My First Grow: Lowryder#1


Well-Known Member
Hey Teri, she is really looking healthy bro. Getting big!!!!! Also i giggled at the picture with the christmas tree in it, we gotta give our girls a toy too once in a while huh?


Hey Teri, she is really looking healthy bro. Getting big!!!!! Also i giggled at the picture with the christmas tree in it, we gotta give our girls a toy too once in a while huh?
lol it was the only thing I had kicking around the house to keep track of my temps. it makes me giggle too.


Well-Known Member
Did you just do it with yeast, sugar, and water???? have you ever used it before? I thought about doin it for my grow but I just didn't know how efficient it was for cfl's.....


yes it yeast sugar and water this is my first ever grow i have read in alot of posts that it helps so i figured i'd give it a try.its cheap to make so why not lol. I also just put another seed straight into the dirt. i really wat to get a male and female and get seeds but its my first grow so i'll be happy whatever i get lol its just fun.
Nice going. Remember, do not over water. The soil should be moist in turn making the leaves point up towards the light. Also do not attempt to transplant your lowryder or any auto-flowering plant. The life cycle is much to short to deal with the shock from transplanting. If you do, the growth of the plant will more than likely be stunted. Keep up the good work.


Nice going. Remember, do not over water. The soil should be moist in turn making the leaves point up towards the light. Also do not attempt to transplant your lowryder or any auto-flowering plant. The life cycle is much to short to deal with the shock from transplanting. If you do, the growth of the plant will more than likely be stunted. Keep up the good work.
Thanks for the advise. I started the first 1 in a folgars coffee tub the second 1 I did in a 2 leter pop bottle wanted to see the diffrence just because its alot of soil for a little plant. hope they will be ok i dont plan to transplant. also I just plant the seed into the dirt to reduse the stress also. I think I need to be carful with the watering my leaves were pointing up and looking good but I finally gave it its first good water since planting couse the sides were curling and looked to be drying a bit I keep the temps at 80 and I also moved it a little farther from the light hope I didnt water to soon. its 12 days i gave it 1/8 strenght veg fert.


Well-Known Member
Looking good man I also am doing a pc grow similar just a little larger scale in a gun cabinet, Idk its hard to explain you should check it out Im subscribed so Ill follow along with your little grow you got can wait to see what she starts looking like when she is bigger. I think you timed giving her light nutes perfect, 10-12 days seem to be a good time to introduce plants to very light doses of nutrients so that they can adapt to full strength nutes faster especially since your growing a auto flower strain that doesnt have long veg anyway, you want to give it nutes early also to promote as many bud sites as possible before she starts flowering. Also when it does start to flower give it 1 more feeding of veg nutes to promote even more bud sites instead of going strait to flower nutes because it doesnt start budding for like 2 weeks once it shows sex so you feed 1 full strength dose of vegg nutes wait until it needs to be watered then flush out veg nuts and wait till needs watering agains and feed flower nutes, that process takes about two weeks all together to feed veg nutes, flush, then feed flower nutes, so you will end up feeding flower nutes around the same day the plants start forming bud. I did this in past grows and it helps alot with getting more buds, I learned this trick by accidently feeding 1 of my plants outdoors veg nutes when it started flowering instead of bloom nutes and it ended up yeilding almost twice what the others did that were all same age and same bud. Actually that plant was smaller than the others but yeilded way more, anyway sorry for rambling but you seemed like you were somewhat new to growing and I figured I would give you a tip you can choose to take it or not, ill be watching good luck.


