My First Grow: Lowryder#1


Well-Known Member
Use one of those aluminum baking pans and line the inside with with mylar(emergerncy blanket) look at my old journal with sour diesel, that I used a baking pan then and put the light sockets through the sides and hung the pan from top of cab on wire. If the bulbs sagged I would tie them up with some wire just tie wire strait to bulb and pull tight to the baking pan reflector if you want you could even go high tech put fan on top of reflector to pull heat away from bulbs.


Active Member
if it ends up being a male you should harvest pollen. if you use it to pollenate one of your females you'll end up with 300-400 seeds. i've been growing lowryder 2's for 4 years and only ordered em once. here's an old post of mine on an old profile i forgot the password to i have one lowryder #2 going right now in my tent here's a pic at day 24. i started it in a glass christmas ornament, but seems how i'm a medical mj patient i decided to give her all the root space she needed and broke her out instead of wasting a spot for a few grams (you can see the top of the ornament by the base of the stem). i hope yours is a girl too, auto's are rewarding and fun to grow.


Active Member
Ok I made a CO2 bottle and put it in the grow box.
i would lower your light and plant, then make a "wall" higher then the top of your plant. make sure it's sealed co2 is heavier than oxygen and if it's just coming out the tube and going down to the floor and flowing out it won't do much good. you could even just take another two liter bottle, cut the bottom and top off and put it around your lil girl add some tube so the co2 falls into it.

well i went back and finished your journal, sry i started posting before i was done. i guess scratch the cuttin 2 liters cuz you have more than one, i'd make a wall to trap the co2, 90 degrees is no problem for lowryders, they also don't need a lot of nutes. the one i posted has had one dose of bc boost & grow, with sugar daddy, calmag and thrive alive red at 1/4 strength. you should cut up a black garbage bag and tape it around the two liter you have the plant in to keep the light away from your roots. light on roots is not good. cheers to you and your grow.

pics of super cheaply made fixtures for 63watt (300watt eq). total cost was free cuz i had the stuff in my work room.



Use one of those aluminum baking pans and line the inside with with mylar(emergerncy blanket) look at my old journal with sour diesel, that I used a baking pan then and put the light sockets through the sides and hung the pan from top of cab on wire. If the bulbs sagged I would tie them up with some wire just tie wire strait to bulb and pull tight to the baking pan reflector if you want you could even go high tech put fan on top of reflector to pull heat away from bulbs.
Great idea thanks that gave me a few ideas will be working on the lighting.

if it ends up being a male you should harvest pollen. if you use it to pollenate one of your females you'll end up with 300-400 seeds. i've been growing lowryder 2's for 4 years and only ordered em once. here's an old post of mine on an old profile i forgot the password to harvesting pollen i have one lowryder #2 going right now in my tent here's a pic at day 24. i started it in a glass christmas ornament, but seems how i'm a medical mj patient i decided to give her all the root space she needed and broke her out instead of wasting a spot for a few grams (you can see the top of the ornament by the base of the stem). i hope yours is a girl too, auto's are rewarding and fun to grow.
I want to collect the pollen and make a bunch of seeds then I will play around with ways to grow seems its a good beginner strain then move to others really want to get so BM seeds hope they will be for sale again.

i would lower your light and plant, then make a "wall" higher then the top of your plant. make sure it's sealed co2 is heavier than oxygen and if it's just coming out the tube and going down to the floor and flowing out it won't do much good. you could even just take another two liter bottle, cut the bottom and top off and put it around your lil girl add some tube so the co2 falls into it.

well i went back and finished your journal, sry i started posting before i was done. i guess scratch the cuttin 2 liters cuz you have more than one, i'd make a wall to trap the co2, 90 degrees is no problem for lowryders, they also don't need a lot of nutes. the one i posted has had one dose of bc boost & grow, with sugar daddy, calmag and thrive alive red at 1/4 strength. you should cut up a black garbage bag and tape it around the two liter you have the plant in to keep the light away from your roots. light on roots is not good. cheers to you and your grow.
when I just had the 1 plant i had the tube right over it but now i need to figure out a better set up. was thinking for now I may plant 1 seed every second week so the most id have is 4 plants for now then once i have a better set up and a better understanding of growing i will plant a seed ever week. just ideas i donno yet


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Its looking very similar to the above pic which is a straight out Magnesium defiancy
i doubt it would be a zinc defiancy which is also similar in looks
ty for looking for it even being baked lol

Awesome thanks i was just reading the link you gave and that was the only thing i thought was close so for a fast fix i was thinking "Epsom salts, which is fast absorption" i had gave it 1/8 veg nutes around 4 days ago today i gave it straight water if i where to give it nutes just after watering will i over water it too much. does anyone know how to use epsom salts? ty


Well-Known Member
I don't know how to use epson salt for a plant but everytime my foot/toenail or whatever had something wrong with it i soaked it in epson salt.. What i did was pour a little in some water and there ya go haha.


