Well No New Sprouts today, so I am still sitting at only 50% germination rate (not great for my first time).. I am gonna keep em in the propagator for a while longer and see if they pull through.
Other than that, I needed to me the 3 that made it out of the propagator cause they were getting ready to outgrow it, so I fashioned together a makeshift box and hung one of the CFLs in there just to give them some room to move.
When I lifted up the cups to separate them, one of the sprouts had a 1/2" tap root coming out the bottom of the cup and into the moist perlite bed. After cutting the cups apart, I set this one to the side while I prepped the new area, and when I turn around, she had tipped over and hit the wall, completely bending in half (see pic)

You can imagine my disappointment! I figured her for a goner and then decided to make up some solo hempy cups that I can use to hold each rooting cup, and keep them from falling over, plus the perlite bed will be just how they left the propagator. Even after rubbing her little root all over perlite beds and bending in half, she had turned up to the light, and grew another 1/2" or so, and also showing her first True Leaf Set along with the others.
I went ahead and gave them a little mist with some PH adjusted water
So to Wrap up this morning -> I have a
Gimp, a
1 Armed bandit, and a
Regular Joe... Not a great start to this grow.
My temps are a little high in the veg box I made, so I am keeping it open as much as possible. The CFL was putting off some heat, so I have it about 8" above them at this point, and will dial everything in next Wed., when the new tent gets here, and I can get it properly ventilated.