Well-Known Member
Tryed to +rep but i need to spread some will get you again when it lets me. I have been trying to keep it at 80 but its going closer to 85 with the new lights I have the door half open and a better fan going hoping that will fix it.
I dont care what anyone on here says your plants will be fine it up to 90 degree heat or more as they are when they grow outside in that heat. Im not saying 90 is ideal at all because 75-77 is more ideal for marijuana to grow but it will survive in 90 especially if you are using co2 so I wouldnt worry. I will post up a link at the bottom to my DIY co2 that I am using I have it set on timer 3 times a day for 15min and air pump cuts on to push co2 over plants. Co2 is a dense gas that falls so make sure your co2 is being dispersed over the top of your plants, let me know what you think of my DIY co2. Again just here to help out. Also a good distance for your lights to be from your plants in between 2-2 1/2inches this will ensure you get the maximum lumens out your lights which you should have around 4800 lumens with those lights. Also if your planning on using LST method before you bend the stems give them a good watering a day ahead so stems are more limber and bend easily. I think I gave you just about all the info I can on having a somewhat successful small grow, just 1 more thing around week 4 of flower let your buds get within 1/2" from lights to slightly burn, not enough burn to stress them but just enough to make it alittle crisp this will really make your buds end up bigger in the end, I have experimented with this and it works they start getting really fat when you do this instead of really long and skinny. If you dont believe something I say please feel free to research any of this and let me know if you find something that says Im wrong because I would like to see it. Anything I post on RIU is fact that I have spent hours researching and experimenting with so please enjoy all the info.sorry for such large post, I didnt mean to jack the thread just supply information that would assist my fellow grower, PEACE

DIy co2 with sugar yeast and air pump.


Looking good man I also am doing a pc grow similar just a little larger scale in a gun cabinet, Idk its hard to explain you should check it out Im subscribed so Ill follow along with your little grow you got can wait to see what she starts looking like when she is bigger. I think you timed giving her light nutes perfect, 10-12 days seem to be a good time to introduce plants to very light doses of nutrients so that they can adapt to full strength nutes faster especially since your growing a auto flower strain that doesnt have long veg anyway, you want to give it nutes early also to promote as many bud sites as possible before she starts flowering. Also when it does start to flower give it 1 more feeding of veg nutes to promote even more bud sites instead of going strait to flower nutes because it doesnt start budding for like 2 weeks once it shows sex so you feed 1 full strength dose of vegg nutes wait until it needs to be watered then flush out veg nuts and wait till needs watering agains and feed flower nutes, that process takes about two weeks all together to feed veg nutes, flush, then feed flower nutes, so you will end up feeding flower nutes around the same day the plants start forming bud. I did this in past grows and it helps alot with getting more buds, I learned this trick by accidently feeding 1 of my plants outdoors veg nutes when it started flowering instead of bloom nutes and it ended up yeilding almost twice what the others did that were all same age and same bud. Actually that plant was smaller than the others but yeilded way more, anyway sorry for rambling but you seemed like you were somewhat new to growing and I figured I would give you a tip you can choose to take it or not, ill be watching good luck.

I dont care what anyone on here says your plants will be fine it up to 90 degree heat or more as they are when they grow outside in that heat. Im not saying 90 is ideal at all because 75-77 is more ideal for marijuana to grow but it will survive in 90 especially if you are using co2 so I wouldnt worry. I will post up a link to my DIY co2 that I am using I have it set on timer 3 times a day for 15min and air pump cuts on to push co2 over plants. Co2 is a dense gas that falls so make sure your co2 is being dispersed over the top of your plants, let me know what you think of my DIY co2. Again just here to help out. Also a good distance for your lights to be from your plants in between 2-2 1/2inches this will ensure you get the maximum lumens out your lights which you should have around 4800 lumens with those lights. Also if your planning on using LST method before you bend the stems give them a good watering a day ahead so stems are more limber and bend easily. I think I gave you just about all the info I can on having a somewhat successful small grow, just 1 more thing around week 4 of flower let your buds get within 1/2" from lights to slightly burn, not enough burn to stress them but just enough to make it alittle crisp this will really make your buds end up bigger in the end, I have experimented with this and it works they start getting really fat when you do this instead of really long and skinny. If you dont believe something I say please feel free to research any of this and let me know if you find something that says Im wrong because I would like to see it. Anything I post on RIU is fact that I have spent hours researching and experimenting with so please enjoy all the info. PEACE
Thanks for all the great info I love all the advise. I have never grown before and the only reson my plants are looking good is from reading all this advise thats all over this forum. Its nice there is people out there willing to take the time to help others out. I'll be checking yours out i love to read peoples jornals ty


Well-Known Member
Thanks man anything to help just ask, Ill be watching this grow of yours unfold so remember #1 rule is to keep your mouth shut and ears open and you will be ok.