I don't know how to use epson salt for a plant but everytime my foot/toenail or whatever had something wrong with it i soaked it in epson salt.. What i did was pour a little in some water and there ya go haha.
LOL TY I added a little to some water and gave her a drink of it just wasnt sure how much to put in the water so i just did a tiny bit.

I can maybe post some pictures later if there is any intreast. I'm a little hurt and frustrated with some peps on the forum so idk if I should even bother. Seems spelling gramer is so important to be ecepted I guess i don't much belong.


Well-Known Member
LOL TY I added a little to some water and gave her a drink of it just wasnt sure how much to put in the water so i just did a tiny bit.

I can maybe post some pictures later if there is any intreast. I'm a little hurt and frustrated with some peps on the forum so idk if I should even bother. Seems spelling gramer is so important to be ecepted I guess i don't much belong.
I think you should post some pictures, im interested lol


Well-Known Member
LOL TY I added a little to some water and gave her a drink of it just wasnt sure how much to put in the water so i just did a tiny bit.

I can maybe post some pictures later if there is any intreast. I'm a little hurt and frustrated with some peps on the forum so idk if I should even bother. Seems spelling gramer is so important to be ecepted I guess i don't much belong.

Your welcome man, post some pictures i wana see haha. Also, don't worry about those trolls. You have good enough grammar in my book lol. Some people just like to piss people off and say negative stuff. Couple people talked shit about my first grow, well only 1 that stands out to me, but it turns out his first grow wasn't any better. So dont worry about those people, ignore em' :)


TY both just having a off day i guess and when you are able to do so many things and be great at it then have a stroke and lose so much i'm having trouble dealing with it even after 2 years so some things just get me upset couse i feel dumb now. but I have to remember to be thankful i am alive for my kids and that i can even talk and do stuff at all. I have seen some people with a stroke that end up in a home unable to feed themself so I have to remeber i am lucky even if i get bugged now. going to take some pics will be back to post them in a few sorry for all the bla bla about my life.


Ok I don't know how to post pictures inside the post as 2 parts so I'll have to do this as 2 posts sorry. So I wanted to show this cool room I have. When I rented it I was like why would someone put a dumb little room like that. Now ITs my new favorite room lol. so here it is.



Day 17 and Day 3

HAHA sorry I love that room. Just got to remeber to duck going in and out Ive smoked my head a few times after going in there for a smoke. Ok I am a little surprised I ordered lowryder 1 and thats what the box shows but phew the smell and she is not even in flower yet as soon as I open that door it is very strong in there. I bought a charcole freebreeze thing but it does nothing so I have to figure out the smell. I can grow I have a licence but coming from a very christian home family do not agree with it helping so I want to keep the smell down couse a family war is the worst and im 38 haha still scared of mommy and daddy lol. I didnt think lowryder 1 was supost to smell much hoping it does not get worse in flowering. also i took a close up pic and there is new little leaves growing like it is trying to branch out does lowryder 1 do that? I can't see it being the wrong seeds thay were in the origanal package. And the baby is deformed the seed shell fell off but there was some other piece of something on it so it wouldnt open so after 2 days i carfully took it off it was like a skin or something but anyway its all deformed now hopeing it will be ok. I cant see sex yet Ive seen pictures so I hope Ill see it if any of you do in the pictures let me know.



Well-Known Member
still looking nice, good job on using that little room I wish I had a room like that I wouldnt be using CFLs if I had that room lol. You could build a separate flower box order a 250w HPS off and light proof the box put 2 exaust fans with a passive intake and attach a diy carbon filter to both exaust you will have no problem with smell anymore and you will be able to start a perpetual grow if you like. The reason I say do this is because flower is when the plants start to smell so if you think it smells now then you are quite mistaken because when she gets buds on her she will reak. You could build your flower box for cheaper than $200, the HPS with ballast and all included will be around $170 and the two intake fans will be about $15-$20 a peice but if I had that space I would def get this and take advantage of a hidden room like that. Oh yea if it smells strong now when it starts to flower you will smell it through your whole house.


still looking nice, good job on using that little room I wish I had a room like that I wouldnt be using CFLs if I had that room lol. You could build a separate flower box order a 250w HPS off and light proof the box put 2 exaust fans with a passive intake and attach a diy carbon filter to both exaust you will have no problem with smell anymore and you will be able to start a perpetual grow if you like. The reason I say do this is because flower is when the plants start to smell so if you think it smells now then you are quite mistaken because when she gets buds on her she will reak. You could build your flower box for cheaper than $200, the HPS with ballast and all included will be around $170 and the two intake fans will be about $15-$20 a peice but if I had that space I would def get this and take advantage of a hidden room like that. Oh yea if it smells strong now when it starts to flower you will smell it through your whole house.
lol ty yes that is the coolest little room. you would think it was built just to grow in lol. I will be upgrading as i go but it will be slow I have about $50.00 a month I can spend and at times I don't have that even.

