My First Grow: Lowryder#1

James Youngblood

Active Member
Day 17 and Day 3

HAHA sorry I love that room. Just got to remeber to duck going in and out Ive smoked my head a few times after going in there for a smoke. Ok I am a little surprised I ordered lowryder 1 and thats what the box shows but phew the smell and she is not even in flower yet as soon as I open that door it is very strong in there. I bought a charcole freebreeze thing but it does nothing so I have to figure out the smell. I can grow I have a licence but coming from a very christian home family do not agree with it helping so I want to keep the smell down couse a family war is the worst and im 38 haha still scared of mommy and daddy lol. I didnt think lowryder 1 was supost to smell much hoping it does not get worse in flowering. also i took a close up pic and there is new little leaves growing like it is trying to branch out does lowryder 1 do that? I can't see it being the wrong seeds thay were in the origanal package. And the baby is deformed the seed shell fell off but there was some other piece of something on it so it wouldnt open so after 2 days i carfully took it off it was like a skin or something but anyway its all deformed now hopeing it will be ok. I cant see sex yet Ive seen pictures so I hope Ill see it if any of you do in the pictures let me know.
the smell thing should I'm sad to say get worse and worse but might die down a little before harvest, the plants looking good can you get some pics a little closer to where i would be able to see some pistils?? I've been pretty good at pre-sexing peoples plants these past few days but I would definitely like to give it a shot if i could see ya know!!! MACRO MODE YA CAM

But all in all they look great nice leaves not too broad not to thin nice coloring little magnesium deficient I think, but you should be able to easily correct that...

do you have aPH KIT tester /ph up/ph down???

if so check ur levels might be off a tad bit....

anyone else agree???

other than that GREAT TERRI I love switching to your thread progressssssssssssssss


Active Member
my power bill says its 0.660 cents/kWh
there's a whole list of things you get charged for, you need to add them all up. i'm sure it will come between 10cents and 12 cents per kwh not .66 cents, thats not even a penny ;)

i wouldn't worry to much about this summer, if worse comes to worse you can measure the door, go to a lumber yard and have them cut 2 1/4 pieces of ply wood the size of your door, then get 2 pieces of 2x4 cut to the height of your door, put em together to make a new door, cut a place for vents in it and use the mounting hardware you already have, store the landlords door inside your room. i have done this on full size doors, but i also have hole saws...


Yeah bro don't worry about all the stuff that's happened all that matters is you're fine now !

Also i'd be in that little room like all day every day hahah thats sweet!!! You're LR1's are looking nice, much much bigger than mine hehe >.< Smoke report on my LR will be this weekend (MAYBE)
I'll be watching for your report. I think it will be great.

the smell thing should I'm sad to say get worse and worse but might die down a little before harvest, the plants looking good can you get some pics a little closer to where i would be able to see some pistils?? I've been pretty good at pre-sexing peoples plants these past few days but I would definitely like to give it a shot if i could see ya know!!! MACRO MODE YA CAM

But all in all they look great nice leaves not too broad not to thin nice coloring little magnesium deficient I think, but you should be able to easily correct that...

do you have aPH KIT tester /ph up/ph down???

if so check ur levels might be off a tad bit....

anyone else agree???

other than that GREAT TERRI I love switching to your thread progressssssssssssssss
I don't have macro on my camra. Its day 18 and i read males are about day 14 and females day 21 so hoping that means this is a female couse i cant see anything at all yet. And i'm sitting with it all day lmao its my new best friend. lol I just ordered a ph tester and temp./hymidity meter from ebay on the weekend It said it will take around 10 days so it will be a bit but i dont see the leaves twisting to bad. I gave it a drink with ebsom salt a few days ago for the magnesium deficient and i used the tap water after sitting out 2 days couse i read it gets that from low ph so hoping it will stop it from getting worse. and today it got a feed with 1/4 veg nuts. hope ph tester is here before its to late.

i wouldn't worry to much about this summer, if worse comes to worse you can measure the door, go to a lumber yard and have them cut 2 1/4 pieces of ply wood the size of your door, then get 2 pieces of 2x4 cut to the height of your door, put em together to make a new door, cut a place for vents in it and use the mounting hardware you already have, store the landlords door inside your room. i have done this on full size doors, but i also have hole saws...
That is a awesome idea with the door ty very much! Don't need to worry now about it getting to hot come summer.


for day 18 it is looking excellent! i'm crossin my fingers that you have a girl, your a natural
TY me too they are reg seeds so its 50/50 but hoping the later showing means female.

looks good. Nice and healthy.
TY I hope i have fixed the meg problem its so hard to tell couse I know the damaged leaves wont fix so I guess I will just keep watching the new growth. I am a proud momma so far lol


Well guys I'm sorry but this journal come to an end. She is not a she after all it is a male I'm gonna just grow it out to get pollen. ty everyone for watching my first grow.


Active Member
at least you know you have what it takes, it was so nice and healthy.

at least you got some pollen to make seeds in the future.


Well-Known Member
That sucks man I know how you feel this happened to me on my first outdoor attempt, but I had 6 months invested in 1 plant that was 6ft tall when it show sex. You did great and if I were you I wouldnt give up yet, just learn from your mistakes and go on. I have a 2 sqft grow cab with 13plants in it so I guess you can say I learned my lesson. She is beautiful, this is the exact size I want my plants to be before I start flower I just hope they get as healthy as yours now. My heat issues make it hard for my plants to look like they are in perfect health but they are doing ok I guess, I just started my nutes so they have responded well to that and we will see how it goes from there. Good job man, too bad she was a dude and you didnt get any bud but think of this grow a boost in knowledge and experience to only better your next grow, I hope to see you start a new journal soon PEACE.