My First Grow with cfl's


Well-Known Member
Day 5 of 12/12. Still no signs of flowering yet :sad:

Pictures of Plant 2 - Lil' Mama

And pic's of Plant 1 - Big Mama

So both plant's are looking beautiful. Big Mama is definately winning in foliage but they are both pretty much neck and neck for the vertical. Im getting pissed that i can't see any preflowers but then again other than in pictures iv never seen them before with the naked eye so that probably doesn't help.


New Member
The leaves on your plants look so perfect, mine get touched by a bulb here and there an get funky spots.

I hope you see some genderfication sometime soon.


Well-Known Member
Any chance of getting a nice close up (macro) photo of a node? That is where you want to look close every morning.
I could but they would be all fuzzy and i dont have a magnifying glass. I dont see any sac's or anything with two little hairs poking up. Iv sit there for almost 30 minutes every day trying to find something but havent.


Well-Known Member
lol.. yeah.. I spent a lot of time just staring at mine even when in veg. Like its going to jump up and do a dance or something

I almost fell out of my chair laughing when I read that...

In fact I'm still laughin pretty fucking hard

I wish my plants danced for me



New Member
Does your camera have a setting that looks like a little flower? If so use that it's for pics that are closer than 27 inches. If you crop while they are still really big then you can still enlarge the cropped section to an extent without it getting all blurry.

I like to stare at my plants too, but the light bulbs hurt my eyes, so I come here and stare at other people's plants instead. :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
I ALWAYS wear sunglasses when I open the door to my box.. I've done it without them before and its like someone is constantly taking a picture with a flash directly in my eyes



New Member
I ALWAYS wear sunglasses when I open the door to my box.. I've done it without them before and its like someone is constantly taking a picture with a flash directly in my eyes


Well hell, I never thought of using sunglasses to stare at my plants. I guess I'm a bit of a :dunce:.

Guess We all know what I'll be doing tomorrow. :weed:


Well-Known Member
Its funny cause I looked at my plants today, walked away and everything was all blurry. I got nervous and it took like 5 mins to go away. Couple hours later when I checked on them I wore sun glasses. Its so funny someone said that lol.