How much do you thing a 250w HPS would up the power bill? That is the biggest reason I went with cfl lights and is that light is for flowering only? or you can use it for the hole grow?


Active Member
looking good! it's gunna get stinky. just get some gel air fresheners, try to get fruity smelling ones, like cherry. burn candles in your house. you say your limited on funds, but ona gel would take care of that lil room no problem. those are the cheapest ways to cut it down. an activated carbon filter would be best but even the 4" combo's are gunna run ya $100 plus shipping your fine using cfl's on autoflowers, if anything just get a couple more, but get the 63 watters (300watt equal) there $15. mount them horizontal.

if you do get the 250, which imo is not a good idea unless you have a 3x3 box with ventilation to outside the small room. that room is directly under a roof and in the summer you will have a lot of heat issues

how many hours do you want to run your lights if you have a 250 hps, and how much do you get charged per killawatt hour? also a 250 watt hps/mh uses 275 watts

to figure it out this is the formula:

hours x watts divided by 1000 x cost per kwh x number of days running

i would run my lights 20 hours, and right now where i live it's $0.11 per kwh

20 hours x 275 watts = 5500 divided by 1000 = 5.5 x $0.11 per kwh = 0.605 x 30 days = $18.15 to run your lights 20 hours a day for 30 days at $0.11 per kwh.

here's some at $0.12 per kwh.

12 hours for 30 days = $11.88
14 hours for 30 days = $13.86
16 hours for 30 days = $15.84
18 hours for 30 days = $17.82


looking good! it's gunna get stinky. just get some gel air fresheners, try to get fruity smelling ones, like cherry. burn candles in your house. you say your limited on funds, but ona gel would take care of that lil room no problem. those are the cheapest ways to cut it down. an activated carbon filter would be best but even the 4" combo's are gunna run ya $100 plus shipping your fine using cfl's on autoflowers, if anything just get a couple more, but get the 63 watters (300watt equal) there $15. mount them horizontal.

if you do get the 250, which imo is not a good idea unless you have a 3x3 box with ventilation to outside the small room. that room is directly under a roof and in the summer you will have a lot of heat issues

how many hours do you want to run your lights if you have a 250 hps, and how much do you get charged per killawatt hour? also a 250 watt hps/mh uses 275 watts

to figure it out this is the formula:

hours x watts divided by 1000 x cost per kwh x number of days running

i would run my lights 20 hours, and right now where i live it's $0.11 per kwh

20 hours x 275 watts = 5500 divided by 1000 = 5.5 x $0.11 per kwh = 0.605 x 30 days = $18.15 to run your lights 20 hours a day for 30 days at $0.11 per kwh.

here's some at $0.12 per kwh.

12 hours for 30 days = $11.88
14 hours for 30 days = $13.86
16 hours for 30 days = $15.84
18 hours for 30 days = $17.82
my power bill says its 0.660 cents/kWh I was wondering about what the heat will be in the summer because the walls are very cold right now so its not insolated very good. and I can't vent out of that room because I can not alter the house at all. when I am done the set up i have now it will have 8-23watt 6500k and 8-23watt 2700k. The ona gel is what i have been trying to get i was going to get it this month from amazon but its saying it won't ship to where i live so I have to find some cheap in Canada. This was just more to see if I can even grow or if I will kill them all. lol I am sure I will build things up in time I have already made changes as I am going lol. I do think it has grown good with the cfl but Ive never grown so i cant compare. Also this is just me growing my own meds. so I dont need a big set up just something to keep me supplied I had read about the smell in flower I was just a little surprised for the lowryder 1.

TY everyone for the input I am really enjoying this learning experance.


Well-Known Member
Yeah bro don't worry about all the stuff that's happened all that matters is you're fine now ! :)
Also i'd be in that little room like all day every day hahah thats sweet!!! You're LR1's are looking nice, much much bigger than mine hehe >.< Smoke report on my LR will be this weekend (MAYBE)