my plants. you see, they are overrunning me. so I decided if I dont do something to slow them down sometimes they will overgrow their environments and cause more damage. I clone and try to put clone in flower once it has roots. I normally supercrop once or twice once I go 12/12. it growth gets stupid I will bend it over or snap it, oh well. On a micro scale I consider myself a somewhat big fish, dolphin size as it were :lol: my plants love me, as long as I take care of them with good nurture. you are doing good, very good. only thing you have to watch for is trying to many new things at once. but otherwise keep doing your thing.


Well-Known Member
Yeah man I know what you mean they grow so fast when the right conditions are available. I guess we have to do whatever it takes to keep them under control. I won't feel bad about my plants been stresed after hearing what you do to yours :)Thanks for the input.
Trying to many things at once not good for a noob noted!


Well-Known Member
Added 1.5gal of water,nutes and did some more trainning and prunning.

Temp 78f
water 67f
RH 58%
PH 5.8
PPMS 1500

last night after lsting


Today after prunning and lsting


Well-Known Member
woke up yesterday morning and checked on the garden to find out that the ppms were up to 1680 so after freaking out added half a galon of water and brought it down 1550.

Adjusted the ties yesterday morning did some trimming of leaves and supercroped 4 astray colas.

Took this pics last evening but the bong and tequila got in the waybongsmilie
