My First Organic Grow - 1000 watt


Active Member
VERY Good! rec. those plants look awesome! Big and lush. Be ready for the stretch when you go 12/12. they're gonna get BIG!
I was trying to hold off on flowering but they grew a lot faster then last time. Looks like a might have a 6 footer. Does beat 2 feeters.


Active Member
I have found so many different species of bugs in there. It is starting to freak me out. Today I found web between leaves. I knocked the plant around over paper. Sure enough a couple little yellow guys fell off. I also have a wierd jumping worm. gnats. something that looks like aphids. Im not even two weeks into flower. I really hope this doesnt turn into a rough ride. I've already spent all my money.

When I started my organic project I welcomed bugs. Now I'm worried I might have an infestation.

Today I brought them all out and slapped them in the face to knock off a couple bugs. Didnt know what else to do.
Douched the room with bleach.
I wish I could just spray the plants with bleach.

Really not looking forward to pulling my hair out for the next 7 weeks. Please help.


Active Member
I figured they where all coming into my room because of the sudden lack of summer outside. I have dropped the temps to 60-75. I sprayed them down with milk water. Slapped them in the face a couple more times for getting mites and crossed my fingers.

The bug damage is almost non-visible. After close inspection the web is extremely limited.

Crystals are starting to show on all of the calaxes.

Now going to incorporate the 0-2-1 bloom booster.

Now attepting to water with 75% feed every two to three days.

I'd say in general they have responded well to feeding every single watering.


Well-Known Member
Grow looks very good.

If you are seeing webs, then you have more then a cpl mites.

My guess is your just not seeing them. Most of the time the naked eye dont catch them.

20 bucks can get rid of them forever. Shoot me a pm and ill tell you how.

i have helped many rid their grow room of this beast including my own a few times.


Active Member
I had a dream that my buds where so big the plants where snapped over. Thats what happens when you run out (:

I pmed you about the spider mites. Yeah they are hard to see. The size of a dust spec and almost clear. Im always looking for web. I had a kiwi plant that ended up caccooned by the time I dumped it on its head in the snow.


Active Member
I have a personal relationship with each plant. I dont need to ever lable them because I recognize and greet them every night. Each one needs special and individual attention. They turn me on. Some people are into some weird freaky shit. Im into my plants.


Active Member
I did also just cut 15 clones in the last couple days so they are lagging. I am just so sick of not nailing a good feed system.
My last grow pictures...that was Feb to May
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This one was 2 LSD and 8 God's Gift. Yielded 12 oz. Cut early at 7 weeks flower due to light PM spreading on the leaves. I used walmart generic dirt with lots of perlite. GH 3 part. these pictures are day one of flower and day 21 flower.


Well-Known Member
How was the taste on the LSD ?

I have had it a few times and it is always so so with no taste. Fellow up north I know absolutely raves about his buddies , saying its some of the best flavor he has ever had. I have tried a few of this guys buds and they are very tasty. Grows it in hydro. But I have never tried his LSD , but if his others are that good.

He runs shiskaberry and Og 11 in a hydro and pulls great flavor!


Active Member
It was lemony actually. And it was strong. Sativa dominate. It yielded better then the god's gift too. I let it go a week longer cause it didnt get PM. Very sad that I didnt save a cut of it.


Active Member
When I was running LSD I used GH 3 part in dirt. I thought it tasted great. But my clone guy said it tasted like GH nutes. He is an organic guy. That played a huge roll in my switching. Looking forward to superb flavor. He also has some of the biggest plants I have seen in person. I ditched the notion that organic yield less as far as soil is concerned. I went organic for the yield too. If your in soil, you might aswell go organic to keep your soil alive. If I was in Hydro I'd probably be pumping them with huge amounts of chemicals.

That is pretty cool that your buddy gets good flavor in hydro. From what I hear, that is difficult. You can go organic in hydro too, but I havent got that far yet. My nutrient line is OMRI and liquid. A lot like GH organic. I just dont quiet understand why anyone would do organic in hydro though because your going to clog everything really bad and the microbiology would be lacking I would think.

Was your buddy using organic hydro?


Active Member
Ahhhh.....the lights are on. My favorite part of the day. Upon my first inspection I crushed 3 gnats, they looked half dead already. Those little aphid looking things that once covered the drip trays have almost entirely disapeared. I cant find anymore web, but I do have a keen eye for it. I know it will be back. But at this point I am going to risk it and fight bugs with my hands. For the next six weeks. I got lucky and its cooling down pretty quickly here. I have a feeling that the sudden infestation was just desperation of the cooling temps. It was 90+ the last couple months. Now its below 75.

Im very excited to get the full color potential that my strains can offer. So far blackberry starts a good purple color in the first week. I know the Gods gift can be 100% deep dark lavander if the temperature is right. Last time though I was flowering in 90's so it got maybe 1% purple. Purple is my favorite color. Second is green. (:


Well-Known Member
Just read your journal up to now....nice grow. I've been battling bugs too....thrips actually. Not sure how it would fit into your organic grow, but there's some good bug-killers out there that say they're ok for fruit and vegetables.

Sticky-boards are a great weapon against flying bugs.


Active Member
It could be the end of the world. We will see.

I just got a nug. It is making my throat hurt.

Then I remembered Im organic now.



Active Member

I was given this shit by the hydro guy! All I bought was a brick of GH organic coco. For like 10 bucks.
I wouldn't have even came close if it where not for this bad ass dude. I wish I could tell you what store ):

It is every organic bottle in 1 gallons. Like 400$

Would anyone care to take a look and let me know what they think of it? Please?

As of right now Im using 75% full feed every time. Drain to waste. 20% leeching.

I leave out water. Then airate at 68-70 degrees. I mix in the nutes. Some times Ill cut it with EWC and mollasses. 24-48 hour process.

Right now they look pretty damn good. But only the buds will tell.

Does anyone remember the yellow and blue Zig Zag Man sign in earlier pictures? Five of them are as tall as it. About 5 feet.

I'll show you soon...


Well-Known Member
I'm not very big on hydro-store nutrients. Hell, I'm growing some of my weed in Miracle Grow and can't complain. $400 for nutrients......really? Weed is a plant. It needs basic nutrients to survive. I'm not putting down how you grow, that's not how I operate, but if you someday step back and look at pot as just another plant, you may reconsider looking into non-pot-specific nutrients and see there's viable options out there that don't break the bank.

I use "Jacks Classic" bloom booster. It cost $8 for a six month supply and have had plants with 24" colas and three ounces per plant ever since I started using it. Is it's blue probably not....but have read that it's the "purest nutrients" available. You can get it at just about any nursery.


Well-Known Member
Every nutrient is not created equal. Period. I have used a bunch.

sure you can grow weed with any brand if you know what your doing. But it doesn't make the end product equal.

i have grown with organic nutes and I have trash cans full of amended soil that turned out great.

My pops grows organically still. One thing I have learned. If you do it right. You can't tell.

I don't have as big of a flower room as I used to so I need to maximize my yields. I pull way more synthetically then I do organically.

plus I have control constantly vs amended soil. I have grown dwc , nft , and aero.

Great flavor can be had many different ways.

My bud taste as delicious as it gets my friend :)

most synthetic users use tons of phosphate. That alone will kill your essential oil and brix levels.

All on how you use it