Day 14

Well Its day 14 already should see sex in this next week. Also the seed i stuck straight into the soil 3 days ago is just above the dirt.



Well-Known Member
Grats on the new sprouted seed bro, and you're LR is looking great, ALREADY taller than mine haha!

edit: also, are you using 6500k lights till she shows sex/pre bud?


Grats on the new sprouted seed bro, and you're LR is looking great, ALREADY taller than mine haha!

edit: also, are you using 6500k lights till she shows sex/pre bud?
Thanks for stopping I have 3 6500k in there right now but ill be putting 2 6500k and 2 2700k once the fist one starts flowering.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for stopping I have 3 6500k in there right now but ill be putting 2 6500k and 2 2700k once the fist one starts flowering.
Okay cool, only reaosn i asked is because i was just MAKING SURE that was my problem for having such a small plant.. I never used the 6500k's haha. Thanks again! Looking good


Okay cool, only reaosn i asked is because i was just MAKING SURE that was my problem for having such a small plant.. I never used the 6500k's haha. Thanks again! Looking good
np from what i saw watching your grow i am thinking thats what it was.


Well-Known Member
np from what i saw watching your grow i am thinking thats what it was.
Yeah def. She was healthy and all but i thought i read it didn't matter which lights you use if you're growing an Auto Flowering strain, so thats why i just used 2700k. Turns out that is not the case lol, for LR1 or mine, i could have had a 19-21 day veg time with the 6500k's which would have allowed her to grow pretty tall, I'll debate how tall from watching you're grow though.


Well-Known Member
Nice and tight nodes and very healthy looking, good job so far man really. It may just be the angle of the pic but it looks like you could get those lights closer, especially if your temps are cool. I try to keep them 2"- 2 1/2" away from tops. Also you get more light from the bulb at a 45 degree angle because the top and sides of the bulb are hitting the tops of the plants it looks like yours are strait up and down. If you cant get 45 degree angle then try just strait horizontal instead of vertical. I never put bulbs over plants vertical because your wasting light from the sides of the bulbs. THis is just another tip I thought i would let you in on so again its your choice to take the info or leave it for someone else.


Nice and tight nodes and very healthy looking, good job so far man really. It may just be the angle of the pic but it looks like you could get those lights closer, especially if your temps are cool. I try to keep them 2"- 2 1/2" away from tops. Also you get more light from the bulb at a 45 degree angle because the top and sides of the bulb are hitting the tops of the plants it looks like yours are strait up and down. If you cant get 45 degree angle then try just strait horizontal instead of vertical. I never put bulbs over plants vertical because your wasting light from the sides of the bulbs. THis is just another tip I thought i would let you in on so again its your choice to take the info or leave it for someone else.
I am trying to think of what i can find that would make my lights horizontal. Here is a picture of my lights I bought this off amazon and its not as slanted as i thought it would be would y spiters put a big enough angle? my temps are about 80 and the edges of the leaves looked like they were maybe burning a bit so i had lifted the lights not sure about the temps i dont have a good fan moving air around so i keep worrying about it being to hot.

If anyone has ideas for the lights let me know I don't have alot of money got two teens at home lol they are eating me out of house and home!!! and I forgot to tell everyone i stoled my dogs bunk house lol and put a emergancy blanket over it and then a blanket over it to hold it down gives me alot more room its more sturdy and i have all those bars to hang stuff just need a bunch of zip ties now hoping my sister can get me to the store soon I cant get around well.

