My First AACT. Would epsom salts harm microbes?


Well-Known Member
My plants are showing sure signs that they're magnesium deficient. I am brewing up my first AACT right now and was wondering if adding 1 tablespoon of epsom salts would have any negative affect on the tea?

Organic Toker

Active Member
Hey there goodjoint :)

My observation is this- if you are making a brew and adding Epsom into it in small concentrations, it wouldn't harm the microbes. Maybe =<1 g to 1 liter wont hurt. If you are going for an all organic grow, you don't have to add inorganic minerals. The epsom will be utilized by bacteria under normal conditions. My word is to go ahead if you really want to add it. I believ your deficiencies will be corrected by adding the AACT, even without the epsom.

Happy growing and do post some pics, so the much experienced growers here can help you.

Peace N love,



Well-Known Member
I didn't add any epsom salts to the AACT. I was told by someone else that it may harm the microbes and I shouldn't add it.
I brewed up an AACT and fed it to them 24 hours ago. At that time, I also transplanted all but two of them into larger 3 gallon pots with fresh organic soil. (I ran out of soil and will transplant the other two tomorrow.) The new soil was recommended to me by the guy who worked at the hydro store. It seems like good stuff:

The AACT was in a premixed packet and contained: Compost, Worm Castings, Alfalfa Meal, Kelp Meal, Soluble Fish, Humic Acid, Sucanat. This is it:
I watered them with it at full strength and foliar fed it at half strength after brewing it for 24 hours at 70-75 degrees. Just as directed. There was a lot of foam bubbles in the bucket when I turned the air pump off.
Here are some photos of the ladies.


I've been feeding them the GO Box while they've been in their 1 gallon smart pots for about 2 weeks. They've been growing fast but the older leaves have been showing signs of what I believe are magnesium deficiencies.

I've foliar fed epsom salts a week ago but it didn't seem to do anything. The veins stay green and the leaf becomes yellow. Eventually brown spots appear and when the whole leaf is yellow, the tips and edges roll upward and more brown appears and it's toast.

When I transplanted I didn't see any roots. When they were first planted, I added a shitload of perlite, about 50% to the Fox Farms Ocean Forest soil and I'm wondering if there just wasn't enough actual soil for it to be a healthy organic grow. Since they were just transplanted to 3 gallon pots, I didn't add any perlite. I used the soil right out of the bag. But I did add some dolomite lime and Great White mycorrhizae.

I hope this AACT, new soil, and larger pots help out, they look perky this morning, but the yellowing/dieing old leaves still look the same :(
I'm hoping with some patience this problem will recover, if not - I don't know what to do.
How long until a mag deficiency goes away after treating it? Do the yellow leaves turn green again? What about the brown spots?
Thank you all for your help.


Well-Known Member
My plants are showing sure signs that they're magnesium deficient. I am brewing up my first AACT right now and was wondering if adding 1 tablespoon of epsom salts would have any negative affect on the tea?
No they don't get hurt,,,! if you are so concerned consider foilar feeding Epsom salts then you may see an immediate correction if so deficient ..1/2 tewaspoon to a pint hand prayer add warm water and shake ...spray


Well-Known Member
No they don't get hurt,,,! if you are so concerned consider foilar feeding Epsom salts then you may see an immediate correction if so deficient ..1/2 tewaspoon to a pint hand prayer add warm water and shake ...spray
I foliar fed them a week ago and it didn't seem to improve anything.