My First Organic Grow - 1000 watt


Active Member
Some of the tops are keeping a canoe claw shape to their bud leaves. I don't like it one bit.
I gave them a couple days to dry out and recover from spraying. They are still doing it.
Definitely excess nitrogen. The more sativa a strain looks the less food it needs.
If a plant is being over fed and you cut off leaves and tips and reduce the light, expect them to look like shit.
We will recover. I can be mellow dramatic. I love my babies.
I have noticed each plant has an extremely different appetite. I think I might mix feeds for individual plants now.
A major down fall of 5 strains. But at least I get to see the full spectrum of nutrient needs.
They are all getting taken out tonight for water/feed and round two of spraying.
It is now then end of week three.


Active Member
I left them alone.
I just sat there and watched what is now confirmed as root aphids. NOT THRIPS!
They are getting there numbers up quite high.
The potential I once saw just a couple weeks ago is declining quickly.
Honestly. I cannot afford to scrap it.
This is the part of growing I really hate.


Active Member
Assuming I keep up on these P.O.S. with my crap pesticides...
What is the best and worst case.
I guess I might have an ounce in there....


Well-Known Member
Some of the tops are keeping a canoe claw shape to their bud leaves. I don't like it one bit.
I gave them a couple days to dry out and recover from spraying. They are still doing it.
Definitely excess nitrogen. The more sativa a strain looks the less food it needs.
If a plant is being over fed and you cut off leaves and tips and reduce the light, expect them to look like shit.
We will recover. I can be mellow dramatic. I love my babies.
I have noticed each plant has an extremely different appetite. I think I might mix feeds for individual plants now.
A major down fall of 5 strains. But at least I get to see the full spectrum of nutrient needs.
They are all getting taken out tonight for water/feed and round two of spraying.
It is now then end of week three.
Nothing wrong with caring and wanting to be careful and attentive to there needs smacks of a LOVING parent in my eyes! I scoped the thread and I have to say recluse I really like what your doing. If I can ever be of any help please let me know.


Well-Known Member
Black , I'm so sorry to hear they are indeed root aphids. Fuck. My heart goes out to you brother.

I have tried malathion and spectrazide, ortho max as well. These fuckers don't die.

Your are not gonna wanna hear this. It's hard to do. But scrapping the girls might be the best bet. Cleaning shop and starting from seed.

Just depends. Is this your last grow in this location? If not I would scrap it.

i have a few seeds I would be more then happy to mail you( for free) to help get you started back up. Tga apollo and a few others laying around.

With them infested, you can't throw more plants in. The longer you wait for the little bud you will get , the longer you stop your self from reaching your goal of a nice harvest.


if it's your last grow in that spot or really just need the harvest...that bad, I would suggest doing some research and getting a real pesticide, there has to be something that wipes these bastards out. Stop the Omri and get nasty on em.

anything else I can help with let me know


Well-Known Member
Look in my journal. The first video in there , my old grow room. Whole room was ditched to these bastards. Thousands of dollars and irreplaceable time, fucking gone. But you come back, you prevail and learn. I learned NOT to buy clones. Has made my life bug free and simple, for the most part lol


Active Member
You live and learn.
This is my last grow at this spot.
We got new neighbors that have started complaining about noise.
And I really do need to make sure and finish this one up.
They look good to be honest. They are growing still.
Not like they are going to just shrivel up and die....hopefully.

This is my best looking batch by far.

I'll just have to keep on fighting.

Just a sad day. I just sat there and stared at them.

GOD DAMN I need a bowl.


Well-Known Member
If you were in Michigan, I would have a blunt and a cold beer waiting for you. I Feel your pain!

You got this! You will walk away better then you think.


Active Member
Thank you for the offer on seeds. I have always dreamed of getting real seeds. Just kinda paranoid about the mail.
It would be the right way to start fresh in a new place.
I really wanted to keep my clones. But I think that would be a bad idea.

Wish me luck. It'll be a rough month.
But at least the little shits are staying away from the flowers.


Active Member
The best method I have found so far is to water heavy when I do with low 60 degree water. Those bugs come running to the surface. I spray, squish, spray, squish. Now using all three pesticides to spray the dirt. The plants could look better. But I will have a harvest. The buds are still slowly growing.

I had the cops walk up on me in idaho while I was smoking a bowl outside. First bag in awhile. My bro gave it to me. The cops just took the bag and left. No ticket. No jail.
I was damn lucky. I have done a lot of time for weed in idaho.
Only problem is that I know the cops now get to either sell or smoke my bag!
I could have really used that.


Active Member
Their damage manifests on the leaves in different ways. Some look over fed. Some look under fed. Some dont use much water.
I'm sure they have been there the whole time. They don't do much damage in veg. And when first notice they look like one or two tiny black fungus gnats flying around.
Once I switch to flower. Their numbers became huge. As well as their damage.
I thought they where everything but aphids till it was too late.
They aren't mites. Mites have 8 legs.
I have seen a few clusters on the roots and those look orange and smaller and in large clumps.
They have many stages of life and go un-noticed for way too long.
I will be incorporating super sterile techniques in the future.
You live and learn. Then you grow better.
I will finish this crop. Not only a learning experience. But also way to expensive to dump in the dumpster.
Like I said the buds are still growing. But so slow now.


Active Member
I think I may have had them forever. The reason my buds never want to finish properly. The reason everything heads south after 2nd week flower. Phantom deficiency. ect. ect. Well now I know. They come from clones. Im going to need seeds.


Active Member
The blackberry kush smells like berries. So sweet.
I wont be super disappointed. disappointed none the less.
It is looking more like 8 oz. instead of 20 like I should be getting.
Still worth my time. I'm poor. Couldn't buy 8 oz.

I am already seeing fatter calyxes then I ever have.
They each smell unique and so good.


Active Member
Happy to say the buds are not shriveling up and dying.
They are however fattening and getting sugary.
Though one strain does look frozen in time. Kinda sucky.
It was the worst off from the get go.


Well-Known Member
Hey bud, just saw your journal...looks great (outside of the root aphids)! Only way I've ever successfully treated them was with nematodes and ladybugs (they kill the larvae and adult respectively). Hope all goes well :weed:


Active Member
you know what'll ruin a crop faster then root aphids?
A pissed off girlfriend.
I calmed her down But I have to get out of here asap.
Going to cut n run I think. I'm giving them 2.5 more weeks.
Sucks. But the stress has moved past critical level. For the last time.
Gotta be out before the last day of october.
I'll do my best to give a weigh in.
Before I put the backpack back on.