My First Bubbleponic grow


New Member
Happened to me too. Two plants last time and I had a grow area full (2x3'). Guess it depends on what strain you grow and whether it branches like a mofo or not.


New Member
ya when i do that next grow i will only get 10 seeds going so ill have alittle extra room and with how this grow has gone i have a couple that end up being small plants newayz...and this one strain on nirvana is called raspberry cough and it says that u maximize yield by growing them close together so i figured id pick up a couple of those. and is alitttle drooping normal in this stage of flowering...were on like 5 or 6 i cant remember lol


New Member
Drooping is usually and indication of too many nutes but it could be other things. How are the roots? Works like this, trouble on top, look at the roots, trouble on the bottom, look at the plant.


Elite Rolling Society
Drooping, like hanging low or bending over, is not a good sign, unless it is the weight of a big bud making it hang over.

If it is drooping and wilting, you have a serious problem.

When a plant eats, the roots suck up or absorb water and food, and as the water is pushed up the branches and limbs, it makes the plant stand taller and become stiff and strong. Like blowing up a tall skinny ballon. BUT if it is not properly eating and drinking, it droops over. A sign of nute - lock.

Tell us more.


New Member
nevermind it was my roommate giving me info...and i just got home and they r fine...the leaves just arent sticking STRAIGHT out like they were before..but i think it was just cus of the night


New Member
Wow, I see and 11 leaflet leaf ( that's doesn't sound right!). Anyway, that's a great sign of a happy plant with good genetics.


New Member
yay yay. i got alittle bit of smell coming from the res...god damn that pump...but i cant do without it cus that small one STILL hasnt hit the water. but i just DNR'ed it and cleaned the pump and everything good and went ahead and threw some peroxide in the new batch of water hopefully its good. i dont wanna lose there or ill b pissed


New Member
One tank of slightly stinky water does not ruin a grow. May set it back a bit but not much in the scheme of things. These are weeds!


New Member
Ah yes! It does clean up the dead roots well and generally helps the roots with stress.


How do the roots look. Any noticable browning? Do the roots smell like a concentrated version of your water? Just looking for where that smell is coming from.


New Member
ight. well basically my roommate who thinks he knows everything thinks its a good idea to take the water pump out even tho theres the one plant that the roots havent hit the water he thinks he can water it himself daily and it will b fine..that wont work will it? and i smelled the roots and they didnt smell bad it was only the res


New Member
no noticeable browning...and u can use peroxide on the regular without hurting ur plants right? i mean all it does is help am i correct? cus thats what iv heard and my roomie wont listen to me