My First Grow - White Label White Widow


Well-Known Member
. . . . they were a little droopy when I got home from work. No worries, almost back to new already.
I've gotten behind on watering too a couple times during my first grow. It was the plant at the back I couldn't reach that well. Seemed she wasn't getting as much water as the other girls. Fan leafs started seriously getting droopy. I started freaking outy thinking I had over nuked the poor girl. Then when I went to pick her up, light as a feather. Dah

And they recover so quicky after the watering. Those doopy leaves really are saying something.

good growing to ya Divine




Well-Known Member
Yeah it really is crazy how quick they can recover after underwatering. I remember the first time it happened I thought I was killing it. Watered it... 20 minutes later I had a brand new healthy plant!


Well-Known Member
damn man those are looking really nice. cant wait till i have two 400 watters for 800 total. that 600 did a great job.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for stoppin by.

I got the 400 watter because based on my experience (none) I couldn't know for sure if a 600 w was a waste of money because it got my closet to hot.

I'm fairly certain I may upgrade to a 600w but then again, considering I only have a 40 inch by 40 inch space to grow - maybe I'll just leave the 400w alone.

I have new plants ready to go under the mH as soon as these are done flowering. I should be done by 1/4 at the latest. Though I have to figure out what to do with my clones until then, they are starting to out grow my little bin I have for them. I think I'll go get another and flip it upside down on top to double the grow space they have. I'll mount some more cfl's in there for more lighting and spectrum and let 'em go nuts.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for stoppin by.

I got the 400 watter because based on my experience (none) I couldn't know for sure if a 600 w was a waste of money because it got my closet to hot.

I'm fairly certain I may upgrade to a 600w but then again, considering I only have a 40 inch by 40 inch space to grow - maybe I'll just leave the 400w alone.

I have new plants ready to go under the mH as soon as these are done flowering. I should be done by 1/4 at the latest. Though I have to figure out what to do with my clones until then, they are starting to out grow my little bin I have for them. I think I'll go get another and flip it upside down on top to double the grow space they have. I'll monty some more cfl's in there for more lighting and spectrum and let 'em go nuts.

i thought on your first post on here it said you were using a 600 watt?


Well-Known Member
No... that was what I intended on ordering. Once I did some more reading and researching and thinking - I thought it was better to start with the lower wattage and work up if the temps would allow it. So I ended up ordering a 400 watter with a mH conversion bulb.


Well-Known Member
Well on the one plant I am debating to harvest I have a small flower that grew rather weird... its all stretched out. So since I'm debating on weather to harvest or not... I thought I'd snip that off and give it a try.

Tossed it in the oven for a bit at $170 then turned it off to let it finish drying. Loaded up the vape... cleared the bag. All I can say is I'm stoned as hell and the taste is freaking amazing. I've had some tasty treats before, but this took the cake.

Trichs are like 85-90% clear now and I think I might marvest before they go amber. So many opinions on when to harvest - I dont know what to do. Some say wait for amber, some say (Marijuana horticulture - the indoor/outdoor medical growers guide) says you can even harvest at 50/50 cloudy/clear.

I'm going to think on it over night, but I might pull big fan leaves tomorrow evening, put it in darkness overnight and harvest on thursday. I'm really likin this high and the taste is awesome.


Well-Known Member
Well on the one plant I am debating to harvest I have a small flower that grew rather weird... its all stretched out. So since I'm debating on weather to harvest or not... I thought I'd snip that off and give it a try.

Tossed it in the oven for a bit at $170 then turned it off to let it finish drying. Loaded up the vape... cleared the bag. All I can say is I'm stoned as hell and the taste is freaking amazing. I've had some tasty treats before, but this took the cake.

Trichs are like 85-90% clear now and I think I might marvest before they go amber. So many opinions on when to harvest - I dont know what to do. Some say wait for amber, some say (Marijuana horticulture - the indoor/outdoor medical growers guide) says you can even harvest at 50/50 cloudy/clear.

I'm going to think on it over night, but I might pull big fan leaves tomorrow evening, put it in darkness overnight and harvest on thursday. I'm really likin this high and the taste is awesome.
we did the same thing. and as far as when to harvest just depends on which high you want man. i like couch lock.


Well-Known Member
lol. Plus this will be my lowest yielding plant anyways. The thing just plain grew weird/completely different then the other two white widow. So I guess I'd rather harvest this one early and know I want to harvest the others later - or atleast have the opportunity to harvest the others at the same time should I like it the way it is!

I think its about time to fire up this vape again...


Well-Known Member
Well... I've decided to harvest the first plant. The trichs are 90%+ cloudy and I really liked the high out of the tester batch - not to mention the taste was awesome.

Pics will be up in a couple minutes - Unmanicured pics. I have to say, I really dont know what a hash plant is (yes I know what hash is) - this almost seems like it is one. Not a lot of flower to it - but a ton of trichs all over the leaves and what flower there is. Considering I vape - I'm not to worried about that though. I left a chunk on a cfl for a while so I could have something to smoke while I trim for the next hour or two! :D


Well-Known Member
I pretty much got what I expected out of this plant... Probably wont amount to much more then a half ounce or so dried. The next two white widow I have very high hopes for with the way they look compared to this one - and the Thai Haze x Skunk yield will be even better!

I think I'm gonna make some cannabutter with the trimmings and make me some brownies tonight! Off to the store i go!! :D


Well-Known Member
Let me say this....

I speed dried some more...

I DID NOT F*** UP ONE BIT BY HARVESTING NOW!!! I'm high as hell!!!

And keep getting higher damn it... lol

PS we need a vape emoticon